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Everything posted by Emma

  1. I totally see it.
  2. I hate my teeth. My mum used to be a dental nurse, but unfortunately I inherited my Dad's sweet tooth. NEW CHICKEN!!!! Name ideas so far are: Cabbage, Bacon or Colonel Sanders.
  3. Surely they've picked the worst photos of everyone. All the choices look a little off.
  4. That's a great story! Shame she saw the rose petals, but at least it wasn't the ring!?
  5. I actually think there's something a little menacing in this photo! @nightwolf, that sounds like the perfect photo!
  6. @Twozzok I enjoyed the video. I used to ride around wearing a big wooly scarf.
  7. I loved series 3, I just don't see how series four could beat it if they go for the get nucky storyline again, even from a different angle. The past two episodes have been a bit boring, too busy setting up the story. Hopefully it will improve once in full swing!
  8. @Jon We have matching backgrounds. P.s delightful bow tie.
  9. The Dan-etello photo got me in the mood to see more 80s and 90s photos of you guys looking cute/ ridiculous. I want to see how you all used to look when you were kids. To start it off, here's a photo of me looking ADORABLE. Good job I had that fringe to cover up my gigantic forehead. ...I realise that there was a similar thread made 7 years ago, but didn't want to bring it back up.
  10. @Raining_again and @nightwolf , you both look lovely. Raining I'm super jealous of your perfectly white teeth. To continue with female photos, here is me at a wedding on Saturday, wearing my poof-y dress.
  11. You love it really! In October Dan and I are moving to an awesome house which is closer to all our friends. We'll be living across the street from @Shorty and @Nami. It's pretty much identical to our current house, but £90 cheaper a month. I also discovered this awesome photo of Dan (atello) today:
  12. I agree with a lot of people in this thread about it being their house, their rules. Mainly because they've done a lot for you already. You've got to think about it from their situation. They've been very generous and accepting by letting you live with them for a year and a half, and it must be a strain on them having extra grown up people live in the house with them. Think about the long term, which is what you plan on being with this girl. Putting in a little bit more effort and chores in the short term will pay off in the long term. Also, maybe they ask you to do more, because you're more available, or in their culture that's just what they expect you to do.
  13. Wahey, congratulations! I also want to know how you proposed!
  14. Feeling a bit similar to you. Leaving teaching was a hard choice to make, but I'm glad I made it as I really wasn't happy with what I was doing. I've signed up to a supply agency begrudgingly until something else appears. Okay, so here's my story. I've tried to cut it as short as I can. In my first year of uni in Lincoln I dated a guy (Matt) who I worshipped. At the end of the year he graduated he cut all contact and moved to China. Fast forward 4 years, and I've moved to Liverpool. I was with a boyfriend (Danny) that I was no longer happy with. He was like my best friend but there was no passion there. I just didn't fancy him. I went to Manchester Uni for an open day thing and bumped into Matt. I'd often dreamt about doing this, but never actually thought it was possible. My heart was racing. I said Hi and we had a few drinks, I missed the last train back home and ended up sleeping at his. Nothing sexual happened, it could have. But I told him I couldn't When I got home, I spoke with Danny and we both decided the relationship wasn't working and we broke it. I began seeing Matt again and kept a difficult friendship with Danny. It was coming up to the end of my temporary job in Liverpool, and I hadn't managed to secure a job anywhere for next year. My only option at the time was to move home with my parents, who I didn't get along very well with. I was worrying lots about money, and didn't know what to do. Danny suggested that I move to Sheffield with him, where he had recently secured a PHD. The condition was that I had to phone Matt up and tell him I didn't want to see him ever again. I took the easy option. Six months later and I'm living in Sheffield, I couldn't sleep at night. I'd wait until Danny had fallen asleep and I'd stay up late just crying. I later found out he'd been cheating on me by sneaking into the bathroom and video chatting with various female friends. This was the final wake up call I needed. I moved out and got a house share in Sheffield, which I paid for with a part time job I had.
  15. So long story short, we have shitty neighbours and an unsupportive landlord which means we're moving. We're looking at moving closer to where our friends live as it gets quite expensive getting taxis to visit them. So far this week we looked at a house which was nice, but on a street with druggies, and a bodge job house on @Shorty 's street (even thought his house is lovely).
