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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. And Xenoblade, the Fire Emblem crossover, Yoshi etc.
  2. Oh that is true, but the launch line up alone looks super solid. I'm not saying they won't show anything beyond the summer but the majority of time will likely be spent on the majority of the launch games, which we currently know nothing about. Regarding the bold,every piece of technology is sold based on future promise, not just what they will achieve from day one. People need to be willing to invest in the product, and they'll hopefully do that with games like Splatoon, Mario Kart, Mario and Zelda coming out early. On another note, I really hope they talk about VC. I need dat Melee.
  3. I expect that they'll show little outside of 'launch window' games to be honest. If it's a one hour presentation, they'll put a strong focus on the console, the controllers, third party collabs and their main games (especially Mario if it's there). E3 can be for future releases (perhaps Retro's new game, Pokémon Stars etc.
  4. I saw his Metroid "leak" video and had to close the window instantly. He is undoubtedly one of the most annoying people I've ever seen on YouTube. Why do people take him seriously? Had he got stuff right in the past?
  5. Yeah I do agree with that. My girlfriend wasn't a fan of the Zelda game so it was quite hard for me to get an opportunity to actually play it. I'm sure that local multiplayer will be great on Switch but I just hope that they nail the online. Inviting a friend to join your party and voice chat are so important and I say that as someone that doesn't do much online multiplayer at the moment. I loved playing Splatoon but getting everyone to hop onto Skype and then using WhatsApp to coordinate a session was literally the worst. On another note, I've just realised how perfect Wave Race multiplayer would be on the Switch! If we see new entries to Wave Race, 1080 and Excitetruck/bike/whatever I will be very happy.
  6. There are rumours suggesting that a certain CAPCOM fighting game will be heading to Switch. Would absolutely love that - hoping it's true.
  7. Splatoon, Monster Hunter, Dragon Quest and Pokémon basically guarantee that this thing will do great numbers in Japan. Hopefully it does 3DS+ numbers over there. The movement mechanics in Splatoon are just so fluid and the level design was ace. After playing Splatoon and having seen how big and ambitious Zelda is, I'm VERY excited for the new Mario.
  8. I have to say that the single player potential of Splatoon is massive. It felt like playing Sunshine back on the Gamecube - hope we see them explore the potential of the campaign a bit more.
  9. Hmm, I didn't know about ShopTo. Might have to investigate..
  10. I just wish we knew when pre-orders were going live. If the presentation is Friday, will websites like Amazon and Shopto wait until the weekend/following week or will pre-orders go live immediately?
  11. Man I'm so hyped for Friday Just hope I can get my hands on a console for launch day...
  12. Off the topic of my head: -Do the analogue tricks click when being pressed down? -Are the individual joy cons comfortable to hold? They look pretty tiny... -Are the shoulder buttons analogue and if so, do they "click" like the Gamecube ones? OH! And the joy-cons...what's the battery life like on them?
  13. I can see the lower development cost of Switch games really suiting Platinum games. They've already got a good relationship with Nintendo and hopefully the Switch will resonate with the Japanese. Sad to hear about Scalebound but I'm not too surprised.
  14. If it's a fake then it's very good. I saw a comment on reddit where a former GameStop employee said that the interface they use on the tills looks identical to the one in the image so you never know...
  15. The frustrating thing with the VC is that it could be such an incredible selling point. "Hey man, can I get Smash Bros 64 on the Switch?" "Yeah, all the N64 games are on it!" Instead you have to say "If you're lucky it will be out in 2-3 years".
  16. I can only assume that this is a truly terrible joke and your way of saying "yeah you're right" without actually saying it @Just seen your post @Choze, agree 100%. People need to focus on what makes the Switch unique. Nintendo need to play to those strengths and hopefully it resonates with the mass market.
  17. The GPU was decent and the streaming tech was top notch, but to call the insides ultra modern is way too OTT when we know that the GCN-esque CPU was incredibly weak and was a massive bottleneck. This, combined with the poor software tools available at launch, basically killed the Wii U in terms of development support. From what the leaks have suggested, the Switch is basically going to be the complete opposite; modern architecture with balanced hardware. Having NVidia customise the GPU will massively help and is a far cry from what they put out with the Wii U. Ps. I don't think pushing the limits of "efficiency" was what people wanted with the Wii U
  18. How long after the Wii U's launch did Nintendo get forced into showing that Nintendo Direct where they basically showed EVERYTHING, no matter how early in development it was? I think that was when we first heard about Xenoblade, Yoshi and Wind Waker.
  19. I believe that the initial presser said something along the lines of 'we will be showing off games that are in development' as opposed to specifically launch window games, so hopefully get a taste of things to come as well as the first few first party titles.
  20. Some info from today's GameStop conference where the Switch was mentioned (stolen from reddit): •Friday pre-orders will go live, and you'll be able to pre-order the switch and games (no word on the online/in store pickup though) •Nintendo has only slated stores for 10-15 pre-order units per store (here we go again, NES classic all over again) •Breath of the Wild will 100% be a launch title. •Zelda accessories are coming out for the switch at launch. •Amiibos for botw will be out 2-3 weeks before switch launch. •A 3D Mario game is coming out at launch as well, but no name was given for the title. •Gamestop will be getting pre-order promotional material between now and Thursday this week for in store advertising. •Gamestop is stating a March 17th release date for the Switch. •Gamestop has the SKU's for the units, but no pricing from Nintendo at the moment.
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