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Everything posted by Emma

  1. ...and Dan rejected me when we first met! I think he even talked about it on here!
  2. About to buy this. Loved origins and I'm way better than Dan at it (much to his annoyance!).
  3. .. and we all live in Sheffield (obviously the best reason). I hate my neighbour but I love the house I live in. However, we're starting to think about buying due to getting fed up of beige walls and landlords.
  4. @Murr I'm very jealous of your vegetable growing skills! Bet you can't wait to eat them all. I'd love to have a little vegetable patch in my garden, maybe I should get one sorted for next year. So @Dan Dare and I had a great holiday in Sorrento, Italy. We visited Pompeii, Mt Vesuvius and Herculanuem. At the top of Positano At the top of the town is where we took the previous photo! Pompeii- can't believe how HUGE the place is! At the top of Vesuvius ( an active Volcano that destroyed Pompeii and Herculanuem). At Herculaneum (much more preserved than Pompeii) sitting on a mosaic over 2,000 years old. Dan jumping into the pool (which was very cold!) One of the many pizzas we made at a cooking school in Sorrento. The view from our hotel, with Vesuvius in the background.
  5. @jayseven definitely, like likes like. You'll never find someone who fits you perfectly though, but getting near is what you need to go for. A good relationship is also whether you are able to put up with their little annoyances or not. That will take you a long way. I see Dan everyday, even before we moved in together we saw each other maybe 5 days out of 7. It's what we both like doing. He's going away to Wales for 4 days on a stag do this weekend, it'll be weird not seeing him but it will be nice to have a tidy house for the weekend .
  6. The other day I noticed that my nostrils were wonky.
  7. I completely agree with @Guy, I think you need to stick at doing what you're doing for a little longer and something better will appear.
  8. I was attacked in town by the swarm of flying ants
  9. If you got a message from someone you really liked, you'd message them straight back and would be keen to meet up. If the girl says she's too busy, move on to someone else, you're wasting your time. When Dan and I started talking on OkCupid, we started chatting on a Sunday afternoon online. Within 4-5 hours we were at the local pub. I was meant to be busy planning lessons that night, but I still made the time. :-)
  10. Emma


    Dan's brother did this at his wedding and it was the best music I've ever heard at a wedding, people were on the dance floor the whole evening. He did put in a lot of hours deciding the playlist though. I'd be careful with inviting people to take photos of the wedding, you'll end up with everyone watching the wedding through their phone, camera or iPads.
  11. Emma


    Weddings are super awesome, I love them and can't wait for the next one in September. Strangely, all my friends from college who were anti marriage are now wed or engaged. A lot of people say that their wedding is the best most brilliant day of their lives. Why wouldn't you want to have an awesome day like that @Animal? I'm not fussed about atheists getting married in churches. What bothers me more is when they get their children christened. Uuuerrgh. What I do find strange is that you can't get married outdoors (without a fixed roof) in the UK
  12. @Animal I had the same thing with my Xbox live account, so I opened up one of my favourite books, turned to a random page and found the most interesting word on it. Hope that helps!
  13. I've got lots of good news to share! So as some of you may know, Dan and I got some fertilised chicken eggs from a farm and incubated them. All 5 Buff Orpingtons hatched yesterday. Here is a photo and vine: Some even more brilliant news is that Caveman (my pet guinea pig in the picture) is going to be okay! She was taken in for surgery this morning to try and find out why she has been bleeding. Luckily it was a treatable issue and has been spayed to sort out the problem! Here is a photo of Caveman after a bath: We're so relieved as the outlook didn't seem great. Hopefully her recovery will go well and we'll be able to pick her up from the vets tonight!
  14. @Ashley Love the video. I've been in that situation on the bus and train before. Congratulations to all the people taking positive steps with their relationships. It will pay off eventually when you meet someone great . I've got something to moan about relationship wise. My once close friend, who I've known for about 12 years, got engaged at the weekend. We used to see each other all the time, even when we lived in different parts of the UK we'd visit a few times a year. But since he met his girlfriend I haven't seen him in a year and a half. He helped me move house about 2 years ago but I had to keep that a secret from his fiancee. He used to be really sociable, with myself and loads of other people, but not anymore. I dunno, maybe it's what he wants. He's obviously happy with her and I know people drift apart, but it didn't feel like a drift. I just find it annoying he's dropped me so easily from his life. ...I wouldn't be suprised if I didn't get an invite to the wedding.
  15. Both of Dan's brothers went to Thainland on their honeymoons and loved it. One of them went here then on to singapore.
  16. There are two naughty children in my school named Tyler (including a child with a lot of issues called Taylor), but it's unfair to judge all children by a name. The woman was also a bit silly going on tv, but the amount of hate she's had for it is uncalled for.
  17. Yes! I've bought quite a few plants over the last year, I've also got a couple of hanging baskets. My pride and joy are my sweet peas. I've grown them from seed- I had them in the house from March to May then planted them out. They just started flowering this week! I'll take a photo when it's not chucking it down. Rosemary grows quite quickly and thyme seems to be grow just nicely. I really enjoy gardening, just wish the weather was a bit nicer at the moment so I could enjoy all the hard work I've put in!
  18. I really like seeing other people's lovely gardens! Also, some people put the effort into front gardens as it's something calming to see when they first arrive home.
  19. Tequila Slammers, moustaches and ridiculously large hats. Party Solved.
  20. I've got an interview for a job in London! Although I don't want the full hassle of being a class teacher, it's for a job as an Art teacher at a fancy private school in London. ...I've got two weeks to learn how to speak properly before my big day!
  21. I agree with @jayseven that not having kids is selfish (your'e doing what you want to do instead of creating life and giving your everything to it) but that's not a bad thing. I think that's the important part. At the end of the day, it's your life and you need to do what you want, and what makes you happy. I don't feel like I'm being bothered about marriage or kids. I know my mum really wants grandchildren and I'm her only daughter, but I don't feel any pressure. Maybe it's because I'm only 25?
  22. When I was 23 I certainly didn't want to spend time with most 18 year olds. I can sort of see their point.
  23. I'm still mad about it from this morning . Maybe I'll have to watch it again when I've calmed down a bit.
  24. I think women are usually quite aware when something is happening to them (such as wrinkles) but they just try hard to cover it up. Some guys I know didn't want to admit to themselves, they'd get mardy and deny any changes.
  25. I've found that generally, men don't like to accept the fact that they're losing their hair.
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