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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Exactly what I was thinking... really capture that action Ok that's a nice idea but what kind of a game would that be? The only thing I can see it being is another RPG and would likely have to play out like an MMO in the combat system. Visually your idea sounds great though, I can picture it well, but I was kinda trying to think outside the box. Find a new type of game that would fit the Pokemon world.
  2. Well for the fighting game, I'd suggest that sticking to about 20 would be a good call, maybe featuring other in the background or as obsticals/hazards (soooo thinking of Snorlax here...). I would think that balancing the fighting would be the most important part though. In the way they move, how effective the moves are on each character (obviously similarly to the RPG). This is why I think the tag team idea would be great so that you can switch in the appropriate Pokemon. As far as swimming and flying Pokemon go though, I think it would be a case of movement speed dependant on the terrain. But you would need to force characters to not stay in their terrain of choice, maybe by having a scrolling level? Also ghost Pokemon could move through some surfaces. Lots of potential problems to solve but yeah this fighting game is a winner I think.
  3. There's actually a very good reason NOT to do the MMO. If you do it, you are effectively killing the IP potential as you can't go back to a regular RPG after this. Nintendo loves milking Pokemon far too much to ever do that.
  4. I'm not silenced. I'm guessing that the "paper version" (or hollow) of one of the players was created by Vicar. Also there are few people that I would consider could actually talk to someone for an entire day... unfortunately one of them is me I don't mean to...
  5. Oh a fighter? That's a fantastic idea. Battling with Pokemon is so exciting and dynamic in the series, why does it have to be reduced to bland, dry turn based battle systems?! You could really display all of the personality of the characters while showcasing some lovely visuals in the moves. Plus you could have a 6 on 6 tag and set up loads of different ways of doing things. But how would it work? I like the idea of a Power Stone set up where you have room to run around and potential team fighting play. Lots of environment interaction, like the Anime, would be awesome too. Or maybe you could put RPG elements into it to make it a career based fighter, like Fight Night for instance. You could learn new moves or improve on the ones you already know. Wow... this has totally made my imagination EXPLODE. On a seperate note, the relationship between the pokemon and the humans need to be shown off a bit more. In the normal game, your character and the pokemon are effectively the same. The link there seems like one of convenience rather than a caring friendship. I think the games should look into that more. I'd also like a game or two that focuses on the other human job roles promenantly shown in the Pokemon world. Have a game revolving around the nurses or the police. How about being a Pokemon courier?
  6. Found a related article on gamesindustry.biz, thought you guys might find it interesting: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/fighting-fit_1
  7. Haha! Sorry, I should have said that I got what you meant, eventhough I disagreed with your example. Personally, I would love to see them use the Galaxy engine for something else. In fact, I'd love to see anything using the Galaxy engine again. It was great But whether that happens or not is a completely different problem.
  8. Just been reading a transcript of the shareholders meeting Q&A with Satoru Iwata on gamesindustry.biz . One bit bit me in the face and I haven't seen it posted anywhere else. Very reassuring for me. It's nice to hear that the 3rd parties have got some stuff to show and that there's a reason for the quietness. Iwata wants the hype-machine in full working order so people don't hear about a game and forget about it by the time it comes out.
  9. Yep sure that's true (I've been told about this rather than knowing myself) but the Labour government has turned the whole system on it's head. For most staff involved, the whole situation is a nightmare. It's a combination of constant re-organisation, leading to instability and the feeling of the government on their back to achieve targets of statistics which are unrepresentative of the success of their work. All that these people want to do is get down to it and do their job not spend most of their time ticking boxes.
  10. Now we have had the "Pokemon MMORPG" talk so many times on the forum but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for a different direction that the series may take. Or will it not change course at all? From my point of view, Pokemon's continuing success ia partially attributed to the fact that each version released goes into the hand of a new generation (or recent generation) of young gamers. So to most, the formula does need that much of a revamp and hey, it sells so why would it need to change. However, Pokemon could have a broader appeal, which my not be achieved by one single IP. Maybe if the series spawned some new titles (much like the Mysterious Dungeon series) then the Pokemon phenomenon could pass into different genres or at least stray further from it's roots. As a gamer, I love the Pokemon world, I really do. It is a perfectly complete universe with full communitites made up of people with lots of different jobs and ways of associating with the little creatures. It has a real magical quality to the world and to me expresses the wonder of the natural world through it's flora and fauna. But I still feel like I'm scratching only at the surface. I want to be able to really explore this little world that Nintendo have made but I just don't feel like this will happen with the way that the series is going. There's far more to this than just being a trainer and winning battles. I must admit that I haven't had a chance to play any of the spin-off games as such yet but I'm gonna have a crack at MD2 when it comes along. Does anyone feel the same way? Could we getting more out of our Pokemon? Is anyone at Nintendo brave enough to take that step?
