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Everything posted by Emma

  1. Just some suggestions, you should go to this awesome food place . I have cravings about the food there. I wish I could go back again! Also there' a great vegetarian restaurant . It's in the World Trade Centre in Causeway bay, at the top of the building there's also the very awesome Namco World Arcade. ... oh and you should also go to Jumbo Floating Restaurant. Just because!! For trips go see the Tian Tan Buddha on Lantau Island, eat the food in the Buddhist restaurant, it's great and super cheap.Also on the same Island is Tai O village, where people live in Shanty Houses on Stilts. Very interesting! Take the bus up to the Peak from the bus station and catch the tram down, you'll save so much more time, and you won't have to wait in a queue for the tram! Also, there's a really geeky/awesome shopping arcade in Mong Kok on Nathan Road called the Sino Centre, it's weird and wonderful.
  2. I used to LOVE SM:TV live. I'd set my alarm just so I'd be up in time to watch it!
  3. @Sheikah He stopped when he got a job and moved in with me, so maybe that has something to do with it! .....I asked him if it was my fault but he said he just didn't feel the need to post anymore. He may return one day!
  4. It was difficult picking someone for the real life achievement as it was a big year for a lot of people!
  5. Dan and I would do a meet if it was in Sheffield too!
  6. Okay, so I have some more good (but confusing) job news to share with everyone! On Monday I was offered the role at Twinkl creating resources for teachers. This is part time alongside my part time teaching job and I actually started yesterday. Which, you know... pretty cool job! However, today I was offered an even better position at the University of Sheffield. Some of you may remember I had an interview for this back in January (I applied for the job back in November), but was unsuccessful as they gave it to someone who already did the job somewhere else. Anyway that person never showed up to work, so being the second best candidate, they've offered me the job. So yes! I now have two offers for work and both are being flexible with my current part time teaching job. One is super fun, part time and doesn't pay much. The other is full time, pays nicely and has a pension. :awesome:
  7. I'm glad you said that there are two Universities in Lincoln, most people aren't aware of the other one! Bishop Grot students love dressing up, especially the Drama in the Community bunch. Most of them don't start until October I believe.
  8. My friend code: 2380-4182-2778 Everyone feel free to add me, especially those playing Animal Crossing!
  9. I have quite a few hobbies: Drawing, usually it's digital art but can be painting too. Dan bought me a lino printing kit for my birthday so I'm looking forward to using that. Board Games, technically Dan's hobby but I always play with him. (cute picture that relates to this) Baking and Cooking I like to make nice food for other people, last week I made some brownies for my birthday party, and this week I made Masala Dosa for some vegetarian friends who came round for tea. Gardening For the past two years I've been really into gardening. It's really therapeutic and I guess it's a form of art. This year I plan on combining this with growing my own vegetables! The garden in our new house is tiny and a bit of a mud bath at the moment, so it's going to be a challenge. I also keep two chickens who now lay eggs, I guess that's also a bit of a hobby as I got them when they were in the egg, and saw them hatch and grow. My plan is to eventually have two breeds of chicken in two separate coops. Eventually I want to get into woodwork and general DIY. My Dad did up the entire house, he built a conservatory, fitted the bathroom and also made all the units himself for the kitchen. I want to be able to do a bit of that too.
  10. @Iun The idea that a University even offers a PGCE throughout distance learning is crazy, surely that can't even be a thing?!
  11. My best friend had the firehouse with the slime too. We played on it quite a bit . Coat hangers, really? So I went to Twinkl HQ yesterday, meeting went well and I think chatting with them helped with my application. I've just sent my cv off, so fingers crossed! Now I can look forward to my birthday meal and get-together on Saturday
  12. That's brilliant news! What is it you'll be doing, can't remember you saying specifically? Will you be moving?
  13. Great work news guys! I just got a reply from a person at Twinkl saying I'm welcome to come in to their office next Thursday for a chat. @Mokong I always do that when I get a new job too (except it's usually a dress :P )!
  14. A job has appeared at a company I'd really love to work for! They're based in Sheffield and make really cute looking resources for primary teachers. I've already sent an email stating my interest and asking for more information.
  15. I feel for you. UTIs and kidney infections are horrible. Also annoying that they come from sexy time.
  16. Oh yeah, I totally agree that good behaviour management can be learnt, and I've learnt a lot, being in a pretty tricky school! There are teachers though who command respect, where kids don't step a toe out of line, ever. The teacher doesn't have to manage, because the kids don't want to find out what would happen to them if they did. I'm sure we've all had one as a teacher at one point. You can't learn that, it's just who they are.
