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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. Apparently Jose has now lost 16 out of his last 34 games as manager. Crazy record. He has to turn it around pretty quickly as they got Leicester and Stoke at OT followed by Liverpool and Chelsea away. I wonder if he'll finally bench Rooney. Some great games this weekend though, it has to be said. The Liverpool - Chelsea game was brilliant but the game of the weekend was definitely West Brom - West Ham. After last season I honestly thought the Hammers would be a solid top 6 team but their defending is appalling at the moment.
  2. Most last gen games weren't running at 1080p. Hell, even this generation most Nintendo games run at 720p. A console compatible running at a certain resolutions doesn't mean that every game runs at that resolution; it's the upper limit. Also, the Scorpio isn't out yet, and it will likely cost a LOT of money when it does eventually release. @Daft, that TV looks awesome. I've been looking at it for a while actually as our current set could do with replacing. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
  3. 4K gaming, yes. They didn't claim 4K output for movies outside of streaming. True, but XBO S is much cheaper to manufacturer and it's not a 4K gaming machines. Scorpio will be a good comparison but it's coming out in 12 months. Can MS play catch up?
  4. DVDs were the follow up to VHS tapes. Everyone wanted them and individual players used to cost a lot of money. All movies were coming to DVD too. It was huge. UHD blurays are a nice to have. At the moment most movies aren't supporting the format but who knows what the future will hold. Streaming will ultimately be the way forward though. Edit. Lol at your above comment. The Pro has ALWAYS been part of this generation. From the first leaks it's been clear that it was a 4K version of the PS4. Only armchair experts like yourself have claimed it to be next gen Playstation. All those people that said the NEO would be the next Playstation...just hilarious in hindsight.
  5. I guess it ultimately comes down to two things: 1. How much does it cost for Sony to put a UHD BR drive into the console? What does the new break even price become? 2. How does a UHD BR player benefit the gamer? I was surprised by its omission but it makes sense when you think about it. They simply want to have a 4K gaming option for as cheap as possible. People may argue that the XBS offers UDH blu-ray playback but that machine is barely more powerful than the original XBO, so it's nothing compared to the PS4 Pro. For a gamer, the PS4 Pro remains the better gaming platform. I imagine that the Scorpio may offer this down the line too, depending on cost. It reminds me of when Sony put a blu-ray drive into the PS3, but the key difference here is that blu-rays were necessary for extra storage space for the HD generation. They don't need to replace blu-rays with UHD blu-rays this time round.
  6. Yeah this is much cheaper than I expected. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this close to what the PS4 launched at back in 2013? The one thing that they didn't mention was UHD blu-rays. I believe the XBS supports them but they didn't confirm if this console does the same. I imagine that's a big deal to most people given how much UHD players cost.
  7. Yeah it's great news actually. I don't have a 4K TV (yet anyway) but the fact that the option is there is good news. Btw, I'm so glad that they only invited press to this event. The worst thing about E3 is when companies (I.e. Microsoft) invite all their employees who spend ages cheering and celebrating every minor thing. They should be there to work and report, not have a piss up. Sometimes E3 crowds act as if they are on a plane to Magaluf. Edit. @Mr\-Paul, is that the RRP? If so then the slim is actually cheaper at retail than the PS4 OG which is good.
  8. Given that PS4's are a hugely popular for Netflix streaming, it's a great decision to confirm the announcement. Price announcement is surprising. I'm left disappointed by the Slim price though...a bit too high going into Christmas?
  9. Random question, but we do we know what percentage of TV's sold at the moment are 4K/HDR compatible? They seem to have become really affordable over the last 12-24 months. Horizon looks simply amazing. God damn. Edit: HDR firmware update!!!
  10. So basically, if you have a HDR compatible TV or a 4K screen, it's great. If not, it doesn't seem to make much of difference, at least a noticeable one. I've got to say, I'm tempted to get a 4K set now, especially as Netflix are producing more 4K content. You can get a good set for under a grand now..I'm definitely interested.
  11. Loving this! I love how it's just a straight up presentation and no gaps for applause or cheesy music. It's also great how simply they've explained things like HDR and 4K and what the Pro can do.
