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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. I almost pissed myself reading that! OMG it's so true
  2. Yeah I agree with the other guys, buy GC games now and then use the money that you were gonna buy a GC with on the Wii.
  3. Yeah it's really gay lol! I've got a good feeling Ryu and Ken would be in this game because Street Fighter II: Turbo is THE reason many people brought a SNES in the first place, so I've got my fingers crossed. I really hope paper mario is in this aswell, he'd be so cool!
  4. Nintendo will definately win this generation, just watch Sony and Microsoft would be close because the 360 will have a big lead before the ps3 comes out.
  5. The Blue yoshi idea is actually amazing! : peace:
  6. Wouldn't the forward B and Backward B be the same Move? Haduken would be the neutral B move, but you should be able to charge it up like Samus' beam, would rock! I think Me and you should run to Capcom and force them to let Ryu and Ken be in this game. Their moves are perfect for this game!
  7. I rekon it'll be £150, maybe £200 with 2 games....
  8. OMG! He'd be like 'YOGA FLAME'! And if they put Ryu in, we could jsut reinact some classic street fighter. I always hated Dhalsims stretchy limbs, they scared me.
  9. http://www.megagames.com/news/html/console/nintendosurpriseskeepcoming.shtml According to this, the speaker can be used as a microphone and therefore you DONT need to buy a headset. It's a good read too! The Nintendo controller will feature a microphone and will store a user phonebook/address book while it will be used as a VoIP phone and will help gamers communicate while online without the need for a headset. All this comes thanks to a few Nintendo patents unveiled by nrevolutiona which demonstrate exactly how the microphone will be implemented. Nintendo's controller surprises keep coming in and as the details are revealed so is an underlying theme to the company's plan for the device. The new details mention a microphone built-in to the headset which will allow the controller to be used as a straight-forward VoIP phone. The news also mentions that users will be able to use the phone for video calls although it does not clarify exactly how a camera will come into play in the setup. The interesting news however, relates to the phone/address book details which will be stored on the controller suggesting that Nintendo expects each user of the Wii in the household to own their own Wiimote. The inclusion of a microphone built-into the controller, along with the speaker announced at E3, will also offer gamers more freedom during online play as they will be able to communicate with fellow gamers without the need for a headset. This makes sense as most images we have of people playing with the infamous device, show them standing up and at some distance from the console. Just when you think Nintendo has no more Wii related mysteries the company hits you with another one and this time it is the addition of Wiichannel.com to the list of Nintendo owned domains. Rumors of a Wii dedicated interactive channel that will carry animations, games and game trailers, TV shows and other audio/visual content have already started doing the rounds but as most of us have found the hard way, Nintendo is not playing by the book on this one; so expect nothing and anticipate everything.
  10. How was he busted? He wasn't trying to act smart, I play him often and he wasn't trying to show off, but this wasn't on this forum and there are a lot of peeps that didn't know this...unless you expect him to retype the entire thing
  11. http://www.cubed3.com/news/5272 Fantastic news! Just what we all wanted!
  12. Sorry, I'll make that clearer...Her breasts are great :P:grin:
  13. Smash actually gets a lot more fun the better you get, trust me. I thought it couldn't get any better but once you learn a few new tricks the matches are so tense! One mistake and BAM! I'll try and put some fights between me and mates up on the net soon, because they are just so funny to watch because of our reactions . Anyway, what a game this is, it's been out for 4 years and we're still talking about it : peace:
  14. Yay play as Marth he's great ! And to ever said they play as peach for abit of fun, shes one of the best characters in the game. Her turnips are great, she has great air moves, and she has that ****in down-smash which hurts...ALOT (if u didnt know it can do like 70% damage if your opponent is crouching when you do it).......
  15. Unfortunately, I don't think a smash bros is possible on the DS. For a start, you wouldn't be able to use Tilt moves (foward tilt, up tilt and down), and they play a VERY important part of Melee. Also, the game would run a lot slower than the fast paced Melee and probs about the same pace as the N64 version, which would be bad but there would be no chance to combo and that's what melee was about, but once we all play the Wii version i'm sure it'll be great! Btw 'The Bard', are you getting a Wii at launch? would be great to see ya at the London midnight thing, because my dad has a charger thing for his GC and a portable screen so we could smash away :P
  16. LOL! Funniest thing I've read all day! And yeah i know that 2 of the 3 consoles haven't been released, but i was jsut wondering what people think could occur. I personally think that the Wii will outsell all of the consoles, and that the PS3 will eventually catch up with the 360.
