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Everything posted by Emma

  1. @gaggle64 You've put into words my exact feelings on the matter.
  2. Interesting (and emotional) reading.
  3. A person who has sex with a prostitute, it says a lot about what they think of women.
  4. I thought only old people watched those programs! Well done on the interview though!
  5. Dan says 'thanks everyone, gone but not forgotten!" He also said he's had the best day ever, as those that follow us on facebook will know, I got him a kitty for his birthday! Here are some photos: He's currently laying on his back on the sofa pawing at my arm, lol. Future pictures will be in the pets thread (along with chicken photos too!)
  6. Why did I watch that video? I knew what was coming! Well done on the American accent though! We had a housewarming/ Dan's birthday party last night. I cooked 2 curries which went down really well, plus we were invited to another wedding, yay! Bad stuff- I'm hungover and the house is a tip. At least Dan offered to wash up!
  7. Blood Brothers is indeed excellent, I've seen it twice, the most recent time we got front row seats when they performed in Sheffield! We also saw Les Mis last year in London, didn't realise the whole thing is one long song until about 20 minutes it. It was great. ... I want to go see the Lion King or Wicked next. Maybe for my birthday in January
  8. I thought you'd broken up, did I miss the bit where you got back together? Violence is certainly bad, has she ever done it before? Last night I dropped my iPhone onto Dan's Nexus, smashing the screen into a million pieces. I was overly excited about winning a game and it just flew out of my hands. I feel so guilty I can't even look at it. Going to send it to the Geek Squad at Carphone Warehouse to get it fixed, been looking online and it seems like it's going to cost around £80 .
  9. Hahah. I'll take a photo to show you (when I'm not in the house alone)!
  10. Should I lock up myself? So yeah, last week we moved and we've done most of the unpacking. Here are a couple of photos. My parents gave me their old massive tv for free at the weekend. It's ridiculous, it won't even fit in the alcove. Oh and I also found a bread maker in the cellar. Once I've sorted out the tv I'm going to give it a good wash and have a go at making something. It'll probably be a disaster but I'm taking it as an experiment.
  11. Okay, I'm up now. The post guilted me into getting ready. Another thing I've not admitted yet. We've just moved to a new house and I'm scared that the really creepy painting I found in the cellar is evil and bad things will come to me if I chuck it...
  12. I'm still in my pyjamas and it's nearly lunch time.
  13. I love The Big Bang Theory and I actually think it's got better over time. Dan used to be really snobby about it until he watched a few episodes. He still makes out he doesn't like it but then gets upset when I watch it without him . Also, from teaching children with autism it's really interesting to see how well they portray Sheldon with that behaviour. @Diageo I do think they play on some stereotypes, but they're portrayed in a positive light. I also watch Glee ... but sometimes skip through the songs .
  14. I've been wanting to make pesto for a few years. Will have to put a pestle and mortar on my Christmas list. So my friend is moving to Dublin next week and as a secret surprise leaving present his girlfriend has asked all his friends to write up one of their favourite recipes. Thought I'd share what I made at the weekend for him. The recipe was taken from one by Jamie Oliver.
  15. I feel like there shouldn't be threads made with the word Christmas in them until December. :-p I'm looking forward to bonfire night. On Dan's parents' street they build a humongous bonfire with a guy on the top and let off really fancy fireworks :-). When I was a child my Dad's local used to do the same thing, except it was nowhere near as safe, and they had a bingo and a quiz afterwards .
  16. I'm not saying he doesn't have the right to have a go at her. He's just not going to get the truth if she thinks he's going to act that way. When I got cheated on and went psycho mental at my ex, it never made me feel any better. I just felt embarrassed for myself.
  17. ...I wonder what important yearly event occured during the conception of @bryanee , @Eddage and @The Peeps !?! Happy Birthday guys!
  18. You're allowed to be upset. It's horrible feeling crap but it helps in the long run, rather than trying to man up. It seems like you've done a lot of good things so far, like not questioning her when she came round. Try to take the high ground with this. If she doesn't text you over the next couple of days, send her a message explaining how it's come out of the blue and you'd appreciate some closure. If you do genuinely want to know if she's cheated or not (ignorance can be bliss), you need to ask her in the right way. If she has cheated, she might not want to tell you through fear of getting loads of abuse, so you'll need to make a promise (and mean it), so she knows you won't go crazy if she has.
  19. Hmmmm. Was this truly out of the blue? No signs at all? If that's how she genuinely feels, I'm sure you'll get an answer in a few days, try not to pester her as this will definitely withhold a response. It might not have been the best method of contact but at least she did it. ... On the off chance, do you think she was after a reaction from you? Maybe she sees no future because your relationship hasn't progressed that much after 18 months? (I'm just coming up with ideas!) Chin up! It's hard now I know, but you'll feel better. Try to fill the gf hole with other enjoyable things such as seeing friends. I've heard that doing charity or doing nice things for those in need is a good remedy in breakups @rizz Definitely my experience of break ups!
  20. I think if it's anything really serious, they'll get back to you before then. So if you have to wait two weeks, you know it's probably nothing major.
  21. Love this game (on the Xbox), I like that it's not as annoyingly sexist like Rayman Orgins was. It's great that I can play as a character called Emma, who I worked my butt off to unlock. Bit gutted that the soundtrack isn't as catchy as before, and I'm finding that the fast levels aren't as suited to co-op. One of us keeps getting blocked by tree branches if ever so slightly behind the person in front. And the challenges! I also spent about an hour trying to beat all my friends, then realised that the best times were about 8 seconds less than mine.. how the hell could someone even do that?!
  22. It's available to us in the UK. I just entered! :p
  23. You definitely made the right choice. There's so many nicer areas to move to in Leeds. Are you from there originally?
  24. The top one, definitely! I'd love to have a bicycle but just not in Sheffield.
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