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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. I just wanted to stop by and say that both Hollow Knight and Salt & Sanctuary are absolutely amazing games and are so perfect for the Switch. Highly recommend both to all. Just finishing off my review for the latter but it will be a fairly good score...
  2. I think it's become fairly clear that he simply was never much of a Nintendo fan and simply set up his channel to make some money off of the Switch hype. His production and editing was always good, he just never seemed to be that invested as a gamer. I've just seen the Slack messages he sent to someone, asking them why people were excited about Smash. This is the Nintendo Editor of IGN....wow.
  3. Wow, this is the story that keeps on giving! I'm pleased to see that my original post back on page 3 has aged well. It's also great to see what fantastic work actual journalists like Jason have done after Filip, for some reason, challenged them to find more examples. It's by far the biggest own goal I've ever seen from someone in the video games industry.
  4. It looks like virtually everything he ever wrote for IGN (and even his own channel) was completely stolen from somewhere else. Someone on GAF posted evidence of him stealing his 'HD Rumble' explanation straight from Neogaf...utterly embarrassing. He has entirely brought this on himself too; had he not challenged Kotaku and others to find other examples, he could have simply played the 'it was a one off incident' card but now it's clear that he is simply a fraud. I have to admit, this explains a lot about NVC. He never felt right there, at least to me. I always got the impression he didn't really have an opinion and/or wasn't that interested in discussion. Of course, it makes a lot of sense now. I wonder if IGN may take him to court in the long run. The reputational fallout from this will be huge, and I feel deeply sorry for the rest of the Nintendo crew there because they are already working some exceptionally long hours.
  5. A few points here: The video being 'emotional' doesn't detract from the content of the video The video is 100% classic deflection. He never admits to copying the content of the OG review; instead he claims it was 'unintentional'. If he just admitted 'Hey, I really fucked up. I stole and plagiarised. I shouldn't have done this. I'll learn from it and won't do it again', the reaction would be different. It's obvious that he's only annoyed he got caught. "I know gamers/the internet/society in general loves to overreact about everything, but come on." I'm not over reacting. Perhaps you're equating me to some other random posters you've seen online but I have nothing to do with them. I'm not part of the lynch mob mentality that you're describing, I'm just my view on this forum. Honestly, his whole 'apology' is just classic deflection and it's laughable that in this day and age people could fall for it. There's no real apology or acknowledgement of his actions in there; it's just him rambling on, jumping from point A to point Z instead of just saying 'I stole his review'. Do he and his family deserve personal attacks and threats? No, but keep in mind that comes from 1% of the entire community. Equating the actions of a few to represent tens of millions is pointless and unfortunately creates even more of this 'us' and 'them' attitude with continues to divide modern society. Edit. Just seen the reaction from the guy who he stole his FIFA 18 review from. Says it all really.
  6. Wow this guy is a fucking prick. The only part I'm willing to believe was that he unintentionally got caught.
  7. Have you played the first two games in the Zero Escape series? Make sure you have before you played ZTD. As for Danganronpa....It's absolutely amazing. I've been trying to get @Zell into it but he's still hooked on bloody Persona!
  8. Out of interest, have you played Teslagrad? It's like a bite sized Metroidvania type title.
  9. A great way of making the game much more challenging is to go to Options and make it so that you can't switch Pokemon before your opponent sends out their next Pokemon. Much better. I wonder if the game needs some kind of dynamic difficulty?
  10. I've got to admit that I'm disappointed by the reaction this game has received. I was super excited at first and despite the lag, I was pretty impressed with the online event a few weeks ago. Unfortunately the lack of multiplayer match options and poor single player had put me off a purchase, especially as they kept pushing the single player ahead of the games launch. My biggest concern however is that the rallies seem to go on for AGES! I think I'll wait for a balance patch or two, depending on how well the game is supported post-launch. In the meantime, I'm tempted to get back into Mario Tennis 64. The gameplay in that game is the best I've ever experienced in a tennis game.
  11. Tripping was something that was in Brawl. Basically, your character would just fall over for no reason. Yay. Still torn on this game after reading and watching comments from people that played it yesterdays. It's very much a Smash 4.5 in terms of gameplay and the fighting engine but I think that's reasonable when you consider that starting from zero again would make it pretty damn difficult to include all the characters. Apparently they are keen for feedback so hopefully that gets listened to. Either way, this game will certainly kill the Smash 4 community and probably sit alongside Melee, but I was hoping it would take some inspiration from Melee too as opposed to playing like a modded Smash 4. That said, the Grand Finals of the Smash invitiation was quite exciting to watch! One thing that definitely feels like it needs work though is knockback momentum - characters seem to FLY off the stage at like 200mph after being hit by a move, but then they quite easily just float back. Not only do they love momentum but the gravity just feels...off.
