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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Ah, I see. I thought it was Beggilax's power that got him out. That was a VERY annoying role, you're right but maybe it just needs to be in better hands. I found my role quite hard as protecting people stopped them using their powers and most of the people that I knew were good had good powers. Some really good characters in there though Jonnas.
  2. Yeah first night deaths are always a bastard! Harsh on anyone but it always happens. Thanks Jonnas, it was a good game and often completely baffling. In some ways, it surprising how right a lot of your suspicions are just out of pure gut feeling. Thanks for my first game *mafia virginity lost*
  3. Yeah but you could see that as Valve just wanting to give Freeman a Mesiah role (which they did so much it actually REALLY pissed me off). And the references to Black Mesa were mere sprinklings really, mostly when someone said "remember me from black mesa?" which was just a way of saying "this is your friend". There were only 2 things in the game that felt full of character and not diluted. Dog and Lavern (and they weren't even human!) Yay, 3 episodes later. Making it a feel a bit like Lost aren't we? What, with the carrot and stick and carrot and stick? Lost actually sparks intruige though, making you speculate about both the WHAT and the WHY. HL2 gave you all of the WHAT (well all that you would be getting that episode) and all of the WHY is done by the screens. Can you see why I think that it's taked on? My interest in what was going on completed disappeared as soon as I got on that water bike and I found myself just completing the rest of the game out of sheer force. Really, honestly couldn't give a shit about any of the characters or the story world (except for dog, i wanna take him home).
  4. Damn it's going to be very hard to chose which one to get now. Duel mode might swing it though. If the game in general handles well on all platforms then I dont think that I'm going to be to botherd about getting it for a prettier version alone.
  5. Umm like where? Have you been drinking again...?
  6. Yay, more mafia! Vote: No Lynch
  7. Yes it uses B to fire! Thats one of my only criticism about the MP3 setup.
  8. You'd be surprised at what can happen with a quick burst of force. There could be a lot of tactics involed in this, not to mention the stamina factor.
  9. OK can you explain this because I don't remember a single bit of the storyline that was helped by this. I think that HL2 was very good at showing WHAT was going on just not very good at show WHY or building that much of an emotional link. In fact, like many people, I found Alex to be very annoying, unlike her Dad who was a dude.
  10. I couldnt stop thinking of the monkey from LOZ:TP. He he... him and his big ol nose.
  11. Then only play one at once Haggis. There's a cue and there will only ever be 2 running so you just sign up for every other one in the cue.
  12. But then the same would happen on your screen.
  13. Is that mankey or something?
  14. Dom you bitch! You were Top Cat! You shlaaaag.
  15. I didn't give a rats ass about anyone but dog and alex the whole way through the game. And I still don't. Most of the characters had really good acting but the actualy emotional connection. From what I can tell, they made the game with certain events written from the beginning, like the set pieces and things like "scared people huddled underneath window". The main overarching story seems extremely tagged on. All on monitors and tv screens with the main bad guy almost telling you directly the main plot? Thats just like telling the player that they had to find some excuse to explain what was going on.
  16. Yeah actually, id be up for this actually. Nothing like a bit of realy physical input during a game and what better than pretty much one of the best computer games ever made... I will destroy you all!!!!
  17. I'll wait until later today but honestly, going to vote for O_W cos we need to lynch someone and we dont have any info on anyone else really.
  18. MGS makes me want to kill people. First one was really good up to a certain point but there's far too much of this "meaning of life" shit being flung around and it almost ruined a great story. MGS3 seemed to have a good idea over all but was completely the opposite. It was crap almost all the way through until the very last FMV that was very good (beginning section was pretty good too though). But cmon! Hours and hours of FMV? Fuck you Kojima! Every character in that game was pathetically shallow and generic. I don't think I need to explain my hate for the so called "bosses" in it either (man made of bees? )
  19. Please don't get me started on the storyline of Half Life 2. In short, I felt it was tacked on. The videos were a good idea but a very cheap one.
  20. Great, now O_W is gonna die without any info. Can people please withdraw some votes?
  21. Seriously people, stop voting for O_W until he comes online. We don't want to leave ourselves in a precarious situation.
  22. What is horror then? Something that really gets you scared? A feeling of deep unease or paranoia? It must be very hard for a film maker to do that now. What do people think of The Cell? I'm not sure if it was horror but the look into the psyche of the serial killer was fantastic with goreous art to match.
  23. And if he doesn't, Maase? He must have some kind of reason to want to vote for you on top of the usual.
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