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Everything posted by Emma

  1. Agreeing with a lot of what people have said. All the girls that I know who have been out with, and stayed with guys who have cheated are usually of a younger age (17-20) and wanting a bit of drama. Best stay away from them. Infact, why are these 'nice guys' even attracted to these girls in the first place. Maybe for their own drama and self pity? On a side note. I won a tin of Quality Streets at my school raffle. Sibce found out that all the chocolates I love, Dan hates... and visa versa. Well played okcupid, well played.
  2. Girls do want 'nice guys' (I cringe typing that) but there's no way to know how 'nice' someone is until you spend a great length of time in a relationship with them. Plus these girls who moan to you, they'll only tell you the bad stuff, which will be biased and one-sided. All these guys on the blog say they're 'nice' but they're clearly not, as they're only saying it so they get sex. Which is why girls don't go for them (and plenty of other funny reasons)
  3. Just because you're being nice doesn't mean a girl HAS to like you. It's not an exceptional quality, just expected. This is what the blog is about. Men who believe women should jump into their arms because they are 'nice'. Well so what? It's not you being nice that's the issue. It's obviously something else, maybe you've got weird facial hair or are a bit tubby, or you're just a bit odd. People like to moan about their significant other. I moan about Dan every now and again. Does that mean I should leave him and get with a 'nice guy'?
  4. Back in July the head teacher at my school told us she'd booked a theatre in Sheffield City Centre, and for the first time we would be performing our Key Stage 2 Christmas play there in December. Naively I decided to take on this challenge, apart from acting in pantos as a child. Anyway, at 6.30 last night the children performed 'Wybourn Christmas Carol' to 400 people. Today in school I had staff, parents and children congratulating me on my hard work, saying it's the best show they've ever seen my school do. So yeah, at the moment I'm feeling great! Crazy to think that it all started when I wrote the script just over 2 months ago, and it culminated in a brilliant performance last night.
  5. Are DVD popular things to buy people? I don't think I've ever bought anyone a DVD as a present before? God I've bought so much, long post is long.
  6. Christmassy stuff There's also paper chains in the dining room and lights in the bush outside EDIT: My percy pig advent calendar, as seen in the photo, is AWESOME. Tasty raspberry chocolate and the illustrations are lovely.
  7. I should have filmed a reaction video of Dan's face. He lost it.
  8. @Ashley Your housemate seems to cause you a lot of grief. From what you've put on here she seems quite inconsiderate of you. Yesterday I slipped on ice on my scooter at the bottom of my street. I've never come off it before. I got trapped underneath and was sort of dragged with it into the junction past the street and onto the road. Lucky there wasn't any oncoming cars. Needless to say I was very shaken up. My first reaction once I'd wriggled free was to try and pull my scooter out of the road so it wouldn't cause an accident. Luckily someone pulled up and helped me out with it. Now my right leg, (the one trapped under the scooter) is swollen and the whole right side of my body aches like a bitch .
  9. The parents of the children I teach come into my class every morning for 20 minutes. I try to get on with them really well (even though I despise most of them) as it makes everything a lot easier. I often find myself verbally agreeing with them on things I know they are wrong about. It does bother me, but I know agreeing with them is easier than having them shouting off at me or bitching to the head. There's greater ethical aspects to my job that I completely disagree with, such as children living shitty lives, but it's not considered shitty enough for social services to become involved. It's a big thing I've got to deal with, and I try to do the best I can... but I'm already stretched too much. It does weigh on my conscious though. conscious....conscience?!?
  10. Wonky elephant willy sign. Some photos from Hong Kong: In Man Mo temple, with swirly incense burners that covered your hair in ash. On the day of the wedding, the bride had a makeup artist come round and did my makeup. Being silly at Temple Street, Kowloon View from the apartment in Hong Kong, we stayed on Hong Kong island, that's Kowloon (the other part of Hong Kong) you can see across the water. The sticker on the window means 'double happiness'. It was decoration for the tea ceremony, where both the bride and groom poured tea for Dan's parents and relatives. The building site you see is land being reclaimed. I think they were building a new road on the water.
  11. I agree with most people on the Urban view point, particularly on the whole convenience side. When I lived in Liverpool, my flat was in the student nightclub area next to Liverpool 1 shopping centre. Within a 4 minute walk I could reach all the good bars and shops, the train station, the underground, a large Tesco supermarket, theatres, restaurants, the docks, museums, an independent cinema and many more. There was always something happening in Liverpool, you could feel the buzz. I was always attending events, such as the 'bombed out church' had a free open air picnic and black and white film showing every week. Now that I live in Sheffield, I don't feel the same buzz. I feel a warmth from the people, but there's not much going on. In fact, Dan and I have been starting to think of alternative places to live.
  12. I'm going to Hong Kong today! Still need to go to work, so need to take my suitcase with me to school, then make my way down to the station at 3pm. I'm flying all by myself (15 hours!) as Dan flew out with his family yesterday. I'm so nervous already, which isn't great at this can make me travel sick. I feel so sorry for the poor guy who has to sit next to me. Anyway, the reason why we're flying out there is that his brother is getting married on the Saturday .
  13. I may have already eaten them all.... Thanks . The dress was from a shop called Joy, all the people who work in there are lovely too! Oh and they also have a shop online: joythestore.com. I think the problem at the moment is just current fashion, I'm not into the whole baggy tops, upside down crosses look. EDIT: I find that Henry Holland and Red Herring in Debenhams also do nice cheap dresses :-).
  14. Dan has gone to London for his brother's stag do. In his absence I've been shopping! I also bought a skirt at some fancy chocolates
  15. How do you even fit that many in a bowl!? I love weetabix in winter, a good portion of milk about half way up, a sprinkle of sugar and pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds. The bit in the milk goes porridgy and the bit above goes crispy. Lovely. My usual cereal is really unhealthy, I have Krave :-/ If I miss breakfast at home or if I'm feeling greedy (most mornings) I also have a second breakfast at work. We have a free breakfast club for kids, parents and staff and the cooks make the toast perfectly .
  16. SNAP! Dan's got the same coat in green.
  17. Went over to Lincoln last night for my friend's Halloween/ Birthday event, had a brilliant night A few people didn't know what I was dressed up as, as they had never seen A Clockwork Orange. Oh and Dan just wore his pyjamas.
  18. Happy Birthday!!! I bought Dan some slipper booties and 'A Game of Thrones' board game. We are currently both nursing hangovers. Here's some evidence from last night:
  19. @EddieColeslaw If I'd have met Dan when I lived in Liverpool and he lived in Hull, I definitely wouldn't have started seeing him. Yeah I'd have fancied him, but I'd have still gone for someone more locally. When I was on Ok Cupid, I had interesting guys 1hr + drive away contacting me, but I never considered taking it further because of the distance. How can he take care of you when he's not there? Like yes you can Skype and stuff but surely there's always that human yearning to be with someone physically? Isn't there a big chance (like a REALLY big chance) you could move over to be with him, and very quickly realise it's not working? Then that's a massive piece of time, effort and money wasted? I really don't mean to be rude, and I'm sure plenty of people have brought this up with you before. But I'm really just interested in your thoughts on this, because surely you've considered it, and it's there in the back of your mind a lot of the time?
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