  17. @jayseven I worry a lot about what certain people think, and I think I know what's really going on in their minds when they do things, although it doesn't make me angry I just get really, really anxious that I over analyse situations to the extreme. Afterwards I try to take a bit of a step back and think, well how do I know for certain that's how they feel? I'm not them, maybe they've got all sorts of weird stuff going on in their life, then I think about or write down all the things they could have meant when they said or did something, and usually I realise well actually it could just be me thinking these things. My brain has wired itself into always thinking the worst, and never any other situation, like yeah, sometimes I might be right but in other cases I might be really far off. At the moment I'm doing a job share with a very strict, experienced and incredibly tidy teacher (Petra). I'm trying very hard to please her, but in her regular emails about planning she always includes 'make sure you keep them under control' . I've always thought I'm quite good with behaviour (not perfect), but I've been worrying she doesn't think I'm good enough, and that bothers me a lot. Getting better at behaviour management isn't something you can switch on, it's a natural talent. Even the teaching assistant said 'oh ***** wouldn't have done that if Petra was here. Then I start thinking, oh god, she's right I'm crap and terrible and everyone thinks I'm rubbish. But I've learnt to take a step back and think about all the different possibilities. Maybe she's just trying to support me, she knows I'm good with behaviour and wants to make sure I focus on it, or my gut feeling is right, and I just need to ignore her because I know I'm fine with what I'm doing. I always do this when I get these worrying thoughts, and it definitely helps, because I feel this less often. So i'd definitely recommend it! But back to you- It would help if you could be more specific with who is bothering you. It can't be everyone surely? Unless everyone is talking to you about just the weather. That would bother me too! Only a couple of months ago you seemed really happy with life, and now this seems to be getting you really down. Has anything changed to make you feel like this? Out of the list of things you could be, maybe you could be a little depressed, certainly not any of the others (but I'm not a Doctor ). You're way to compassionate and thoughtful!
  18. Emma


    Kinda agree with what most people are saying. The mysteries should take the lead in the story. The funny and personal bits involving the characters should be dotted in between the story, or it gets diluted and pointless. Hopefully the next series will take it back to how it used to be.
  19. I like the apron, where's it from?
  20. I agree with most of what is said here. First it's looks, then personality. But I wouldn't go without either, both are important. Also, how a person looks tells you a lot about who they are on the inside, such as how confidently they stand, or how clean they are:P. @yesteryeargames What do you mean by shallow? Overall I'm going to go with no as your answer
  21. Come on guys, most of you seem to be focusing on the negative. Think back, you must have done more fun things this year! Some fun things i did: Visited Saltaire and the David Hockney Museum. Sledging and making snowmen. Having front row seats to see the Blood Brothers Visited Doncaster Wildlife Park (it's awesome) Went to wedding number 2 in Hong Kong, which was on a boat, then partied in Lan Kwai Fong until 4am. Experienced Dialogue in the Dark: link Saw Bill Bailey stand up Visited Bakewell and Haddon Hall Incubated and hatched the Chickens, kept two. Lots of gardening and LOTS of BBQs Played Borderlands and loads of other games. Went to Cleethorpes and travelled on a miniature railway and had a pint in the World's smallest pub. Visited Italy, including Pompeii and Mt Vesuvius Moved to a cheaper house near all our friends Went to two more weddings and was invited to my friend's in May 2014. Got a Kitty. Spent Christmas with my family. Overall my biggest thing was realising I was depressed and managing to overcome it. :cool:
  22. Save money so I can go back to Hong Kong at Easter (for wedding number 2). Pass my driving test. Change my job for a better one. Move somewhere new. I saved money and went to Hong Kong! We even went to Italy. I haven't passed my driving test because my driving instructor broke his foot before I was meant to take my test, so that's technically not my fault! I did leave my job, but yet to get a job doing something I want. I have got an interview in Janiary though. I moved, but just to another part of Sheffield :-p This year, I want to stay happy, pass my driving test and start saving for a mortgage :-)
  23. 3DS has arrived, yay! Unfortunately our game and charger hasn't, as they were delivered to Dan's work, which is closed until next Thursday, oops. So he's gone into town to buy Zelda and a charger! I've been trying to set everything up like an ID and a club nintendo membership, I've not got a clue what I'm doing :P
  24. @Aneres11 your family does a Christmas Quiz too? My family has a big party and we split into teams, there's a picture round and questions round, I love it! This year my team came second on Christmas Eve and last on Christmas Day. There's always next year!! My friend got me a cardboard fire truck for the cat. It's amazing. Also got lots of little goodies Unfortunately my mum was ill and didn't have any Christmas dinner or go to any parties. She had an operation on Monday and we think she had a reaction to the antibiotics. She's feeling better now though, just a shame she missed out on everything.
  25. My main presents were an online art course subscription and a pretty dress. Dan and I got enough money combined to buy a 3DS Xl from Tesco (yay!). Dan also got Marvel Lego for the Xbox from my mum, so we're looking forward to playing that! Getting more presents today when we visit Dan's family.
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