  11. This as well! (thought my rant was long enough)
  12. Connection will be dependant on the network you are trying to connect to but in general, I've found that they are super easy. Seriously, I've used the browser on the iPhone and it's a total pleasure.
  13. Labour completely screwed the NHS, they aren't brave enough to listen to the people on the ground so they constantly kept re-shuffling everything to make their stats look better and and just fucked it. Pretol prices are ongoingly disturbing but I'm not sure if that's the governments fault. There are also members of the cabinet that should have been fired long ago as their blunderings are just astonishing (Jaqui Smith). I must admit that I'm disillusioned with British politics atm because firstly, I don't really understand Economics, which leaves out about half of what the Government talk about for me as a subject of interest. Secondly, no one seems to be able to solve a problem without doing it in the most complicated way possible, I want down to earth and non-convoluted solutions (so do the NHS!). Thirdly, how am I meant to vote for someone? Do I look at the personality of the party or what they stand for? Look at the candidate and his manifesto? No... cos thats all bullshit. I can't trust any party I elect to keep their promises and Gordon Brown is the prime fucking example. No one seems that bothered about actually running the country, more trying to keep shit off their face in any-which-way possible, while trying to come up with unnecessary schemes to solve issues which are presently being sorted by plans already laid down, but they have to stamp all over those because they were made by the opposition in the previous term. Nobody seems bothered about actually finding the best solution to a problem, just the one that suits the party personality. It's not politics, it's marketting.
  14. He's only bragging because he's always wanted the game made so he had to sleep with Perrin Kaplan to make it happen and now it is. "Whoo I didn't have to shag that bird for nothing, not to mention flirt with her in every interview!"
  15. *hides* ... was just trying to be helpful... didn't know people got "asked"....
  16. Absolutely not. The Sea King Temple does not even compare to Assassins Creed because the repetitiveness lasts the whole game, not just a bit of it now and again. At least in Zelda you got to go on hoiday and do a dungeon, pick up some local souvenirs and explore the see before coming back to your boring 9-5 job at the Sea King Temple. Assassins Creed is like having a job of hand painting barcodes, accept less challenging.
  17. Dyslexics and people who like to make the world look like a really angry place. That or look like Hell.
  18. NES sequels? Similar? Am I the only one who thinks that this is a bit... well... wrong? SMB and SMB3 have similarities but there is hell of a lot of difference and lets not even get started on SMB2, which couldn't really be much more different while still being a platformer. Only thing I look forward to at E3 is new stuff. I'm getting very tired of pretty much well all of Nintendo's regular IPs and I really hope that there's a wall of games from 3rd parties on the way. And please... can we maybe see games that we will see before the end of the year, not stuff that still has over a year left in development because I'm tired of seeing games that don't deserve to give a bad impression.
  19. Right, for those of us who aren't lucky enough to own both the magazine and a piece of red see-through plastic, do you mind telling us?
  20. Post to stop auto-merge.... Ummm... day starting soon? Send those PMs please everyone.
  21. Haha! Were you trying to save everyone using you Count Duckula castle from Animafia?
  22. I don't think that Murray's objections are to you. More to the fact that people are expecting him to comment on your photos. And if he doesn't want to then that should be fine, there's not a lot that you can say to them really. Your pictures don't inspire conversation they just show what you are doing, which is usually fairly ordinary stuff. If you post your pics with the expectation that people will make a comment then maybe you should try facebook instead.
  23. I can see a face in the middle, like slightly to the right of the absolute center of the moon. I don't recognise the character though. Struggling to find anything else, even when pissing around with the levels and contrast on photoshop.
  24. Change Vote: thunderer
  25. Just had a quick count through Votes (17 Majority) thunderer - 11 Votes (Jonnas, Esequiel, chairdriver, cube, MadDog, jayseven, Eenuh, MoogleViper, Raining_Again, Tellyn, Coolness Bears) Maase - 7 votes (Shino, Gizmo, Zell, Jamba, the fish, Haggis, Maase) No Lynch - 1 Vote (Brian McCoy)
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