  16. I like the top @Ashley. I bought some new winter boots yesterday. I was after some leather ones, but thought these faux Rocket Dog boots were just as nice. They've also got some great soles, usually with women's boots there's no grip whatsoever, and come winter I'm slipping and sliding all over the place.
  17. I've just finished watching season 4, trying to catch up before the show ends, so I can talk about it.
  18. My Mum and aunties had similar sizes to you and had breast reduction surgery a few years ago. They also suffered from back ache, and my mum their size. She eventually got them done on the NHS for free a few years ago, and is so much happier since she did.
  19. @Eenuh Unfortunately both my sisters inherited the Parr nose and had surgery on them about 12 years ago. Luckily mine is somewhere in between my Mum's and Dad's. Apart from my nose, showing my gums too much when I smile and having smaller boobs, I'm the spitting image of my mum.
  20. Haha, whoops. ...they both start with an M.
  21. Excellent! @Magnus. Dan introduced me to the forum after meeting @Shorty and @Nami. He started showing me posts and mentioned that he'd said stuff about me in there, and I could read it if I wanted. He acts cocky in that thread, when in reality he was being a massive wuss pants. We don't always act like our true selves online. EDIT: ...and yes he could have. I fancied the pants off of him :P
  22. I can tell how much you've all matured from seeing 'how fast can you spank the monkey?' to 'tell us about your penis'?.
  23. He isn't. He's ridiculously cheesy. He wrote a sonnet for my birthday called 'Emmababe' :p @Ashley I noticed the support! Funny how he called me 'goofy': It all worked out though.
  24. @Ashley, he walks like that all the time Dan tells me that when he left my house in the morning, it pretty much went like this: He's on a stag do in Wales this weekend, but I'll let him know how you feel when he gets back :P. I'll do the girlfriend/ boyfriend one first. I don't think it's as good as the first story though! We'd been seeing each other (read into that what you will) pretty much every day for 2 months and nothing in the slightest had been brought up about what we were doing. I wanted to say something, but didn't due to what had happened when we first met. It was pretty much all I was thinking about at the time though. I'd slept over at his house midweek, and we were coming back to mine to pick something up. As we came to the outside of my house I noticed that the gate door thing that went down the side of the house was mysteriously open. So I went in to check my Vespa was still there... It wasn't. Sudden panic and freak out ensued. I rushed inside to ask if my housemates knew where it was, they just looked confused, I ran outside to ask the neighbours, they just looked shifty. So I ran back inside to phone the police. The policeman told me to give an overview as to what I'd done up to the incident and where I'd been. Dan was out of the room at the time, so to stop myself from sounding like a hussy I said I was at my boyfriend's house (compared to, I was at this guy's I've sort of been seeing place). After the police had been and left and I'd phoned my parents Dan came back in and said to me. '"So you were at your boyfriend's last night were you?". I then went bright red and tried to explain how I didn't want to sound dodgy to the police, Then he replied with... "well I guess we better stick with that now that you've got a police report to confirm it." EDIT: I found the thread: http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=29900
  25. No it's fine, I quite like telling the story! He found me through OkCupid and we met up at the local pub after sending a few messages. It was a bit embarrassing though as his older brother was there, so after a couple of drinks he came back to mine (he was living with parents at the time) to watch Rome. Nothing happened though, except he was sat right next to me. When he left around 2am, he hung around the entrance door for about 20 minutes while we chatted, then he left. So the next night he came round to mine and we watched Rome again, hung by my door then left. Repeat the same thing a few more nights, except we ended up watching it on my bed in my room. Anyway, after about a week of doing this I got fed up, so at the end of the night by the door I asked him (in a very sort of nice way) if he wanted to, you know, kiss or something. To which he replied 'NO, sorry', walked out the door and left. Anyway, couldn't believe it. I'd never been turned down before, and I REALLY fancied him, and why would he text me constantly and come round to mine Every night? He sent me a text to apologise and said he wasn't into me and could we just be friends. Obviously I wasn't impressed, so I ignored him for a week, until he text me asking if we could meet up. So he came round to mine and he'd hardly stepped through the door when he walked right up to me and... Well you can guess what happened next :-p. He told me that at the time he came on here talking about how he'd met this girl (me), but wasn't sure he liked her that much. The post is probably still on here somewhere. There's also the story of how we became boyfriend and girlfriend officially, and how he told me he loved me, but I guess that's for another time (when someone gets bored enough to ask). Sorry for any mistakes- I've written this on my phone!
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