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Everything posted by Emma

  1. Sort of. Dan definitely did get off on recent German History.
  2. I love reading this topic! But yes, something I've noticed recently... Everyone I know seems to be getting engaged/ married. Well, at least that's what Facebook tells me. I'm going to my best friend from uni's wedding on Friday, and my other friend from uni is currently 8 months pregnant. Out of my closest four friends from college, two are engaged, one is married and the other is married with kids. I've got countless other friends that are also recently engaged/ pregnant/ have children. It seems that every weekend another announcement is made. Is it just the age at which things happen, or has it become popular again? Has anyone else around my age (24) noticed this?
  3. Some of the funniest and best photos from mine and @Dan Dare holiday: Berlin: Barcelona: The most amazing salad ever. My 90cent fan. We went on both of these rides at Port Aventura
  4. You need to do the cbt, no matter what driving license you hold. You go on a day course which teaches you how to ride A scooter/ motorbike. If the instructors think you're good enough then you get a certificate to say you can ride a 125cc powered bike. If not then you do the course again. You have to have an l plate on your bike until you do the full bike test. The certificate only last for 2 years, after this time you will need to either pass your full test, give up, or take the cbt course again. If you're interested i can give you the details for the guy i did my cbt with, he was great! It costs about £120 for the course. :-)
  5. I passed my cbt a year and a half ago on an automatic scooter, the girl who also did her cbt with me failed. She was really nervous and nearly got herself killed on several occasions. I now ride a geared vespa, which I taught myself how to use. I've never taken my full test, because I'm hoping to have passed my driving test in the next 6 months! Well done on passing your cbt. It's a bitch in the rain, but it's England and you get used to it!
  6. This is very helpful. I didn't know the bit about getting from the airport using the card, so thank you! What's the Zoo like? are the animals in big enclosures?
  7. I'm going to Berlin then Barcelona on the 26th July for 10 days. I've never been to either place before so it would be great if you could give me and @Dan Dare some tips of where to go/avoid. We're staying here in Berlin and here in Barcelona. Also, post your holidays on here too!
  8. French Connection dress bought in the sale. Also bought in the Vivienne Westwood sale. @Murr nice light.
  9. Is there a story behind this? @nightwolf Your photos are great, so jealous!! There must be so much to see and do
  10. Well I didn't buy it, @Dan Dare did. It's for two weddings, my friend's in Worksop in August and Dan's brother's in Hong Kong in December. Now for the shoes .
  11. It was like the Amazon in Sheffield earlier. The Year 3 classes at work got caught in it walking back from a trip.... they weren't happy. There was thunder as well, made my class go a bit loopy.
  12. Two sugars when I make it, three for everyone else. I have a sweet tooth!
  13. Congratulations on the full time contract, it's also rewarding to know they want you there full time. ....I just got a better score than @Dan Dare on Halo .
  14. Just got back from the vets, good news... there's nothing seriously wrong with Florence (or the other guinea pigs). The vet said the weight and hair loss is probably due to the stress of moving house mixed with her old age. Will be keeping her in over the weekend to fatten her up. Phew!
  15. One of my guinea pigs Florence has lost a lot of weight and hair over the past few days. Really worried about her as she's always been tiny but she's never been poorly before. Going to keep her inside tonight and take her to the vets after work tomorrow. Florence looking 'magnificent'
  16. One thing that strikes me throughout all of this is that you've not said one thing that's nice about her. Nothing about her seems to makes you happy. It's all sadness. Of course you're sad now, but you were when you were with her. You only get to live this life once, are you going to waste it?
  17. A few 'girly' purchases today. They're soooo pretty. I've already decided on 2 occasions when I can wear them. I also bought something from Ann Summers, but I won't be putting pictures of that up on here :wink:.
  18. I agree, good hairstyle! That's some thick hair you've been blessed with.
  19. Skirts are nice in all weather types! Dan and I at the top of Mam Tor, Castleton.
  20. I'm seeing this at 2pm, my best friend is a big fan and wanted to see it on opening day. I hope it's not too scary, I'm a complete wuss! EDIT: Now been to see the film and I completely agree with @James McGeachie. It's definitely not scary, there's no tension.. lots of icky stuff though. Maybe it's the build up to a brilliant sequel?
  21. I hate the saying 'they don't know what it's like to live in the real world'. They're doctors!! It was their choice to go through university and study a very difficult degree and put up with being treat like rubbish during their f1 year. It was also their choice to earn a lot of money and live a more comfortable life, just like you have chosen to earn less. They should fight their corner, just like anyone should when they feel like they are being wronged. Not just 'deal with it'.
  22. I'm not sure who you are, but congratulations
  23. Just got back from a 2 day residential with my class. Had an absolutely fantastic time in Castleton. We've been weaselling (google it), rock climbing, raft, fire, hut and bridge building, orienteering, zip wiring, running round an assault course on the ground and in the air, swimming in ponds and many more. I'm absolutely shattered now though!
  24. This has to be my favourite out of the 'series'.
  25. Currently packing for our move tomorrow. We've been doing it for the past 3 days on and off... Tonight's session: 4hours 30 minutes and counting . Tomorrow morning Dan's dad is picking me up in the hire van and we're driving down to Leeds to pick up some furniture from my parents. I'm a little nervous as it will be the first time our parents have properly met!
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