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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Ginger Bites maybe? Possibly Clueless to some extent as well. Sorry, not much help.
  2. Good post System. I like the sound of Austria's national service, it makes a lot of sense.
  3. Thanks for the work guys, it's muchly appreciated. Was a good way of solving many probs at once. It's nice to have the online sections in subs as well.
  4. It depends on whether you are logged in and if you're not, how much info your PC holds onto for ref.
  5. But dude, if she does not comply then she will break your face, your manhood and the rest of your body (and not show a single face expression in the process )! I haven't seen the first T movie in a very long time but from what I remember, it just portrayed that feeling of vulnerability in the characters. Very few films that I see manage to communicate that sense of life-in-jeopardy, many people just use ultra-violence to make the audience turn away. Making them feel it through the other characters is essence of the Alien/Pred/T clique. I'll have to watch it again soon.
  6. What? Jay isn't in the happy place right now? *sits Jay on his knee (and not in a Gay or anything else kinda way)*
  7. There's one thing that no one had really mentioned or touched on here. If you do join one of the armed forces (this is mostly for combat troops) then you will be surrounded by people that you can rely on to do their job, be there for you in a practical and professional capacity and clearly understand their objectives. And that's great, while you're working... But when going back to being a Civ though, by comparison you will be surrounded by people who are totally not practically minded, who by your standards will concern themselves with insignificant matters, people who will let you down and think nothing of it and other who will just seem very very lazy. Many many people find it very hard to readjust and reintegrate into normal society and they will often take jobs in security and the police, not because it's the only thing that they can do but it it's one of the very few situations in which they feel comfortable. I'd also echoe many of the points for and against joining the forces but most people seem to said them already. Think carefully about minimum serving term though, what is it 4 years? You keep on sounding like you've been all over the place recently, so can you imagine how much you have changed in the past 4 years? Then bare in mind that you WILL be doing your job for 4 years and if it's not what you want to do then you're fuckt.
  8. Ahhh awesome pictures all. Is it just me or does Letty's combo of bright colours and green hair give her a slightly Umpa Loompa-ish lookey-like-ness? Can you say "Welcome to our town?" Mean old witch... the WICKED WITCH!
  9. Ummm looks crap... again. They need to start designing something thats actually a game rather than a "Spiderman Experience". I actually thought that Spidey 3 was ok, the missions in particular were pretty good but the open world play was RUBBISH. They should just stop trying to make it so open world because it's just huge and full of nothing. It's just a big pile of diluted grey!
  10. Me! Me! (Eventhough you already said yes )
  11. I've not liked Epic's attitude in a long time. On top of which their engine's SDK is a pile of shit. It's in both the developers and Epic's interest for their engine to work properly yet still their arrogance gets in the way.
  12. But people buy it and enjoy it. Isn't that enough to prove that it's doing something right?
  13. Really, really happy that people are making a Wii specific engine. I agree with Hellfire about that this game itself doesn't look that great but that doesn't mean much. But I would say this: other engines have made their way into a format for the Wii (Oblivion's engine for instance) but I don't know of any games that are being developed for those engines. This shows a lot of potential for great stuff to come to the console. And that's all we can ask fro really.
  14. I dies... *sniff* and it was by accident too Anyway, as far as mafia goes: "Feed me more Crellbourne! Feed me NOW!"
  15. Wes you just need to do stuff on your own. I only find the tutorials helpful for finding out what tools are available and how they work (and sometimes not even that). Work flow is something that you constantly need to think about and can be quite a challenge. But the more experience you have, the faster you will be. Seriously just get down and do some stuff.
  16. Getting really pissed with the blue shells on the final corner crap. Stopped me from getting a * rating on about 3 different 150cc cups now. Grrrr.
  17. Well either he's totally into you (wish I think is the case) or he's the biggest prick tease ever. In which case u might need to have words.
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