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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. R_A there are specific genetic disorders that come from pairing that are so closely related. Most of them are very bad if not fatal from what I remember. It's quite obvious that this guy was very ill but it doesn't change the fact that the family's lives are all pretty much ruined now. I don't think that the daughter will have much of a life now but I hope she can find something in there somewhere. The kids are going to need some extensive medical care which they probably can't afford but I would think that they are being cared for by either state or charitable means. Can't really say all that much about this kind of thing can you?
  2. I feel the same way but I'd only just realised. Or is this one of the things that makes this game more special?
  3. I care about motion sensing and touch screen, not for the innovation itself but for the new types of gameplay and game taht they can bring. They have both had relatively mediocre success in that respect but they do just feel like a more user friendly direction to be moving in. I think that they are both here to stay. And to the other stuff. I don't disagree with your feelings at all, you're perfectly right. Maybe the success of MK and Smashbros will help bring in more publishers.
  4. Its ok, I'm not but thanks for the heads up. Would scare the crap out of my to find any info i got was almost constantly wrong :S
  5. Hey guys, sorry, was arguing with people on the Wii board. Yep my character is a damn crazy head but that is really part of his character description not his role.
  6. Atari: I think that the game looks pretty good from what I've seen. I was talking about people pushing the Wii graphically as that's what I thought was being discussed (turns out I was on the wrong track). PS2/Wii Investment: People were well into heavy developing for the PS2 early on. Many, many devs haven't taken the Wii seriously until recently. There is a time delay to some extent I think. Fresh Wii stuff: Totally agree but few devs have taken up the challenge. I have no idea why this is but I think for some reason, Nintendo seem to be one of the only companies willing to spend money on developing gameplay particularly. I think that the industry could learn a lesson there. DS Feature: That's a "then and now" thing. People were buying the DS for those features originally but as it got popular, the mainstream games ended up being on it because of the massive userbase. I think that this will happen with the Wii too soon enough. Wii Budgets: Couldn't agree more but what are you gonna do? I think that pubs have a set amount of money that they are prepared to spend on a high budget title. As the Wii won't need so much money to dev the graphics, then maybe they think that that money would somehow get wasted. Obviously can't see that designing a good GAME costs as much money as a game with good graphics, if not more.
  7. I'll see what OW says when he gets on... if he hasn't buggered off on holiday again!
  8. No no no... why does everyone seem to think that I don't want them to either? I'm just saying that they have plenty of reasons not to. Yes, well done to HV for doing this but it still doesn't change the fact the PS360 games get an HD budget and the Wii doesn't. It's an unfortunate reality that I don't like that much either but at the end of the day, this is how it is.
  9. Wasn't really trying to compare, I was just pointing out that some devs are doing stuff (do I even need to tell people to wait for e3) cos everyone seems to be running around with their hands in the air screaming for someone to just makes some more mainstream, high budget games. 2 things, firstly you said yourself that most devs didnt know the GCN architecture but very few studios made more than 1 or 2 attempts on it. Most of them had already invested their time and money in figuring out the PS2 and had hedged their bets. As the Wii is a very similar system architecture, I'd think that the devs still aren't willing to learn the architecture properly. You mentioned the know-how to make good games? That know how just isn't there yet. Secondly the Wii is no PS2. It was almost a guaranteed winner from the start and no platform had any defining features as such. This generation, people are buying the Wii for it's defining feature, the contols, so the devs are spending time on making a game that reflects that. Their effort goes into the thing that effects the games sales, which is making it a Wii experience, not a gaphical push. Most of them dont have the money/time to do this.
  10. OK, maybe you are not so naeive as to think that publishers will do what you want but it's not too different from them doing what you think they should do. It's their business to make money and they will have reasons for doing so. I was suggesting some of those possible reasons from what I know about how the industry works not just merely making them up. Glad to see that you resort to insults as well, shame that you have to use them to save face about the fact that you don't want to back up your arguement. You know, actually discuss things.
  11. Well, considering that you're not a publisher and market researching, knowing the userbase, understanding risk in the market and the profit and loss minefield that is game development are publishers specialities, I'd go so far as to say: "maybe they know what they are doing". God, I can't believe all this time people were whining about Nintendo being niche and now everyone is whining about it being a mass market console.
  12. Oh I forgot about Advent rising again! Really like the story in this and it was properly written out as well. In fact the other 2 games were already written but the original got a bad recpetion which was totally uncalled for. Was really chomping at the bit for the sequel, shame really.
  13. Honey, we've already had it! Don't you remember going for dinner with my family before you left? English mothering sunday is different in dif countries. Fathers day is not far off though. June i think...
  14. Yes it is childish. You seem to think that devs will listen to what you want but they dont give a rats ass. It's about the money and right now making games with mass appeal is far more profitable on Wii. Also, devs will want their masterpiece games to be perfect in all aspects and right now I would see them losing scores and appreciation from the shallow market because of what it would lack. If a title is on Wii then it will lack graphics, if it's on PS360 then it will almost definitely lack motion controls. Now which one do you think that most people/reviewers are going to care about? The devs are making the right choice in my eyes, especially when it comes to conventional games. Hadn't heard this before but there's a chance that they might be right. Maybe they figure that people who own a Wii and are into their games which are aimed at the "hardcore" audience will own a 360 or a PS3 as well. I would suggest that they are right, especially as it will be a mature rated game.
  15. He said, imagine what bigger companies could do if they pushed the Wii. Surely that suggests he's talking about graphics? And yes... UC has much more wrong than the graphics (but i shouldnt really judge until i play it :S)
  16. Stop being childish, the Wii is underpowered compared to the other 2 consoles and RE5 is meant to be a piece of graphical excellence. Of course its not/shouldn't be on Wii. Devs and Publishers aren't pushing the graphics because they dont need to. It's been tried and tested that they can make money without having to do that so why should they change? I'm getting tired of making this arguement. And people are pushing the graphics, try reading around the forum a little: http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14030 http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10794
  17. Looks really good in motion and I'd say that the lighting effect are being worked better than RE4. Everything to do with that sword animaiton wise though is... umm.. well lets hope they improve it.
  18. It just sounded like the whole mob turned up for his execution thats all. Anyone got any ideas for who the sniper could be? Also, couldn't the green person be someone like Sprout?
  19. No that's definitely her. It's one of her defining characteristics. I've got nothing but I'm guessing that DarkSn stumbled upon the mafia boss who kicked his ass.
  20. Ahhh sorry, I keep forgetting that people aren't all from the UK here. I wasn't really being critical anyway. The signs of the zodiac are very well known here, "reading your starsign" is a common past time here where you read predictions for your sign about what is going to happen to you in the near future. Most people think that its a pile of crap but its good for a bit of fun. Each sign of the zodiac has a distinct personality to go along with it, which fits the themes in BSG very well. Also there are links between the zodiac and the greek gods (old gods from BSG) as both have a basis in astrology (or astronomy... can't remember which).
  21. Umm do you mean the Astrological_sign as in zodiac? Thought that was just common knowledge.
  22. It was organised for her to do a session, dancing in particular maybe with poi cos that bunch are amazing at poi. It was a few years ago now tho so stuff might have changed.
  23. My friends say that place is pretty good. One of them was actually on stage, so they got to really enjoy it.
  24. Ah what? I thought there was gonna be a date... bloody september...
  25. Nah not that Karen. If it was her I would have sent the "boys from da shop" to go get it back. Mark'll be my errrr... muscle?
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