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Everything posted by Emma

  1. That's exactly what Dan Dare thought, even though I'd already bought him it! I'm in the process of booking a hair appointment.Yay
  2. My friend had an 80s fancy dress for her 21st a few years ago: This was my favourite:
  3. Movies I don't think I have a favourite, I liked: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Planet of the Apes Captain America TV Series How I Met Your Mother (I only started watching it this year) AND Game of Thrones Game Portal 2 Book American Gods. Radio Show The Craig Charles Funk and Soul Show
  4. You pick out the only bad thing! ...Still better than Dan Dare's 3%!! EDIT: That wrapping paper is AMAZING.
  5. I came third in laser quest! I haven't been since I was about 12, and all my previous efforts resulted in a minus score. Oh and check out who I shot the most. Oops
  6. My Christmas Tree. It's not quite finished yet but it's starting to look pretty good .
  7. Totally addicted. I'll be sitting here all night instead of doing other more useful things. I could draw or get out my sewing machine.. or bake a cake? But no.. I'll just sit here on the internet. It annoys me because I know I'm wasting my time. When Dan's here I'm not that fussed. It's just when I'm by myself after work, I guess it's like being a couch potato and watching the tv all night.
  8. Looking back, I can't believe I fell for them revealing something so big out of the blue.
  9. I've been given £500 to spend on my class after going on a course today! It's to help me teach creatively (which I already do, but never mind). First idea was a Superhero topic. It would have ticked so man boxes but apparently they did it in year 1, pfft. I could have done it better :P. So... now I'm thinking- Heroes and Villains linked to crime and mystery .
  10. I decorated my classroom on Friday, we spent the last hour of the school day making Christmas decorations, including a Christmas tree made from paper hands. I then bought my first real Christmas tree today, mainly due to Dan's dad being available to transport it for me. I haven't bought any decorations yet, that's my job for next week .
  11. Three 1 hour long episodes, really looking forward to it. I read that it ties up everything from 86' so they can start a full series for the 90s rave era.
  12. The Daily Mail comments negatively on her foul words, when they are the ones with their headlines who fuel her anger. Ugh And even if she may act like a 'chav', it doesn't mean she should be called one.
  13. Emma


    The black one looks like what a bondage fetishist would wear. The material looks a bit cheap and shiny too. The one on the right is slightly better but there's way too many pockets. I'd suggest having a look round TOPMAN, there's loads of nice coats in there at the mo!
  14. Hate that advert! I thought everything came from Santa when I was younger, I didn't have a clue that my family were buying me the presents. I visited Santa at the local garden centre when we bought our tree and sent wrote a letter with my Christmas list to him every year. I even got replies! My mum always threatened to phone him up and put me on the naughty list whenever I did something she wasn't happy with. When did everyone stop believing? How did it happen? I was in year 6 (11) and was apparently the last person to find out. It was the hot topic of conversation in the playground and I was in serious denial. I remember coming home from school that day and my mum, who was playing on theme hospital at the time, told me the truth after I interrogated her about it.
  15. I wear glasses all the time because my boyfriend at the time really liked me wearing them. Before him I only wore them occasionally, now I'm so used to wearing them I can't go without. I'll get contacts when I can afford them .
  16. Depends on the glasses and the guy, they'd have to suit him and be a little quirky for me to like him. Boring plain glasses are a big turn off.
  17. Congratulations! Was today their last day in your school? I've never experienced a full OFSTED, I dread to think how I'd react. I had an observation on Monday and freaked out ALL weekend over it. But yeah, well done!
  18. I go through 1 -2 boxes of these every week. .. I think I have a problem.
  19. It was embarrassing! Although I think this earned extra points with the head judge, who seemed to revel in my ability to bounce across the stage looking faux gangsta.
  20. It's anti-bullying week at the moment and every teacher in my school had to write their own song or rap for their class to perform at this afternoon's assembly. I was on a course yesterday and left it to my cover teacher to go over the rap I'd written with the children. I came in this morning to find that they didn't know a single word and we only had this morning to practise. I was worrying over lunch as all the other teachers told me their kids knew their songs off by heart whereas mine were still struggling with the rhythm. As we walked into assembly my kids were very aware of them being the only children holding paper with lyrics on. Anyway, my class performed some sort of miracle and it came out really well. They kept the rhythm, remembered their lines and sang loudly and with confidence. I was incredibly proud and shocked, they were too. Anyway, we came 2nd out of 12 classes. We were pipped to the post due to the winning class wearing silly hats and sunglasses. They won a wii afternoon, we got a second place '15 minutes extra break' prize.
  21. I've played Catan a few times with Dan Dare, who seems to think it's the best thing since sliced bread. Cranium is my favourite, I like the variety.
  22. The photo doesn't do the scary eyes justice. Mrs Fox for halloween.
  23. That's okay, at least you're out there making some effort! I've been involved in this from both sides. Before I met Dan Dare (I hate using his forum name!!) I'd been doing the whole internet dating thing for about 6 months and had dated quite a few guys, some I liked, some I didn't. There was one guy I quite liked but he was a bit tubby and mysterious and I was a bit 'young' for him. At the time I was gutted he ignored me after cancelling our third date (last minute too). I really wanted to ask him why he suddenly stopped all conversation but I knew I'd get no reply and I'd look a bit obsessive. Looking back now I know it's important to be with someone whose feelings are mutual, plus I don't want to be with someone who just cancels on people like that (what a nob). You're best off not knowing why he didn't want to take it further, it won't make you're life any happier/better by knowing. The best thing to do is just get back on the dating scene and meet more guys, you'll soon forget about this current one. I've found that when I met guys where it didn't work out, there was always something I felt quite early on that seemed not quite right. They'd always be a bit mysterious, or they didn't seem as keen as me, or they'd cancel dates, or not reply to texts on time. You'll realise when you meet someone who is good for you that that other guy really wasn't that great. Hope that helps
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