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Everything posted by Emma

  1. Not a selfie but it includes a Chicken. She jumped on my arm for a stroke, then decided my shoulder was better.
  2. Nope! Being attracted to someone is important, why deny yourself that? I tried it and it didn't work out. We were more like best friends or brother and sister, it always felt awkward.
  3. For me, the travel card has always worked out cheaper if I'm being touristy and catching the tube loads in one day. I tried it once on an Oyster card and spent way more.
  4. I can remember when I was told that mince pies weren't actually made from mince meat, it still didn't change my opinion on them! A year ago I found out they're made from suet (fat on the kidneys of cows) bluergh, bluergh, bluergh. Now this on the other hand is delicious:
  5. Okay, so I decided to find your OkCupid profile. It's actually pretty good, and the photos you've picked are good too. So if you're not getting responses from anyone, it can't be your profile, it must be the type of girls you message or the messages themselves. But I can't comment on that, because they aren't visible. However, if I was single and looking at your profile, I'd definitely like to know more than what you've put. You've mentioned a couple of things what you're good at, talk about them a little. It's very hard to see what you're really like. You say you don't get responses from girls, but it says on your message button that you 'reply often', so you must get some replies! Also finally, I know the question and answer bit shows who you are and what you want, but you might be cutting off a lot of girls just by saying you wouldn't have a relationship with someone who has a coldsore. You know most people who get coldsores only have them maybe once a year for a few days right?
  6. I'm actually going to put that on my Christmas list, cheers Rez. Whenever our loaf comes out wrong it always ends up looking like a stodgy pancake. But when it goes right, mmmm nothing better than freshly baked bread.
  7. Emma


    @pratty I agree that the school definitely went about the letter in the wrong way, and it's unfair to punish the child and that parents should decide whether their child can be taken out of school or not, because hypothetically yes, a parent might not want their child to go on any school trip due to it being out of school and dangerous. This in my experience has never been the case. I get 100% attendance for all visits except religious/cultural ones (around 80%), unless it's a church. At my previous school we had Wonder Weeks which involved focusing on one religion for a week. Some parents would keep their kids out of school for the entire week. Crazy and wrong.
  8. @ReZourceman I am envious of your ability to make macarons. I completely failed when I tried a few years back. Never again. I made a vegetable croquette Katsu Curry last night. I usually make it with chicken, but as we're having that tonight I decided to try something new out. They were delicious! It's basically mash potato with diced cooked veg in a patty, covered in bread crumbs and fried, with a sweet curry sauce. Lovely! Here are the recipes I sort of followed: Croquettes (use whatever veg you want): http://www.examiner.com/article/how-to-make-panko-crusted-japanese-croquettes-at-home Chicken Katsu Curry (use breadcrumbs and add more flour): http://www.channel4.com/4food/recipes/tv-show/cook-yourself-thin-recipes/chicken-katsu-curry-recipe
  9. Emma


    Children always like going on trips, it's the parents that forbid them. I'm sure the school has plenty of proof that the reason why parents don't allow their children to go on trips is because they're openly bigoted. I heard it daily where I taught. It's in the National Curriculum to learn about other cultures. If you take your child to a school that isn't private, they have to learn about it.
  10. Emma


    I don't agree with the way they went about this at all. However working at a school which had similar problems with getting children to go on cultural and religious trips, I can see why they took such a dramatic step, they just went about it in the wrong way. One mistake and the school is tarnished, yet the parents will get away with saying and doing loads of bad things every day!
  11. Emma