  17. Well the DS is one 16 million atm without the DS lite released in in europe and America, and its only been out for over a year right? And it's important to remember that Pokemon hasnt been released yet, so i think its possible
  18. No i didnt mean it like that! Number 1, chaingrabbing is hard to do competitively, you have to be very precise and it is easy to get out of. And i don't mean to say Roy is utter shite and useless (i only just woke up when i wrote that lol), im just saying that he isn't as good as marth. We all have our individual characters and i just don't think Roy's is as great as other characters, but come online smash you can show me how good you are . I really think Nintendo were quite unfair to him, because he lacks a lot of things marth has, i just hope that they have powered him up a bit for Brawl. Also, the 'pros' at smash have a lot of fun because their fights are more tense. A friend of mine lives in America and has been to a few tournies and he said it's great fun. Anyway, enough of this talk! It just occured to me, if Nintendo can bring in alot of 3rd party characters, Brawl could end up turning up into an encyclopedia of video games. It would be great I think, and Sony wouldn't really be able to challenge because they have nothing (tbh)
  19. Yeah I did my English Lit aswell and it went really well too! Now i jsut gotta revise for RS and german reading and listening for Friday before i get a 12day break
  20. I was just wondering, what do you guys think the industry will be like in 3 years time (so 2006, 2007 and 2008), after all the consoles will have settled? The ps2 sold 100mil (roughly), the Xbox 24mil (roughly) and the GC about 19mil. By 2009, i'm thinking the sales of the new consoles would be something like this: Xbox 360: 25 million (halo 3 could well make this happen) Nintendo Wii: 25-30 million (I'm thinking this will REALLY take off) Playstation 3: 20 Million (coming out a year after 360.....hmmmmm) and for the sake of it, Nintendo DS: 45 million:yay: Please offer your own opinions on what you think the future will like!
  21. lol, I told this guy on msn there was no need to post this but he did anyway. There are alot of people who have learnt most thing, but there are quite a few people on this forum who probs don't have a clue about this and are thinking what i thought when i read this a few months ago (which was something like 'I've wasted my life....')
  22. 100% behind you there, but there are a couple of really good Roy players, Neo being one of them. What really annoyed me was when we were playing at friends house and we decided to have a 16 way smash tourney, and 10 of them (all n00bs) chose Roy. It went down to a Marth (me) and Falco final and I won:bouncy: I was so proud
  23. It wasnt one of his best fights, but watch this video, regarded as the best combo video by a smash player (by bombsoldier).
  24. That video there shows what chaingrabbing is, showing I wasn't talking crap. It's the worlds best player (Ken) playing the worlds best Falco (Bombsoldier). Lag is basically slowdown (like in online Mario Kart DS you get it sometimes), and basically Roy has more lag in the sense that when you use a smash attack and miss, there is a big time period before Roy can protect himself, whereas marth has less 'lag' and can therefore block quicker. Next, you say Roy is the most popular character and that he is stronger...Go to http://www.smashboards.com and say that to them and see if most people agree with you. It's a fact that the sweetspot on Marths sword (the tip) is stronger than the sweetspot on Roys Sword (the middle), and you can try this on training mode. And roy is only the most popular character for n00bs of smash (even though there are a few great Roy players like Neo), but most competitive smashers would choose marth because he can rarely be beaten, hence why he is ranked 3rd on the tier list behind fox and shiek. I understand that you might think roy is stronger (hell i thought so too), but the game is ALOT deeper than you might think. I only discovered all this a few months ago whereas the worlds best players in America have known this stuff for years, and it was only till i became a member of http://www.smashboards.com till i got all this (but i live in england and there is no competitive smash here ). Oh well, i just wanna say that I ain't saying you don't know anything about smash like wavedashing and all this stuff, but don't say Roy is stronger because he's not.
  25. Ok I'm definately getting this at launch! and OMG the online possibilities....
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