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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. Well those graphics are just amazing! Can't wait to see the likes of Metroid and Final Fantasy on the Revo! E3 so soon
  2. I thinking along the lines of £140 at launch, with a game bundle around £150. I'm already saving up for up to 4 games at launch (Metroid, smash bros, New Mario and FF:CC; if they're ready of course). Since Iwata said he expects games to be around £30, i'm guessing I'll need around £300 at launch (as I'll need 2 controllers and probably Zelda too). Well, atleast it's all cheaper than a 360 :P
  3. This game was going to be the reason that I'd fail my GCSE's...... On the bright side, we've still got lots of great DS games to get us through!
  4. I'm pretty sure BigTac confirmed Batallion Wars 2. not sure though....
  5. WOW BATTALION WARS!!!! Finally, someone up there heard my prayers. I wonder what reggie will announce.....DAMN IT why can't Feb 9th come sooner!
  6. Keelhaul Key or summin like that..... Like i said earlier....PREPARE TO BE RAWKED!!! (i also liked the train journey, pretty awesome)!
  7. Bigtac......I love you...in the manly way of course.....
  8. The Blitzpitz is my favourite level EVER!!! OOOoooooo what a mystery!!! PREPARE TO BE RAWKED!!!
  9. Sounds great! Any gamer to take advantage of the revo's controller is welcome . Imagine slicing a Zombies head off whilst using the controller as a chainsaw!!!
  10. I honestly think that Nintendo have a great chance of winning this generation. The PS3 will be higher priced whereas the Revo will be cheap and innovative. Japan will be in the Revo's favour, and i think Europe will start to favour it too (just like it has the DS). Hopefully it will get some big titles too within the first 6 month. I've followed Nintendo for a long time, and this in my opinion, is their chance to strike gold
  11. I've never been to a launch party but me and my mates just arranged for us to go to the Revo one at London, so Shall be awesome. These 10 months can't go any slower!
  12. The problem the gamecube had was that there wasn't a continuous flow of good game going. I believe that the year it came out, Mario Sunshine was the main game to buy and that had been out for 5 months! Nintendo need to get some good franchises out for christmas (come on, give me Luigi Mansion Revo ). If it launches with Smash Bros. and Metroid, then it will be unstopable i think, and Mario for Xmas!!! By then, the 3rd parties should have some good ideas (CAPCOM, the gods of gaming :awesome: ) and the REvo will be on it's way. I'd just like to add that I honestly believe that the Revo can win the Next gen console wars.
  13. Greatest prediction ever? I think so!!!
  14. Rocky is my favourite film of all time so I can't help jumping up and down!!! I doubt Burt Young (paulie) will be in it because in the Rocky Boxset, there is an interview with him and all those Fags he takes have really effected him, he can barely talk! BUT GREAT NEWS!
  15. If Nintendo just spent a little more time making it more like the GBA versions i would of got this one/ I hope they make a proper version for the DS and the Revolutions because I'm beginning to think that we'll never get a good 3-d one...I still think a pokemon game using the Tales of Symphonia battle system would rock but whats the chance of that
  16. The first time I went through the game, I did the Tower of Mana as the second dungeon and it had to start again cos i was at such a low level (13 i think) :shock: Then I did it again properly and all was good again! Woo!
  17. Well, when the Revo changes gaming and outsells its rivals, I'd like to talk to those analysts and ask em how wrong they were...and then they'd cry and go and buy and Revo!
  18. hmmmm...the idea of taking the controller coming out of the shell is a gr8 idea, but it could be a bit too fiddly . It's a good idea but we'll have to see what the shell's like first, but yeah, a good idea! :wink:
  19. It would be interesting to see if they incorparate throwing items using the controller. I loved throwing light sabers on the original, especially when it Ko'd someone! Woot! And yeh, I also used the Y button to jump. I don't understand why people would use the up buttons, lol.
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