    It's a school, of course they use comic sans!
  12. They give people control over how they appear. It's like makeup. It's how we want to be perceived. I'm not sure whether they make us feel good or bad about how we look. Maybe a bit of both. I look so much better when I take a photo of myself! EVIDENCE: @Shorty 's photo isn't a selfie. It's a cutesy couple photo, something totally different :P
  13. @Charlie I agree with it being a cultural thing, and that's why we don't have women walking down the street in the UK with their boobs out, because it's seen as a sexual display. As I said before, if boobs weren't seen that way then of course you'd see women topless, just like men. I've never been to a beach in Europe and noticed more women topless than not, but maybe I'm not looking for it. I think in relation to this topic, people can do whatever they want in public, as long as it's not physically sexual. @Grazza They covered her up because it's a family show, which lots of children watch (and it's funny). Again, it's not because there is anything shameful about showing her body, it's because it's a sexual performance. They can't get away with showing anything obvious like that.
  14. @Shorty I knew you'd post in here and make me jealous of your cheap, lovely house with your nice fireplace and pretty bathroom sink. p.s Nandos sucks
  15. So today I got a text out of the blue asking me if I wanted a part time job at my old school, working 2 days a week. To provide a bit of back story, I left in July due to anxiety and depression from the job (although I didn't tell them that). I most definitely don't want to teach anymore but unfortunately I haven't managed to get a job doing something else and haven't had much supply work, so funds are low. Good news is I'm now very happy and enjoying life again. It's a very hard decision to make, but think I'm going to go for it, in the hope that 2 days a week won't be so bad and I'll have 5 days weekends. I won't enjoy teaching, but maybe 2 days won't be enough to bring me down, plus the workload will be more manageable. I will still have crazy targets to make, but hopefully I won't care as much working part time- which is bad I know. The school I worked in is in a VERY deprived area, and most of the kids lead terrible lives, which I know will still get to me. Decisions, decisions! Edit: @Ramar One good tip is, what can you offer that other candidates can't? You can try to answer questions perfectly but you need to stand out from the crowd, something that will make you memorable. If you don't get the job it doesn't necessarily mean you're doing something wrong. You could have been the best you could be, but someone else just had a little more experience or there was an internal candidate guaranteed the job. It's tough and rubbish, but one day it will work in your favour.
  16. When I lived alone in a 2 bed flat, about 35-40% went on rent, then that halved when Dan got a job and I got paid more. Place where we live now is cheaper at £525 a month for a three bed unfurnished, which is pretty good. I don't pay rent as I'm not earning enough on supply at the moment. I'd say Dan puts about 45% of his wage towards rent. Edit: as soon as money situation improves, we're saving up for a mortgage deposit! Fed up of renting now.
  17. I'm pretty sure the main reason why people don't get their abdomens massaged is because it's a silly idea. They had a pole dancer on Britain's Got Talent this year. The reason why page 3 has calls to be banned is because it objectifies women. It's not telling women they should be ashamed of their bodies. Yes, it isn't socially acceptable for a woman to walk around topless, but the view hasn't got any worse over the past 100 years. Women's breasts are sexual, just like a man's penis. You don't see men walking around with their willies hanging out, just like you don't see women topless either. We certainly aren't going backwards with our inhibitions, if anything (in general) we are going forwards.
  18. I don't drink coffee, but Dan does. He uses an Aeropress and swears by it: You can get them online! Had to take my white chicken (Bacon) back to the chicken farm this morning. She didn't get on well with the other chickens so thought it was for the best, still sad though. :-(
  19. His name is Arthur. He's been with us for 3 weeks and as you can see, he's settled in well.
  20. Going to see this tonight! I really enjoyed the Asgard (is that the name of the place!?) scenes in the last film, and see from the trailer there's much more of it in this movie. It'll be strange seeing a Marvel film without @Shorty and @Nami. I think we've seen most of them together over the past year and a half!
  21. @bob mentioned, stuff that I'd want to get out of bed for. I hired an incubator with 10 fertilised eggs. Nearly a month later the chicks hatched and I raised them myself (with a little help from Dan). It really gave me a purpose and I loved doing it. I still have the odd bad day, but I guess so does everyone else .
  22. I feel like I've made an internet enemy!
  23. Some of the views on this thread are worrying and quite saddening. So on a lighter note... If all these guys who need sex so badly were willing to just fuck each other, it would sort out so many problems.
  24. It's not about it being legal or not. I'd be happier if people were educated on the massive negative impact the sex trade has on the mental and physical wellbeing of those involved, and if you're paying for it, you're contributing to this. Being fucked 8, 9 10, 11 times a day every day is going to make a person sore and uncomfortable. Fucking someone they find repulsive/unattractive and being used for their body can't be good for anyone. Even if it was their choice, it doesn't make it okay for anyone to physically and emotionally hurt them. I wish there was more support for people involved in selling themselves (objectification) for money. By this I mean to make sure that people entering the sex trade are doing it because they really want to, and know of what could and probably will happen to them plus offering alternatives and counselling. Everyone can easily make a bad choice, given their situation and mood they're in, but it's about giving support to those people who need it, no matter who they are.
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