  12. Having had some time to dwell on last night's matches, I think I'm going to buy the game, despite it feeling like a modded Smash 4. The game could do with a bit of work though, at least from a competitive point of view, as it still feels a bit too shallow. Hopefully they listen to feedback. That said, I have no doubt it will replace Smash 4 at tournaments, just as Smash 4 completely replaced Brawl. Was anyone else expecting a character reveal yesterday at the tournament? I had my fingers crossed for Belmont!
  13. Currently watching the Smash tourny. The game very much looks and feels like Smash 4.5. Not a bad thing I suppose but my excitement for the game has definitely been dampened a bit. It looks faster than Smash 4 but the mechanics and physics engine still feel 'off', especially compared to Melee.
  14. Pretty much. I'm not expecting anything mindblowing and I'm not really expecting a medium/long term plan like we got last year with far off announcements like Metroid and Pokemon. Dates for the games you've mentioned and third party games will probably be enough for me. That said, I would love to see them announce a title in a smaller series (i.e. Punch Out).
  15. Fair enough. Likewise, there will be people, like my other half, who have zero interest in a mainline Pokemon game but are really excited to play this. Regarding the potential dumbing down of the mainline games, I actually think the opposite will happen. I played Sun & Moon last year and it was clear that, much like with X and Y, the developers were already really holding the players hand at every opportunity. Exploration in S&M was pretty much non-existent and the opening 3-5 hours just constantly interrupted you to stop the player getting lost. Pokemon has always been accessible to children but with the 3DS games you can tell they literally had to go a bit overboard in game design. Nintendo games in general were like this in the Wii/Wii U era. Things are different now. With the failure of the Wii U, I think it's clear that Nintendo want to give their developers a lot more freedom with it comes to game design. Look at the complexity of ARMS, Splatoon or the sheer difficulty of BOTW. Heck, even Mario Tennis looks to have a tonne of gameplay depth, a far cry from the Wii U game where rallies went on for ages as the developers didn't want casual players to get beaten easily. I know Pokemon isn't made in house at Nintendo, but I definitely expect Pokemon to go the same way. 'Let's Go' is the perfect game to fit the 'Gotta Catch Em All' mantra whilst focusing on more casual players. The next gen games can focus on creating great adventures, safe in the knowledge that a more casual experience exists.
  16. The more mainstream, family friendly Mario titles such as NSMB (DS, Wii and Wii U) didn't stop the existence of games like Mario Odyssey. Whilst I understand your concerns, I think it's clear that in the era of the Switch, Nintendo firmly understands the need to have 'system sellers' as well as the more 'broad' titles.
  17. For the Wii U tournament, they played with items on up until the final (and i think even in the semi-finals they were set to low). Interesting mix of players to invite (four from the Melee scene, four from Smash 4). The fact that they are inviting Mango implies that Sakurai is confident in the game attracting Melee fans. Could this game be a return to the fast paced Melee?
  18. Sony sold around 40M more PS2's once the PS3 was the market. Absolutely insane.
  19. I'm playing through it at the moment as well and I'm in love. I think I love the gameplay more than Dark Souls/BB but I do miss the world design of those games. The mission structure is cool but I miss the hugely connected world of Bloodborne. Definitely agree about the sense of accomplishment you get from beating a boss. The Giant Centripede...god damn. I think I lost about a litre of water through sweat during that fight. Felt so relieved when I finally took him down.
  20. This reminds me of @Fierce_LiNk's initial experience of the game.
  21. The key for Sony is to release the PS5 when the PS4 starts to lose some momentum but is still capable of selling units whilst the more expensive PS5 hits the market. It's tough to judge but early 2020 sounds about right.
  22. Having a bit of a weird time at work. I work for a tech start up based in Nottingham that has clients not only in the U.K but also over in the U.S. When I started I had a few trips over there and it was one of the main reasons that I joined. One of our clients in the U.S recently ended their contract with us (not because we weren't doing a good job but because their business was a bit slow). This, combined with the fact that we have recently hired a few more staff for our newly incorporated U.S business has massively reduced my workload. I'm all for having a relaxed day here and there but we're basically at a point now where it's unclear what I'm going to be working on in a few weeks time. We have our yearly meeting next month where we discuss the next 12 months so I'll be raising it then, as I know that a few of us are getting a bit unmotivated with how things are at the moment. I love the people at the company and I love the work, there just needs to be more of it.
  23. Just finished watching the United - Sevilla match. What the fuck was that?! They should have absolutely destroyed Sevilla over two legs. I said it when he was hired and I'll say it again - Jose is not a United manager and he never will be. To play so defensively against Sevilla is astonishing. What's worse for United is that they keep investing in big name players as opposed to quality players that are boost their first 11. Lakaku, Lingaard and Rashford are the only players United have that seem remotely interested. Sanchez and Pogba...wow. You could tell the supporters are starting to have enough. Looking forward to the draw on Friday now.
  24. Really excited for E3 now. I imagine that we will see another Smash Bros. Invitational just as we did the year Smash launched. Should make for some great viewing.
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