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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. I think that the only thing that she has done is to illustrate how easy it is to do this kind of thing to yourself. Can you imagine going back in time just 10 years and asking a normal person if they think that they could actually get sperm donars with ease and then abort the pregnancy every month? They'd think that you were mental. Personally, I think what she is doing is insane. I'm not sure that I'd classify it as art, especially as I'm not in a hurry to see it. But she is greivously hurting herself by doing this and I just find matyrdom art a big pile of cock. I think that she could explore the subject matter without needing to go to such lengths. To me it just suggests that she's a bit of a shit artist really.
  2. Maiky your kids are awesome! I totally see what you mean about your daughter though, she definitely has your grin And Coolness, I'm jealous!
  3. I love the Maple track by the way, not sure if its so great as far as a well designed etc but visually it's just gorgeous. Really dont like the Mushroom cave thing... too much potential to go wrong and no way of coming back before the end of the lap. Computer is guaranteed to screw you over a treat.
  4. Thanks for the game guys, sorry about the rant before I shouldn't expect so much of everyone I think. Enjoy the game... *dies*
  5. Fucking hell why? I bet they are going to bolt it together and make them midnight racing gang in cars not even bikes and the whole film will end up being Fast & Furious 15. Seriously, people should leave that shit alone.
  6. I think the rating system is based on a few things. I know that one of them is definitely your times. It might be that by itself entirely actually.
  7. Maybe they are testing you for promotion Jordan. Never refuse an opportunity to let your talents shine at work.
  8. Where you mix being awake with being asleep. You will be lying in your bed unable to move due to the neuro chemicals that your body floods itself with during the night stop you moving in your sleep. Your eyes will be open and you will see the room that you are in but your brain is still sorting information and will start to over lay some of that into what you percieve to be seeing. The result is a holucination that is combined with partial or total paralysis. Notice how most alien abduction stories sound similar to this scenario, cant move, seeing scary shit etc? Well thats because they are all the thing that i've just described.
  9. That's not what I understand lucid dreaming to but ahhh well.
  10. Lots of the old tracks have been given new features that fit in with the new game. I think covering all of them would be wise.
  11. Jamba

    Wii Fit

    Anyone seen this yet? http://www.videogaming247.com/2008/04/16/wii-fit-sells-out-in-the-uk/ I really didn't think that it would sell this quickly. Good on Nintendo
  12. Pretty much well my sentiments. It's not that there's no games coming, it's just that we don't know about any of them yet. Nintendo need to let people know so they don't get ready to spend their money on games not on their platform. And Pedro, if I hadn't had been such a little Nintendo fan back at the beginning of the GCN then I would have got a PS2. I think that I would have only felt genuinely anoyed about missing 6 games or so. That's not really that many...
  13. You've gone through the the thread and picked on everyone's point but you've missed the one main thing that many people have been saying. Guns are too easily missused, intentionally or otherwise. The killing of a person with a firearm can be done in the heat of the moment and far too easily and it's entirely in the nature of a gun to require no effort at all and be a flinch-response weapon. Almost every person who would get a gun in the scenario that you are suggesting wouldn't be trust worthy. You are putting the potential to kill in the hands of idiots, because people are stupid. I don't want to own a gun, I don't want to have to. If I own a gun I am acknowledging the fact that I feel threatened and that I need to own a deadly weapon not for concept of using it but as a deterrant. Deadly weapon? Deterrant? They don't go very well together those words. Unless you're using the absurd logic that runs the US military.
  14. No of course not. Actually having to have one would make me feel worse. It fucking stupid that a bunch of tossers collate their stupid little subculture and fight of petty crap that ends up gettin many many people hurt or killed. Escalation is no answer to that kind of thing, what you need to do is to stop the poor, aspirationless and uneducated from getting hold of the facility to end people's lives. All a gun is to a gang member is a replacement for their cock, they just want to wave it around so every knows that they mean business. Sad pathetic fucking people.
  15. Her's are OK but the guy is attrocious! He needs to learn how to stop sounding like a cheap 80s porn movie script.
  16. Fancy telling us about this flood then? We have had a good beginning to the year I think but now its all a bit.... ummm yeah. Guess there's Wiiware. And don't call LazyBoy an idiot, he's stating his opinion. You make yourself a hypocrite by declaring the Wii to have a better line up than the 360/ps3 as that is your opinion.
  17. Just a little note, there's a comprehensive list being constructed on the Online board. Could people please head that way if they want to play other people on the boards. Don't know if it has been mentioned yet but relatively few people are on the list so, yeah.
  18. It's explicit. The only thing that would happen is that Haggis would get banned. Then where would get our supply of hilarious smut-talk?
  19. Damn the bikes take a bit of getting used to. Also, I'm glad that the single player is harder than DD, it's actually rewarding rather than a gentle (yet necessary) stroll through the park. Just got Rosalina's Star Bike and that thing turns like a WHALE!
  20. OK, I take everyone's points about the 360 pad but honestly for for a general pad for doing everything I find that it is very successful. Yeah the d-pad is a bit "special" but I'd have that any day over having the left analogue stick so far down as the PS one. I guess you can look at either way really. I wasn't thinking that it was so much a strategy of Microsofts to let Nintendo test the market more of the fact that the testing has now been done and our survey says that the public like motion control.
  21. Cheers Josh, they are class and far funnier than I was expecting. You just keep asking yourself "why would you ever type that?!"
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