  12. But it's not a console game and it's not claiming to be. Chill out.
  13. The reaction by fans to 'simple' games is absolutely hilarious and immensely ironic given that the same people often praised the direction they took with games like Wii Sports, Nintendogs etc. It's outright embarrassing. @Glen\-i, it makes you physical ill that people of all ages can connect to Nintendo IP without having to buy a console first? Don't make me laugh.
  14. Well you can get a Xbox One Slim for £249 with FIFA here in the UK, and you can currently buy the OG PS4 with games for well under £199 (likely due to the incoming Slim). Given Sony's track record I can see it being available for around £199/£229, which would give them huge sales going forward. As for the NEO, I expect something around £349/399. Let's see
  15. The big story for me isn't the NEO, it's the Slim. It's the console that will lead the line for PS4 in the coming years and if they can release it for a competitive price, they'll continue to get closer and closer to the 100m sales mark. As for PS4K, people are being way too dramatic over it. It's not replacing the PS4 Slim, it will exist alongside it and it will also cost a LOT more (we'll find out the exact amount today). The only way that this could ever be a bad thing for the industry is if Sony somehow sold about 70m NEO consoles within 12 months, because that would make 3rd parties build games around that spec first, dragging down performance on the slim or OG. Of course, this won't happen because the Slim will likely sell significantly more units than it. It's a luxury product for those that want it. It doesn't effect anyone that doesn't purchase it.
  16. I wonder how cheap the PS4 slim will be. Can they hit the £199 mark?
  17. Funnily enough, Splatoon is one of the only big Wii U titles that uses analogue controls. NMSB, SM3DW, Donkey Kong, Smash, Mario Kart are all based around the d-pad. It will be interesting to see which way they go with the NX but I'm hoping they move back to analogue sticks
  18. Keep in mind that Mario Kart doesn't use analogue controls, so the comparison doesn't work. Its controls are built for a d-pad, so the motion control works fine for that. You couldn't play a game with analogue controls (Forza, Mario Kart Double Dash etc) with regular motion controls. That said I do think motion can benefit a game. The camera in Splatoon is a good example of how fantastic they can be; I wish all 3rd person action games had Splatoon's camera!
  19. I played those games on Vita. Besides, 999 is the GOAT.
  20. The 3DS has better first party support by a mile. I found NDS first party software quite poor overall (Mario Kart excluded) as they were often experimenting with controls. That said, the DS is my favourite console ever in terms of overall software. 3 Castlevania's, 5 Ace Attourney titles, Ghost Trick, Hotel Dusk, Advance Wars just to name a few. RPG-wise it got TWEWY, Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger and my favourite modern Pokemon games (Black/White). It also had 9 persons 9 hours 9 doors which is one of the most incredible games I've ever played. What an amazing little console
  21. Oh look, some random off the internet who has no experience with social media tooks like Brandwatch or Simply Measured is claiming that he knows the 'reach' of Nintendo Directs. Bloody hell. Armchair experts eh
  22. The more I think about this, the more it makes sense. A split d-pad would act as A/B/X/Y..a regular d-pad wouldn't work for that purpose. This also means that each controller would have, at a minimum, an analogue stick and four face buttons (with potential for a shoulder button too). This already gives game designers much more to work with than the Wiimote.
  23. I wonder if the d-pad will be the standard input instead of an analogue stick OR if the face buttons will be arranged as they are on the PS4/Wii U Pro Controller, but with a split d-pad instead of a A/B/X/Y?
  24. No one has argued with you on this point. Everyone and his dog knows the Vita was a sales failure. @Pestneb - Great post, but I really do believe that Nintendo simply aren't interested in appealing to the EA/Activision crowd. They've said multiple times that they don't want to compete and whilst Sony and Microsft will continue to serve the majority of western gaming tastes (especially to the 16-35 male demographic), I think it's clear that Nintendo will double down on the market that they want. This will be a much younger demographic with the NX also becoming a suitable 'second console' to make games. The last Nintendo console that did this was the N64 which did very well in America but very poorly in Japan, and the latter is their priority as it's their homeland. I'm not saying that we won't get games from third parties, but I imagine that the games that we do get will be aimed at young children and families more than anything else.
  25. What does that have to do with the discussion? You're now trying to justify your comment by claiming it was made in reference to a previous post made regarding the Wii U, but how on earth was anyone going to make that link?
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