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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. This is absolutely hilarious. People here are questioning and expressing frustration. You, on the other hand, repeatedly spread lies and misinformation in that PS4 Pro thread. Even when you were corrected, you would ignore the replies and two or three days later go back to "They are ending this generation early" and "they've screwed us all over". Not once did you ever post something to actually stimulate any form of discussion, it was constant spam and you know it. These last two or three pages have been way too OTT from a number of parties. Remember, there's a difference between being deliberately negative and between expressing an opinion over something that is negative. I don't think anyone here is deliberately spamming negative things and trying to ruin conversation. In fact, the conversation was going along fine until people started going crazy for no reason. Can someone please tidy up this thread? There's a new console coming out yet this feels like the Wii U thread did back in 2012.
  2. That's the point - they haven't confirmed the finer details yet. You've literally just agreed with the point that the others are discussing Edit. Just seen your reply. Nintendo can't afford to put them in a position whereby they give people a reason not to buy their consoles. They need this thing to sell well. They've streamlined their software and hardware development into one - their future is dependent on the success of this machine. Giving people a reason not to buy the hardware is not good enough.
  3. Just seen on GAF that Trump may impose a tax on the gaming industry for non American products and games, which is similar to a policy that the Brazilian currently have. Obviously this would hurt Nintendo and Sony quite a lot.
  4. Debating getting this on Switch but I've just realised that there's no d-pad on the joycon Might have to buy a Pro Controller...
  5. Looks like I'll be downloading Binding of Isaac then!
  6. What happens if someone calls my whilst the app is open? Do I get booted out of the lobby? Also, is it going to cause my battery level to plummet? If so, do I need to be next to a charger?
  7. I'm pretty excited to see what they could achieve with the technology in a game like Wave Race or Excitetruck. I'm actually more keen on the motion technology; according to the developer on last week's RFN it's a huge step beyond WM+; there could be some very cool applications of that kind of technology. Trauma Centre, Wario Ware (!!!), Red Steel 3 The good thing about the tech is that it will become much cheaper as time goes on, so if Nintendo have patented the technology I expect that we'll see the price of the units come down at a far quicker.
  8. Let's hope there's enough there for the mass market then (unless you plan on buying a few million Switch units )
  9. The comments in that video are some of the most cringeworthy I've ever read. Good grief, fan boys are the worst. That said, I should have suspected that would be the case from the thumbnail
  10. The game really does look stunning at times, although overall it can't quite match the quality of those first shots that we saw (which is understandable given the hardware it was initially developed on). I'm excited to see what they can do with this engine. Hopefully they'll be able to get another Zelda, built ground up for the Switch to take advantage of its power, on the system within 2-3 years, much like they did with Majora's Mask following Ocarina of Time.
  11. I'd like to thing that our complaints are mainly because we all want Nintendo to do well, both in terms of sales and quality of games. Nintendo were a big part of my childhood and my teenage years, and I want them to be have that impact on as many people as possible.
  12. Slightly off topic but a developer with a fair bit of inside knowledge was on Radio Free Nintendo for their post-Switch reveal. One thing she mentioned was that the Switch production has been designed to reduce in cost much quicker than the Wii U ever was. Up until the last Wii U's were in production, Nintendo were still paying up to $94 to produce a Gamepad, the same price it cost them when the console launched. Because Wii U sold so poorly and each console could only support one Gamepad maximum, they were never able to manufacturer the item in bulk and cut costs. She also said that she's never been so excited by Nintendo's software strategy, but of course couldn't mention what unannounced games were in development. Funnily enough, I keep flip-flopping over the Switch. I've realised that if I just view it as the most powerful handheld ever (and a MASSIVE step up from the 3DS) then it's an awesome, luxury product. Can't wait.
  13. He also said Call of Duty would be by far the definitive version of the game "Online is the air we breath" is another classic. Virtually every Director of Marketing I've ever met/worked with is just like Reggie. You can't take what comes out their mouth seriously because it's just in PR mode 24/7.
  14. The one thing putting me off is knowing that I'll need to pay to play online now. My availability is quite sporadic and I'm not sure I can justify the cost. Hopefully they announce more information regarding the cost of online soon.
  15. This sounds like a 3DS or Wii U conversation again
  16. Na, the joycon's are very expensive tech, hence the price of them being sold individually (likewise the Pro controller). Hands on reports all suggest that this HD tech is also top notch; that cost has to get passed on to the consumer as they can't afford to sell at a loss.
  17. This is my current stance. I don't want it to become the Gamepad again. That said, I'm sure the tech is great and I look forward to *hopefully* seeing Nintendo actually use it.
  18. Providing you can use hashtags on Twitter posts then it makes perfect sense; Twitter is MUCH bigger than Miiverse.
  19. I wish people stopped listening to Reggie. Everything he says is just PR and it's all bollocks.
  20. Those games are scheduled for 2017. If they come out with loads of games for 2018 too then I can get on board with the 'Nintendo is still supporting the 3DS' sentiment but I'm fairly sure that this is its last year.
  21. That's just basic PR, what do you expect him to say.
  22. I'm actually a bit worried because if Nintendo don't plan on releasing a handheld going forward, this machine is carrying them for the long haul. They need it to bring in income worth that of a home console and a handheld. I can't see it happening unless this thing takes off like the Wii, and I just don't think it has that appeal. Is there really demand for a hybrid? Really? They need to sell a lot of units not just at launch but throughout Spring and Summer. The last thing they want are slowing sales going in to Christmas when the PS4 and XBO will be super cheap.
  23. If the rumours were true I imagine that it will get announced around E3 once Sun/Moon momentum has dropped.
  24. This is the saddest news I wonder how Gamecube VC will work? Presumably you'd need to buy the GC adapter and controller?
  25. Online SNES VC games gives me hope of one day playing multiplayer Mario Kart Super Circuit online. God damn, those mode 7 MK games are amazing.
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