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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. If there's an opportunity to do something for the two year anniversary I would definitely be up for it. I appreciate that from an organisational point of view it can be very stressful but I would certainly be interesting in taking part...Perhaps a speed run of Super Mario Odyssey
  2. I didn't actually realise that the date had been moved back by a week until just now (for some reason I thought it was still the 12th). Serves me right for not visiting this place for such a long time. The 19th for me is a maybe - I have plans for the Saturday but I'm going to try and move them.
  3. What time is the Spotlight, UK time?
  4. Updated to include my availability! August would definitely suit me. This thread is awful quiet. Too quiet. @Ashley, @MoogleViper @Shiekah @Rummy
  5. I did think that too, but at least with the Wii you knew that the nunchuk was in arms reach. Again, how can the developer guarantee that the grip or PC is there? Do they put on the box that it's only compatible in handheld/home mode? These seem like small questions but they are important to a developer who has to allocate millions of pounds to a project in a difficult environment. Ultimately, the minimum standard of controller input for the Switch is one joy con, but I can't see Dirt working with that and I'm not sure if it's the best use of resources. A better idea would be to make a game like Excitetruck using the joy con instead. Ashley's post sums it up nicely but as I mentioned to Ronnie on the top of the page, imagine driving a car where the steering wheel and gearstick were not attached to the car. You need a central sturdy weight. We are kind of going around in circles here. I'm done. Enjoy the Switch.
  6. I never said it made it redundant. It just poses a question for the developer - is it worth making it can't be played in a specific way, especially when there are already concessions that need to be made. I'm not asking for an argument here, I want to ask how it is possible. Maybe everytime a player disconnects the joycon's at Dirt is running, a message comes up on screen saying "This game doesn't work in tabletop mode"? Always, there is no way of knowing how popular tabletop mode is versus handheld mode. If it ends up being the most popular way to play then... Of course you can play it in handheld mode! That's not the issue as the joycon's are connecting to the screen. Developers can't release any games that need to be always online. STEEP is an example of this; the game will be modified accordingly.
  7. Do you drive a car? Imagine if: -Your steering wheel was detached from the car. The gear stick was removed from the car. -You were then given each to control with one hand only. And now read Ashley's post on the last page. "I'm perfectly happy to admit being wrong in the future". I dunno, you're basically refusing to accept what someone who is super familiar with the games and genre in question is saying, as well as a developer who has dedicated his time and life to making such games
  8. As I mentioned earlier (and as the developer said), the game would have to be made compatible with someone just wanting to use one joycon because you can't gaurentee that the player will take the grip / pro controller with them. The game would effectively be made redundant if one of these wasn't taken on the go with the player.
  9. Again, which sim were you playing on? Because I don't recall there being any on Wii? 'A small number of players will play in that configuration'. How do you know the percentage of players playing at home versus tabletop mode? The thing isn't even out yet - you should give these statistics to developers Ronnie, do you actually play games like Dirt, Formula 1, Forza etc?
  10. Yeah, basically this. You can't replicate the stability of a steering wheel with 2 joy con's. Clearly you're a better wordsmith than I am. That's why you're the judge and I'm the law talking guy.
  11. Again, imagine holding a joy con in each hand separately, and think about having quick access to all the buttons in a comfortable manner. It's just not ideal (I'm familiar with racing games, I say this with a heap of experience). The sturdiness and weight of a controller (or even with two joy cons inside a grip) go a long way to replicating the feel of a steering wheel. I don't know why this has become such an issue, as games like Dirt aren't going to make people run to the Switch anyway. I would much rather see unique games that fully utilise the Joy Con's as opposed to games that would be better off elsewhere.
