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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. Very excited. Ryan also reiterates that Sony believe in console generations compared to Microsoft's approach, and I'm sure they'll be out to prove that.
  2. Oh wow, I didn't reaise you could buy the games individually! How much is Bioshock on its own? Quite tempted..
  3. Sony would have to massively drop the ball in order for me not to pick one up at launch, especially given it will play and boost PS4 games. I haven't played games like God of War or Spiderman, and I'm half tempted to wait until the PS5 is out before I touch GoT which comes out soon. That said, Microsoft are doing a great job. Quite often a poorly selling console leads to innovation, and we're seeing it again here with Microsoft who are unrecognisable from the team that launched the XBO back in 2013.
  4. I geuinely think this will be the first console generation where each console maker will be hugely successful. I expect Microsoft to sell the fewest number of consoles overall but even then I think they'll make a lot of money. It's a great time to be a gamer imo. As for the Xbox - if the Lockhart edition exists then it's going to be a great option for those who purchase a PS5 as there main console.
  5. Halo is cross generation, unless they've done a U-turn.
  6. I'd put Nintendo in that bracket too. All we've got on Switch online is NES and SNES games. Long term I hope we get Gamecube and Wii titles running in HD and higher frame rates but it's wishing thinking With Sony you're getting PS4 games with enhancements on PS5 but it's a shame they haven't confirmed PS1 and PS2 titles. Agree with your summary about what each company bring to the table. The Series X is going to have one crazy launch if you think about it. You're essentially getting beefed up versions of nearly every game that came out on XBOX since 2002. Whether it's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, Red Dead Redemption or Gear of War, you're effectively getting a modern remaster of every title. Bloody hell.
  7. My copy got dispatched as well! Praise be to Amazon. Regarding overall performance...I'm not impressed but I'm also not too disappointed. XC2 was hit and miss but overall I thought it looked gorgeous even at 720p, and so I wasn't expecting much from an even smaller team who were working on this. I hope their next game gets more focus though, although I appreciate that they have a lot of staff working on BOTW2.
  8. Next week would make sense and seems to tie in what several people have reported for a while. I don't think we'll see a release date or price but I imagine they'll show off the console and some launch window games. I'm just HOPING the team that made the superb Shadow of the Colossus remake are working on a Demon Soul's remake. Of course, in terms of new games, I'm sure we'll see games that use the SSD to its fullest potential. A glimpse of the world in Horizon 2 would be great.
  9. Reviews look VERY positive. I've ordered my copy from Amazon so hoping I've got it by Friday afternoon. Hopefully I'll be able to put a few hours in over the weekend
  10. This worked! Funnily enough I actually started getting drifting joycon drift the day before you posted this. What a coincidence.
  11. That really is extraordinary. Will another game ever achieve that? No wonder we didn't get a new GTA game this generation. I'd still love to see that game on Switch.
  12. GT7 would be a fantastic launch game, especially as the series has such global appeal.
  13. Started doing some regular exercise in the garden during lock down which has done wonders for my mental health. I don't think I've lost any weight but 3-4 sessions a week has definitely gone some way to countering all the weight I likely put on drinking 2-3 beers every day when lock down started. We don't have any weights here so generally speaking it's just been body exercises and HIIT work outs whilst listening to music.
  14. This is quite timely as I've noticed my joycon drifting UP during Animal Crossing. Thanks for sharing.
  15. Just pre-ordered. Can't wait, especially after listening to the soundtrack. I never played the Wii version, but I did try the 3DS port but struggled due to the low resolution screen. Hoping that the combat matches XC2.
  16. Your feelings on AC: Origins pretty much sum up why I'm not touching the franchise anymore. I get that some people want really long games but they seemed to have become slowly paced adventure/RPG's and that's not why I play Assassin's Creed at all. Apparently the next game is going to be significantly more streamlined and shorter so I might try it out on PS5. For now, I'm happy to just jump back into Assassin's Creed 2 again and again.
  17. 3DW was critically acclaimed. I don't recall a single review or in-depth critique where comparison's to Galaxy were used to criticise it. It was never meant to be a big, epic single player game and instead was tailored to Nintendo's family audience. It's a brilliant game and perfect for newcomers. Very few people I know who played Colour Splash actually enjoyed it. From memory, the combat system, extremely easy difficulty and the generic characters were the main problems. You make it sound like the only complaint ever aimed at CS was that it wasn't TTYD and that's why critics and fans didn't like it as much? Don't get me wrong, I'd love a proper Mario RPG, but this game doesn't have to be a sequel to TTYD to be a brilliant game.
  18. Pretty much. The most consoles Microsoft ever shifted was with the 360, which despite all the momentum it had over PS3 still finished last in that generation, was outsold every year in terms of WW sales and for the final years of its life needed a gimmick like Kinect to give it some additional momentum.
  19. I honestly think Microsoft are making a big mistake by making Halo a cross gen game. It should be their system seller that pushes the boundaries of the new console in a way that the older consoles couldn't do. We're getting incredible leaps in CPU and SSD speeds and yet their flagship title is also going to release on Xbox One S :/
  20. I think we've reached a point where AAA titles now taken around 3 years to make, beginning to end, at the bare minimum. That's before you take into account that Horizon 2 will be launching on new hardware. I guess the new hardware thing could go either way. It could pose additional challenges or it could actually make things easier as they aren't hindered by the consoles limitations as much. I definitely think either Spiderman or Horizon 2 will be coming in year 1, but not both. Of course, then there's also the covid situation, which will no doubt delay games to an extent.
  21. JUST GIVE ME DEMON SOULS! Or Bloodborne 2. I definitely think Sony will show off at least one game that shows off the speed of their SSD. Spiderman 2 or Horizon 2 seem likely. If I recall, the latter was originally intended to have a flying mechanic but was scrapped.
  22. It's pretty crazy that we're getting both The Last of Us 2 and this game so soon. It's an incredibly strong end to the PS4's lifecycle. I'm tempted to jump on board as the game looks fantastic, but a part of me is tempted to wait until the PS5 comes out so it looks a bit prettier and I don't have to worry about my PS4 sounding like it's about to take off.
  23. I'd settle for this and a HD remaster of TTYD.
  24. I hope it's got more of a TTYD / PP64 feel to it. Trailer looks decent though. Atm, my only concerns are the generic looking partners (Colour Splash had this problem) and the battle system.
  25. I don't get why this is an issue? You've got to remember that forums like this or Resetera aren't representative of the gaming community. The team over at Playstation aren't worried about having new announcements all the time to appeal to people on a forum who get off to announcements. The mass market doesn't care. Announcing their titles back in 2017 makes a lot of sense if you think about it; it's basically a 'we're going to keep investing, even though we're the dominant console' message. If they saved announcements like TLoU or GoT for the following year, would that really make you, or anyone else, feel better? Regarding PS5 launch year games. If a Demon Souls remake is legit happening then I'm jumping on the PS5 day one. It wouldn't surprise me if we also saw a Gran Turismo given that they've already got 4K assets (I believe). Then in 2021 we'll see a Spiderman or Horizon sequel. Edit. Having spent some time thinking on the above, I'd honestly love it if companies just announced their software roadmap for the next 3-5 years. 'Here's the Switch 2 - here's what we're making.'
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