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Everything posted by Emma

  1. In other news- I'm no longer ill. I've been off work all week with Gastroenteritis.
  2. @uəʌəsʎɐɾ (hope that tag works!) Just spoke to Dan about this. He said if he was offered to go to another country, he'd take me with him or not go. I'd do the same too! A temporary long distance situation for a relationship already grounded is a rubbish situation to be in but obviously worth holding onto. I just don't see why some one would start one that way. This is exactly what I thought.
  3. I've been in a long distance relationship before and even though we got to see each other most weekends, as soon as we moved nearer to each other, the relationship soon broke down. We weren't very well matched together, but it wasn't obvious until we saw each other more often. To me, a relationship is where you get to see and be with that person physically. I get to see Dan every day and there's no way I'd want to change that. You only get one life. I'd rather see the person who makes me happy every day rather than only once in a while. From reading this thread I don't understand why some people from the start would want to be in a REALLY long distance relationship with someone, where they only meet up once every few months. Surely you would rather be with someone nearer? Chances are highly likely there is someone nearer that you could see every day and be far happier with??
  4. Sounds a bit 500 days of summer to me, where the girl keeps the guy on for fun until something she really wants comes along. How many dates have you been on with her? I'd hold out for someone else who likes you just as much as you like them. :-) Sounds a bit 500 days of summer to me, where the girl keeps the guy on for fun until something she really wants comes along. How many dates have you been on with her? I'd hold out for someone else who likes you just as much as you like them. :-)
  5. I tend to agree with @Aneres11 . I do like clothes and shopping, I will wear clothes from say, River Island if I like it. There's a lot of stuff I don't like, especially at the moment. All these baggy tops with cross symbols on, bluergh. I like to wear clothes that suit my figure, and I guess I do have my own style, which is vintagey but modern dresses, with a pulled in waist. My new dress: Also, I like the colour green :awesome:.
  6. Emma

    Red Dwarf

    Totally agree. Really looking forward to it, my tv will actually be used for television!
  7. I took the test and I scored 4 points, which was pretty much expected. I'm as far from Autistic as you could get. I do however, have a form of synesthesia (which is what all the cool kids have ).
  8. I met my boyfriend on OkCupid. I'd been on a few websites before then and this one is definitely the best. There was always loads of people on and joining all the time. The great thing about OkCupid is that it asks you questions about your interests/ morals/ habits etc and it then uses this to filter the sort of people you will get along with. If you don't like someone, you can also hide them so you don't see them in your searches in the future, which is also very handy. I always found OkCupid a self esteem booster, it was nice to get home from work and read a message/messages from guys who are interested in you.
  9. Does anyone know when Invincible Ultimate Collection 8 is out? Just bought 7 and dying to catch up but I really want the hard backs. Kind of annoyingly, 7 left off at the exact point I lost track of the monthlies so I've not read anything new in a long long time.
  10. My new phone. It was only £10.49, bargain. My phone died on holiday, so this is the replacement until the next iPhone comes out. I miss my iPhone keyboard and I don't know how to turn predictive text off .
  11. It's a lot cheaper and easier to make shows like TOWIE, people still watch them so why bother making anything decent? It's also the summer, when everyone is apparently outside/ out of the country not watching TV. I don't watch it anyway, I just download or stream things online. There will be a new series of Red Dwarf coming at some point though .
  12. Emma


    Sent mine in. 20 points
  13. The Stargate engagement ring led me to this:
  14. I'm glad you told me this after I had ridden on it. It was a good ride, really shaky and rackety, just like a wooden roller coaster should be.
  15. Is it too late to join? If not I'll send mine in tonight
  16. Saw this last night so I can finally come in here! I really enjoyed it, I usually find concentrating for 2hour+ movies difficult, but I enjoyed it from start to finish. I loved the music, I loved the scenery and I really enjoyed going through all the emotions. Also, I like how I was totally unaware that Joseph Gordon Levitt was Robin until the end. I felt like they glossed over some bits a bit too quickly, not that it impacted the film badly, I would have just liked to know a bit more about the whole prison tunnel place and his escape etc. I thought that Anne Hathaway was great and very seductive, but why the need for the bum shots on the bike? I felt it was just cheap.
  17. Can't remember exactly what he said, but the first message was a question about something on my profile, which is definitely the right way to go about messaging someone for the first time. I then probably replied back answering the question and expanding on it, plus asking him a question about his profile. This all happened on a Sunday evening, and after a while we both realised that we lived around the corner from each other, so decided to meet at the local pub and continue our conversation. After that he came round to mine every evening for a week and watched my Rome box set.
  18. Love to me is a feeling of not wanting to lose that one person and to make sure they're okay. To have them there with you, to share life with them and when they aren't with you, not feeling fully okay about it. Love is sexual and intimate as well, an attraction that goes beyond just the physical. This is what I have and it's bloody awesome xx
  19. My family are similar, although my parents are still together (even though they argue and yell at each other constantly) and my Dad has been married with kids previously. To me marriage isn't always final. It's a celebration of your relationship and how much you mean to each other, right there and then and possibly in the long future too. Personally, I say, if you're both ready, then go for it! You sound like you're pretty much there anyway, just without the ring :P. You can always save up for the big day afterwards. Yes I have 3 guinea pigs, I've just posted pictures of them in the pet thread .
  20. Because Jay Seven asked if I had any guinea pigs: Caveman (the one in my avatar): Sherlock: Florence: Guinea pig train: I really want a kitty, it just involves being brave enough to ask the landlord if we can have one!
  21. It's the best theme park I've been to in Europe. Dragon Khan was great but it made feel sick afterwards. When you do go, do Temple del fuego. Me and Dan really enjoyed it, we didn't have a clue what the Indiana Jones type guy was saying but I think that added to the fun.
  22. I'm glad it's just not me then! Totally agree, one of the kids in my class (guess my old class now) recently had a baby brother, mum came in one morning with the baby and she asked me if he made me broody. I replied spending my day with her child and 21 others is enough for me. She laughed and replied fair enough. I used to say there was no way I would EVER have kids.. but recently it has changed, maybe one day, in the VERY distant future I might possibly decide I'm mental/selfless enough to do it. Blimey. How can people even afford so many children? I have bets with @Dan Dare on who it will be next. A friend of mine has recently decided to act ridiculously middle aged and so I've decided it'll be him. All my closest friends are either male or single or both. It makes me a bit that I'll probably never be a bridesmaid and wear a horrible matching shiny dress. EDIT: While writing this post, another of my friends from University has just got engaged.
  23. Dan did wonder if you'd been on either of them. We very nearly wussed out on the Shambhala, glad we didn't though, it was great... and so smooth!
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