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Everything posted by Emma

  1. One of the residents heard someone shouting on their phone, then a banging and smashing noise from the car park at about 4.30am. He went downstairs and saw a guy pulling at a car door. There's no evidence to say he smashed up any of the other cars or my scooter as we don't have any cctv. Apparently when he was arrested he caused a lot of hassle and the police officer told me he has seven other convictions, all drug related. I'm just confused as to how he got in to the car park in the first place, and why he did it.
  2. Some drunken idiot got into the underground car park for my flat this morning. He smashed up a load of (very expensive) cars, including knocking my scooter over and kicking it . Luckily he was caught by another resident and was arrested (missing his trainers and socks) by the police. When the policeman took my statement he told me that unless the guy admits to the crimes, he probably won't be charged and therefore won't be forced to pay out .
  3. I used to think the same but I'm fed up of wearing the same scary/spooky outfits every year. I'm trying out something different this year. Me and Dan Dare have got a matching theme thing. It's incredibly cheesy but it should look awesome .
  4. Fancy dress clothes for Shorty and Nikki's Halloween Party
  5. I agree that good looks are generally subjective, even though I know there is a popular 'type' that many people go for. I know my 'type' is not a popular one! However, my ex boyfriend and I were together for nearly 2 years and I had very strong feelings for him. I never thought he was good looking and he was far from 'my type'. Due to that we rarely ever kissed and I always had this lingering feeling that we should just be friends. Towards the end of the relationship I found out he'd recently been cheating on me with other girls. It was a horrible thing for him to do, but I knew he did it because he wasn't getting any attention from me. That's why I tell people they should be with someone they find attractive, looks obviously are important!
  6. Men and women find looks important. Why be in a relationship with someone who you are not physically attracted to? Also, would you want to be in a relationship with someone who didn't find you attractive? The way you look can also show a lot about your personality, such as how you dress, style your hair, hold yourself and how much you weigh. Men also find personality important, but views on personality are subjective. For example, one guy might find a girl who talks a lot about horses irritating, but his best friend might find it cute.
  7. Hoping this will keep my guinea pigs smelling nicer for longer.
  8. I didn't know that much about Steve Jobs, but was shocked and upset to hear he'd died. It's a strange feeling for me as I'm not usually the type to get emotional over the passing of the famous. I like a lot of apple stuff, I own a macbook pro and a 3gs (which are both great).
  9. I bought a very nice clock in a very cheap shop. I do enjoy buying nice stuff, but department stores drain the life out of me.
  10. Phoned up Ponds Forge (Sheffield Swimming Centre) to ask for their opening hours for the pool and was given the wrong information! Spent the whole of Sunday in the city centre shopping then arrived at the Centre at 4.40pm to find out they were shutting in half an hour. *Grumble* Both @DanDare and I were given free swim tickets so I decided to leave work early today and go for their afternoon slot. I arrived a few minutes late (as i'd been given the wrong parking information on the phone) only to find out their swimming session had been cancelled due to staff shortages!! Apparently I'm meant to phone and check whether or not there's enough staff before hand!?!
  11. The answer is in the gender. Some teachers are lucky in that their final placement needed a new teacher, or that they know someone in a school. Same goes for everyone though, it's sometimes who you know..
  12. Very nice! I'm wanting to get a top box for the back of mine. Is it your first Vespa?
  13. I found getting a teaching job difficult too. It took over 70 job applications to get my first interview, which was on the Wirral near Liverpool. Over 100 people applied, even though it was for a maternity cover position for 5 months. My next job (with 4 months unemployment in-between) in Sheffield was a part time temporary maternity cover, which was at a rubbish school and lasted for 6 months. After 3 months of unemployment I've finally started my new job which will last for at least a year, so things are finally looking up . There are too many teachers applying for too few jobs. Older teachers who should be retiring aren't and people graduating from university are becoming teachers as there's nothing else to do. It's a pretty bad situation really! However, I know there are people whose situations are far worse than mine.
  14. I used to be like that when I worked part time. On work nights I'd stay up till 1am, whereas now it's a struggle to stay up after 10pm. I used to find it really tricky getting up in the mornings too, now it's far easier.
  15. I had this issue when I did a bit of supply teaching, it's really frustrating. It's almost as if they're making it as hard as possible to support you. I find that it all depends on who you talk to and which job centre you're at. I once got cut off for working 3 hours in 2 weeks! It's always worth asking a few people and just bugging them til someone does something (I usually start crying). They're stuck behind red tape and most hate anything that doesn't tick a yes/no box.
  16. I feel sorry for the 'lowlife' who had such a crappy messed up life he had to steal. Couldn't have been a happy one. That's possibly the reason why people left flowers.
  17. Working for charity is very worthwhile and helpful, it's also something to add to your cv. Working hours are pretty flexible so you can still apply for jobs around it. Maybe you should ask your Dad and others for help with jobs. Everyone always knows someone .
  18. I've dated people who look completely different to me, maybe that's why it didn't work out :p. I do enjoy seeing couples on Facebook who look like they could be related to each other though.
  19. Aha. So you're into guys who look like girls.
  20. Personally, a slim figure and a great personality are equally important to me. I know some people definitely prefer meatier guys over both toned and slim men. According to my a-level psychology, people are usually attracted to those who look similar to themselves ('matching hypothesis'). It makes people feel happier, safe and comfortable when they believe they are dating someone who is 'on the same level' as them. Would you/do you ever consider dating a girl who is similar in size to you? If so this would probably be the right direction for you to go in .
  21. I've recently been in a similar situation. My best male friend for many years has recently stopped communication with me because his girlfriend doesn't like us hanging out, even with her there. My male friend used to have a thing for me many years ago (it wasn't reciprocal), and I guess he still has a bit of a soft spot for me. I can tell his girlfriend is insecure and I can understand why she feels uncomfortable seeing me and him together. So I guess for now I'm okay with him not talking to me, even though I was a bit grumpy when they first started declining invitations to parties etc! I wouldn't be friends with guys I was attracted to and I don't date in my social circle. Neither would I have a boyfriend who was attracted to their female friends. Hope that helps!
  22. Great video! Glad someone did the slide bish
  23. Emma


    I love Hercules. I agree that the Hydra bit is dated, however I do like all the 90s references. My other favourites have to be Toy Story (all three), The Little Mermaid and Aladdin. My favourite non Disney films are FernGully, The Prince of Egypt and Antz.
  24. I bought an Xbox today, I'm not allowed to include pictures yet but I'm sure you all know what one looks like (it's a black one!). I think Dan Dare may have influenced that purchase. The Xbox caused a power cut a few seconds after plugging it in. It took my Dad three hours and two trips to an electrical shop to get the power back on. :-/
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