  12. Speaking of which, I really REALLY hope we get one of these on Switch! The single player was absolutely amazing.
  13. I never said it wouldn't physically work, I meant that it's not suitable. For a slower paced game yes but a joycon in each hand, not attached to the console doesn't give you the same sturdiness that the Pro Controller may give you, which is obviously not even as good as a wheel. As for "similar to the Wii set up"; there were no racing sims on the Wii so I can't tell what your point of reference is. Again, games like Mario Kart will work fine but we are talking about a very specific game here. I can only imagine that the majority of people complaining about the developer comments are not actually interested in racing games like Dirt, Forza etc. Just to clarify, I am not saying that a joy con in each hand is terrible. I am saying that for this one specific game (and probably genre), it's not the most suitable. The point from their point of view is that they can't guarantee that people will have the grip/PC on them. We're going round in circles here, and I can't help but feel that the people arguing have never actually played racing games outside of Mario Kart
  14. I can't imagine a developer would feel pretty comfortable releasing a game that is only compatible in certain modes (especially one that is advertised as a major selling point). I also wonder if this is even allowed?
  15. "I can't imagine a racing game being frantic" A game like Dirt has a super high number of actions per minute (imagine being a rally driver), with many of them being super minute. Ideally you'd play with a steering wheel but a traditional controller can also work. You mention Bayonetta but that game is more about timing as opposed to feel, which is what racing is all about. With your logic being an Formula 1 driver would be super easy
  16. Because if someone played the game away from the TV with the stand up, you'd need to ensure that they had either the Pro Controller or the grip. Holding a joy con in each hand simply wouldn't work for a racing game like Dirt. It might work for a game like Mario Kart though (in fact, it might even be a control option).
  17. It's not practical with one joy con because there simply aren't enough buttons. I mean, have you actually played the previous games? They use virtually every button on a Dualshock controller; the lack of a second analogue stick and triggers would be missed for a start. With a joy con in each hand, I still can't see it working as jumping between the buttons with your right thumb would be a nightmare.
  18. You can also put the console into kickstand mode though, which is where you remove the joy cons and put them into a shell. For a game like Dirt to work well, you'd need to ensure that people never played the game in kickstand mode, and if they did you'd have to ensure that they either had the grip on them or they had the pro controller. A game like that isn't practical to play with either one joy con or with two joy cons without the grip (i.e. one in each hand, as Dazzy suggested above).
  19. Imagine holding a joy con in each hand. You'll hold them verticially right? And compare that to holding the joy con's when they are inside the grip (or holding a pro controller). When you hold them separately, it's going to be pretty difficult to move your thumbs to each button quick enough, especially without dropping them. Your thumbs will rest over the analogue sticks, after all. When the joy con's are inside the grip there is no issue; you have access to all the buttons and it's very comfortable. And before you say "Well, I'll hold a joy con in each hand sideways instead", think about doing it practically. Impossible.
  20. I really can't imagine that working for a racing game because you need quick access to all the other buttons (and the triggers) which the Joy Con's don't even have. Some games could work like that though, but definitely not a game like Dirt!
  21. You can, but you need the grip don't you? Unless you can hold them both separately but I can't imagine that would be comfortable for a game like Grid.... If you didn't take a grip/Pro Controller out with you, then any game that requires them (ie. a game that is incompatible with one joycon) becomes unplayable.
  22. Sorry I missed your reply - didn't realise it was at the bottom of the page! "That style of play is not mandatory" In handheld mode (i.e. when people take the console away from home), the minimum input standard becomes one joycon (not two) because you can't guarantee that everyone will take the joycon grip and/or the Pro Controller with them as well. The secret to making the Switch a success is to create games that are compatible with just individual joy cons, so you can quite literally just pop the console into kick stand mode and play a game, either in single player or multiplayer. There will be games like Zelda where people will be willing to take a grip/Pro controller out with them to play the game on the go, but for mass market they'll simply be expecting pick up and play experiences on the go.
  23. I'm sure that we will still see traditional handheld games but 2D platformers will be pretty unlikely due to the lack of a d-pad.
  24. I'm normally a fan of his videos but he's completely missed the point there. The joycon's just aren't the right controller for a game like Dirt.
  25. Do go on! Anything you'd like to see? It's interesting that we had a Fire Emblem one before a console specific one. It makes me wonder if we'll get another 'I.P themed direct' at any point.
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