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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. You guys thought it was clever? I found it drab and verging on predictable. The characters were insescantly annoying, meaning that you had no connection with them so you never got scared with them out of empathy. I've never had to sit through a film with such a whiney, bitchy set of characters ever. Lets not forget retarded shall we? Almost as bad as the beginnig of the rubbish bit of Jeepers Creepers: "Shall we go back?"
  2. I do say both. FFS have you even pressed 7 to see what the Tri count is? I bet you've got around 1000 polys going on in both of those.
  3. Yeah it does, I would out and tell you all but not everyone on here is a stranger to me, I know at least 5 members in RL.
  4. Ahhh I know you want me to but i really cant.
  5. Just started watching Pushing Daisies. Now I know that probably everyone else has seen it already but I really like it. It's a beautiful show with a veyr light hearted edge that some people might find a little kitchy but if your a fan of either Tim Burton or J-P Jeanet (Amelie Director) then its a must. So nice to see a show that isn't full of super cynical or skeptical characters, they like being themselves.
  6. I can see why people would want to have pregnancy sex. Many men say that their wives and girlfriends look most beautiful and attractive when they are pregnant. The logic just follows really. Not to mention if your pregnant other half is screamingly hormonal and horny then I don't think that you can put up much of a fight can you? Not only is it your duty to look after her but personally, I don't think that I could stop a sexually rampaging hippo sized woman.
  7. It's such a shame isn't it? We all want to love someone and be in love but most of the time we find ourselves tricking ourselves into being in love. The amount of times that I have thought that I've been in love when I have just been infatuated is rediculous.
  8. Hmmm... I've had the odd bit of dream recently (cos I very rarely remember any dreams I have) which have worried me slightly. Dont want to go into details but essentially, I find myself doing something that I know that I dont want to do. It seems inevitable, to the point where I don't even feel bad about it when it happens but I know for definite that this is something that I don't want to do in RL. I wake up feeling guilty and worried that I secretly do want to do this thing. It all seems like a car crash happening in slow motion. I have vaguely worried about this in RL so I'm hoping that these dreams are just a symptom of that. Think I'm worried that I don't have to personal strength to stop myself doing this act. And as I said, I really really don't want to.
  9. If you "click" and get along but are not physically attracted to her that much then I'd say that your nothing more than friends. On a subconscious level, you could liking her because you want her to be happy so you think going out with her would be good. But if you thought about it you'd just be going out with her for the sake of it. Or you could be (again this is subconscious) could be seeing it as an easy option because you haven't gone out with someone in a while.
  10. I was very suprised how mediocre the art was for the latest one but yeah as Jonnas said, its not a series for people who've played it before really.
  11. Problem is that I'd played 2 iterations of the series before the online trading came along and just like when i was 13/14 nobody has the game so nobody to enjoy it with per say. Thing is with Pokemon is that the experience doesn't change in the slightest and the monster design is getting worse. I thought that the new MarioKart would be the same but it's not, I've tested it with the latest Pokemon and its just tedious. They should do over the whole game design and use the original 250, spend time filling them with more character and individuality (something that only the series and the movies achieved). Then again, i haven't played any of the spin off games so yeah. But yeah MMO ftw. Nintendo will never do it though.
  12. Oh come on guys, 2 months? That's not very long especially when there's a chance that the delay could stop all of the internet play problems... shut yar pie-holes. It's not like you are waiting for 6 months or anything is it. Doubt you'll be happy until we get it the same day as everyone else. Hey, SSBB is actually coming out on my birthday. Sweet.
  13. for truth... she totally slowed down the pace of series 1 and almost stopped several people i know watching it.
  14. Jamba


    Also, is this a budget title? Would seem to be a good idea as it's a port.
  15. Jamba

    Wii Fit

    I hope everyone on this forum knows that BMIs are unrepresentative right?
  16. No, I am. I checked the link directing and the Forum button has the Chat code on it but so does the Chat button so it doesn't make any sense. Even when it takes me to the Chat page, I click the Forum button and it reloads the Chat page again. It seems to only last for a small period of time but it's still one of those mysteries... maybe it's just firefox being silly or summet.
  17. As far as a I know, bluey has never gone very dark, she had it bleached and taken it pinkish and red at times but not blue or black.
  18. Was that aimed at me? Now you see, you have to spend quite a lot of time getting all technical on any system really to use any of those extra functions that you've mentioned. Also, IRC, MSN? It's a phone! Just text someone or call them. I'm rarely away from a computer so there's no point. And no the OS (which is what i'm guessing you're calling S60) was a heap of crap on both of the phones I had it on. That OS has been around for ages and it's only just recently that the hardware has got good enough to use it. To me, the only thing that I would genuinely want as an extra from a phone right now is a solid, functional and user friendly internet browser, that feels like im actually on the internet, not some gross little program for accessing certain pages. The iPhone is the only one that i've seen do this so far.
  19. Yeah but we all know that if Nokia or anybody just made and heavily marketed a simple sturdy cheap phone that EVERYONE would get that (3300 series *cough*) and never need to buy another phone. It's rediculous.
  20. Er on a kind of weekly basis, the site keeps on sending me to Chat instead of the Forum. Seems that the link code moves or something... any thoughts? This has been going on for a while though.
  21. Sounds like a good idea... the "what shall i wear thread"?
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