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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. Amazing game with a brilliant soundtrack. I have some gripes with the level design in certain areas but it's such a good sequel. Firewatch is undoubtedly the best game I've played all year. Definitely worth it at full price but if you can get it on sale, do it.
  2. My 360 called it quits around the time that Infinite came out and whilst I could have purchased the PS3 version, I just never liked the Dualshock for first person shooters. Shortly after its release I noticed a lot of people expressing their disappointment over the game, mainly due to the narrative and the gameplay so I decided not to invest my money in the game. I adored the first game for its atmosphere and story telling but I have to admit that there is simply no reason for it to be a FPS. I actually thought the combat and shooting mechanics were dreadful but I was willing to put up with it because I was in love with Rapture. I gave Bioshock 2 a go but I found myself fighting the controls too much and Rapture lacked the impact the second time round. I think my Bioshock experience is best left to that of the first game (which was also the first time I had ever played a game in HD) - I adored those few days and remember them well, especially Fort Frolic. When I saw the critique I didn't hesitate to watch it, not only because I had decided against buying Infinite but also because it autoplayed after his Mario 64 video
  3. When you have thirty minutes free, do yourself a favour and watch this: I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts once you've given that a watch because that video has completely put me off ever playing Infinite, especially when he explains the story plot holes. The first game is a classic though.
  4. Yeah promoting it as a handheld would be the better option. They should "Switch" their marketing to reflect this... Ha. That said, there is still a lot we don't know. For example, the X1 can almost run Gamecube games perfectly (with the odd framerate drop) however this looks to much a very underclocked X1 chip. You would therefore not expect Gamecube VC to be possible however we have rumours indicating that it is happening. Despite how weak the chips are they may have a lot of customisation done to them, so there's still a chance of getting some surprising performance for a cheap price.
  5. Personally, I don't really care for power as long as the games are decent and more ambitious than before. In handheld form it's going to be their most powerful machine every which is great news. My concern comes from the fact that I want Nintendo to do well and to appeal to as many types of gamer as possible. I want Nintendo's console business to be strong - I don't want to see another Wii U situation. Ah well. Jan 12th can't come soon enough.
  6. No one was expecting the handheld form to be close to the XBO. In docked form though there was a hope that would be closer to the XBO using a beefed up X1 chip. Anything above the Wii U in handheld form is awesome, the problem is the performance in docked mode.
  7. That suggests that it will be much closer to the Wii U than the XBO. I think most people were hoping for a custom X1 chip but this looks like it will be much weaker than the X1... This does however suggest that it's going to be very cheap, which is a positive.
  8. It's an incredible game. I got it a few months after launch and was hooked The music, the circuits.....<3 I seem to recall Canada being my favourite. A sequel in HD would rock and I actually think it would be the perfect game for the joy-cons, especially if they do have motion control.
  9. 'The Switch is basically a handheld after all.' You're forgetting that once it's docked it's running at full power; it handheld mode it's not running at 100%. Given what we know and given that NVidia are going to provide a lot of development support for the console, we can probably expect to see the Switch get close to XBO levels of power when it's docked. It shouldn't be too surprising to see the Wii U version struggle; it's well known just how weak the Wii U CPU is.
  10. It's a game built for Wii U hardware running on the Switch so actually 60 FPS shouldn't be too surprising, given the huge jump from Wii U to Switch. It's similar to why so many cross gen games run better on PS4/XBO than 360/PS3. I doubt it would maintain 30 fps on Wii U though.
  11. Yeah it's a shame that's it's essentially just a beefed up Wii U game, but apparently the Switch footage was running at 60 FPS which is brilliant. I don't think the game looks too great graphically but I bet it looks better in person. Are you going to be getting a Switch then? It's looking pretty promising so far.
  12. The lack of analogue triggers on the Gamepad was the main issue. Multiplayer would also have been impossible given that only one gamepad could connect at the time and a Wiimote would have been impossible to use for any Gamecube game that use analogue movement or analogue triggers (most of them). Frustrating, but at least they are on their way. Hopefully the can upscale them too to 1080p - Melee, Prime and Sunshien would all look beautiful
  13. I wouldn't mind a drip feed as long as the current Wii U VC catalogue is available. A couple of GC games at the beginning (Melee, Luigi's Mansion) followed by 2-3 games a month would be great - I need some time to get through the games! That said, I do hope they go the extra mile with these games. Upscale them and let us play online.
  14. This is the most ironic thing I've ever read Anyway, jealous of all those that will be at the January event as I'm getting pretty excited about the Switch now. Gamecube VC games are a must and are probable given that we are now going to have a controller with analogue sticks and analogue shoulder buttons again. Give me Melee
  15. Yeah I did notice that too but even outside of the combat it looks a bit off Given that the base code was designed for the Wii U first I actually expected that to be the smoothest version, however Miyamoto has said in the past that the Wii U CPU is a big bottle neck and you can really tell looking at that footage. I can't help but think that they overstretched themselves here. I'll be grabbing the Switch version though Have to say the art style isn't wowing me anymore either. At this point I'm just keen to see it running on a Switch on my TV set. Hopefully it looks and runs great.
  16. I had literally never heard of this game until this thread. It looks like the perfect handheld title - I might have to hold out and buy it on Switch.
  17. Nice! Really hope they show a bit more than just the field area though as we've seen that a lot already. A change of scenary would be great, maybe the inside of a cave or a dungeon?
  18. I was expecting around £200 so that's promising. I've reserved £300 for launch so hopefully that should get me bigger storage space and 2-3 games
  19. I doubt her being blacklisted actually means anything in the grand scheme of things. She'll still get the same information.
  20. Keep in mind that there's a whole bunch of unannounced content that hasn't been shown off yet. I'm sure that there will be a few surprises.
  21. Very true, but can you see some of those games doing well on the latter consoles given how heavily they flopped last time out? The audience for games PoP, BG&E and Rayman doesn't seem to the be the same audience that Sony and MS are so good at bringing in (18-35 year olds). With some support from Nintendo, those games could be made on Switch at a much cheaper price. If anything they'll resonate more with Nintendo's audience.
  22. This is a bit of an outlandish prediction, but I've been doing some thinking about Nintendo and 3rd parties and I have a hunch that we're going to see Ubisoft commit heavily to the Switch, in the same way that CAPCOM committed to Gamecube early on with the 'CAPCOM 5'. Based on some of the rumours, I think it's possible that we might see Splinter Cell, Prince Of Persia, Rayman and Beyond Good & Evil 2 all launch exclusively on Switch. If you look at those latter three games, they aren't the type of games that gaurentee massive sales and so developing them for XBO and PS4, where the market is a bit more saturated and where development costs are much higher, makes no sense. Each of those games could find a market on Switch, and I'm sure that a Rayman Legends sequel would go down well with Nintendo's audience. The Splinter Cell rumours are odd but again, I could see it happening. The franchise has lost a lot of fans over the years with its move to becoming more action based as opposed to all out stealth; a reboot on XBO and PS4 would be expensive and I'm not quite sure it would be worth the money, especially if they wanted to return the franchise to its roots. On Switch it could be one of the big AAA exclusives; it would stand out much more. Whilst I don't think I'll be buying games like Assassin's Creed on Switch (I'd rather play those games on more powerful hardware AKA PS4), there's a great opportunity here for Nintendo to pick up those franchises that have fallen by the wayside. Ubisoft do have plenty of those.
  23. With that logic you should never buy a console in the final year or so of its life span. Besides, they won't sell that many new 3DS' over Xmas, it's hardly a new console.
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