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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Awesomes? Pray tell of the awesomes... expand on their reality and being.
  2. Bloody hell! You could easily shave like half of the polys of that and it would hardly look any different. Go and look up what Shading Groups are, it helps a lot with that kind of stuff.
  3. I just think that the gross over use of freak-show television is starting to melt people's brains in the same way that soaps do. Guess I'm on my own about thinking this is shit then?
  4. Does anybody remember Trisha from the comments board on the front page? I remember having right barneys with that person.
  5. Wow... I did start a shit storm didn't I? Loving this for 2 reason: firstly, i actually asked about ragdoll first and no one gave me the answer until ragdoll actually posted. Secondly, people seem to translate my messages as absolutes when they not :S . Funny stuff. Well, it was a nice interlude anyway.
  6. About the person in the photograph.... you're kinda proving my point here War.
  7. Nope, I just checked her profile cos id not seen her here before. That suggests certain things to me but hey... you all seem to be enjoying the photos.
  8. Does Ragdoll know someone on the boards? Cos the only forum activity that she really has is to post pictures of herself. Seems like she's getting the reaction she hoped for:hmm:
  9. Jamba

    Wii Fit

    Thanks for the article LL, quite interesting actually.
  10. Just pounded Ridley! Although, not the same feeling as killing him in MP original, this was good. I felt that everything about him was far more true to Ridley the character as well, especially the way he moved. He was far more like a dog with wings in MP but here he was his fully pterodactyl/gargoyle -ish self. Fucking hate the bit when he flies around though, can't seem to help getting bashed by his missles.
  11. Really? I'm staying well away from the N series now. They almost put me off Nokia all together in fact.
  12. Ahhh ok... yeah season 3 is a bit blurry for me so yeah it probably is in there somewhere. See, told you I was missing something!
  13. Really? That wasn't the impression I got. I thought that those chips just stop them having any kind of reasoning process because they said that it stopped any kind of higher brain function. The reason they reacted was because they hadn't had the ability to react to the way that they were being used and the raiders mistreated.
  14. They can't tell one cylon model from another? Not from what I've been watching. They seem to be discussing the diferences in the models all the time and they can identify individuals within a model line, like Boomer and Caprica. I'm blatantly missing what you're saying though right?
  15. I can't believe how poor this show is. I haven't seen something for a long time that says "This is how cool and sexy young folk are and should be" so hard since Hollyoaks fist started. Almost all of them are shallow, retarded, attention seeking, spoilt little bastards. Everyone makes a massive deal about everything or just act like petulant children. But my flatmate did show me about the 3rd island and it made me think that the show is potentially changing from being a freakshow into actually educating the retarded.
  16. You've seen ep4 already? Am confused...
  17. Happy St. Georges Day all! As far as I know, there aren't any traditions surrounding the day but I think that we should make some. Suggestions anyone? Also, it's happy birthday to me Mum.
  18. I'm the same. And yes... what is this for?
  19. There's a scorpion in my pants... staying still... Now on 3, you hit it with that bat ok? Right. 1... 2... 3!
  20. Don't be so quick to jump the gun. That post was actually made as a responnse to the Austrian National Service system. Go and read what the other people have written, you don't have to be part of the armed forces but you do have to serve the country in some way.
  21. Thats actually more likely to be your employers fault not the tax office. Oh and yes, students do get taxed on their income but not on their interest in their bank.
  22. I'm with Moogle and I mix it up with a bit of what Iun said. I don't feel any distrust towards anyone really because I just don't see the world in those terms. Everyone has their own priorities and agendas and I don't mean that in a sinister way. I'm level with anyone I meet for the first time and I have a very high standard of giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. I'm not naive (gotta learn to spell that word sometime ) but I just don't see the point in distrusting anyone. People are actually very simple creatures and 99.9% of the time, people do things for a reason or as a result of circumstances. I trust that fact and my intuition and then I don't have to think about trusting people.
  23. Over a tax year, you pay tax on any money you earn over the level stated in your tax code. They make it "blah blah" a month to spread it out so you dont end up paying it all in one bit. Now if you get an extra job, those payslips need to be added together and to be frank, you're most likely to get overcharged and they will tell you to claim it back at the end of the year.
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