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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Problem is that the ambulance will probably not take him, although I don't think that the paramedics will hate you for trying. Does he just not understand that Jaundice is a very clear indicator if his liver failing and that will quickly lead to death? Or (god i don't really want to suggest this...) has he just given up?
  2. The Wii calculates 2 signals from the Wii mote (one for each side of the sensor bar) and that is used to calculat the "closeness" of the pointer and the angle when you twist it (a function that works very well). That's my problem though. I don't want to have to play a game and have to be thinking about moving the controller just right. I wouldn't mind so much if that was meant to be part of the gameplay and you could overcome it with skill but its blatantly not. It actually got worse, the more MP3 i played!
  3. Just shout at him Dante. You can hurt his feelings as much as you want because if stays like that, he'll be dead without help. No liver = no life. Seriously dude, don't let being stubborn cost him.
  4. Now, we all love the Wii and I can safely say that the Wiimote works pretty well in most situations. However does anyone else think that the depth perception for the pointer is rubbish? Any time this control method is used for a game, I instantly cringe, waiting for the imminent event of it hampering my playing experience. For me this has happened endlessly in Red Steel and caused serious problems in Trauma Centre and most recently, it has started to be the only thing bad about MP3. I mean cmon, I love this game but I have had genuine trouble getting through doors because of those fucking pump lock handles. Anyone else share my annoyance?
  5. You could say that Nintendo stole the idea fro XBLA, I don't see anyone getting out their pitch forks for that. Why do you seem to think that there should be some code of conduct within the industry? They are battling for market supremacy and there is no legal reason why MS can't license that tech themselves. It's all above board and MS don't owe Nintendo anything. You like Nintendo a lot and appreciate their efforts to change things but you can't expect them to do that and someone else not build on that foundation. This is how the gaming industry evolves. Someone comes up with a new idea, then someone else kind of steals it and does it better and then someone after them does the same.
  6. Yeah obviously and Eeenuh too but that gets us no where atm. Also he hasn't been posting much of anything useful for ages. If we have another day like this one tomorrow then I'm just gonna start killing off the baggage.
  7. Yes I do and I have not problem because it's business and Nintendo know that better than anyone. What do you think that the devs will say? Intuitive device that will potentially expand our game and level designs combined with high powered graphics... it's a hard offer not to take. Lets face it, the Wiimote is nothing all that new. Nintendo's leaps and bounds have come in their attitude towards their games and their audience not the device itself. Part of me actually though "Is this remote all that you've been doing since the Gamecube's development finished?" It's a very small addition to the MS arsenal that completely invalidates any angle for the Wii to be a better machine in any way. Can you really blame MS for taking advantage of that against their main competitor?
  8. Hey dude, you're fine it the fact that we have a whole bunch of dead weight in this game that seems to be doing nothing. Players such as Maddog and Shorty hardly ever post, and people like chairdriver, Vicar and The fish hardly ever have anything to say when they infrequently do. I don't have any info and I VERY rarely get any, so I just try and work stuff out.
  9. Oh come on. The 360 pad is THE diffinitive gaming pad so you can't really bash them for sticking to that. Also its not like they stuck to it, they just weren't ready to invest in a risky proposition like motion control. For them the 360 needed to be a guaranteed success and they have done well with it. What they have actually done is let Nintendo test the water and make a half decent device and then they can just hi-jack all of that experience and gameplay design either this gen or next. Smart business tactics if you ask me. Let Nintendo struggle getting the idea to the fore-front and then cash in on their efforts. The consumer doesn't care.
  10. Put it this way mate, he's him and you're you so you should try to figure out what's going on because you've got about a 90% chance of expecting something that's not the case. If he acts like a dick about it then he will if he doesn't then thats good. Either way you shouldn't worry about it. If you put it in perspective, it's a very insignificant worry which you're blowing out of proportion.
  11. Rez where are the pics of YOU dude?! And did the missus go aswell?
  12. Ah this is a shame yeah I agree with Rez, it seems quite a selfish thing to do.
  13. Am I the only one who thinks that Haggis is thinking about this too hard? Stop worrying and just let stuff happen.
  14. Cmon... this day has taken long enough already. I want info tomorrow or I'm totally gonna lose my enthusiasm. I suggest that we just start picking off the people who aren't contributing (over half of the players i'd say).
  15. Wow.... just got a whole bunch of Sonic tracks and it has taken up a section of my day that it shouldn't have but I don't CARE!!!! *rocks out*
  16. Yeah, screw this. The day is taking far too long and we have jack all to go on. Vote: Mr-Paul
  17. Nintendo can't patent the device but they can patent the tech inside it. I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft have managed to make a better Wiimote with different technology. Anyway, Nintendo licensed most of that tech from other people so who's saying that MS can't do the same?
  18. It's Mr-Paul according to the info from L and from deduction about the first night/second day (seriously do you guys not read the thread, I've been going on about this for ages!). He's the best bet so far but I wonder why L is wary about lynching him.
  19. I just remembered this clip from Dead Ringers, it had me in stitches when I first saw it and its still a fantastic bit of parody:
  20. Eh? Wolf? No... that's not what it means. Lupin III is a character from the Castle of Cagliostro. He's the one on the right and the hero of the film. That wouldn't make Dyson a killer.
  21. I see your logic but on that night, TC was at the radio show. I'm completely confused now cos if Dom had been lying then this screws up things bad.
  22. Oh dear, Dom and Ell are Itchy and Scratchy aren't they?
  23. I'd go with this Flink. She is plainly just fucking you around and the more you respond to it emotionally the worse it will get each time and you'll end up blowing your top over something tiny. On top of this she will think that you're being "weird" and be put off even more. Show her that you want her but you don't need her.
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