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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Introduced into America? Am I the only one who thinks this is a bit weird. Guns have been in the States every since westerners landed there. They had them for a very long time before they even became their own country. Guns being in the hands of civilians is both a product of the 2nd amendment and of a history of American folk hunting and feeding themselves off the land. It's all based on keeping their hands on what is "rightfully theirs" and guns have always been seen as the ultimate way of declaring that to someone in that country. But why are we talking about the US anyway? This is a European forum, lets talk about guns in Europe. Gun crime in the UK is out of control atm. There's so many guns floating around North London that it actually got me pretty worried at times. The Government are blatantly not taking enough precautions to stop them getting imported facilitating gang warfare. It sucks balls.
  2. Wasn't it you who had I guy you were seeing and sleeping with him was gonna be the first time for you? Am I mixing people up? I really thought it was you...
  3. Bluey is actually Harry Potter, she even occasionally itches that scar which make me laugh. Can't count how many times I've said "...you're a woman Harry!" :p
  4. Meant the Snes one. 2 player was ok but it always ended up being one player behind the other so it wasn't so much the battle mode that you got on the N64, more an electronic form of kiss-chase.
  5. That's such an "if I can get it" phrase :p
  6. Im just a bit worried about this stupid new balloons system. I really enjoyed it when you had to be precious about it. That set up really forced some good game techniques out of me and my bro. Oh no you didn't! N64 battle was so damn good plus you didnt have to get a multitap to be able to play 4 player. 4 (or more) player block fort is still my favourite by far although the map designs in SMK were pretty genius.
  7. Hehe.... my day has been ok. Been working really hard on uni stuff and had a day of just recouping and sorting a few things out. Gonna sell my entire DC collection tomorrow but i need the money. It's all Pedros fault for suggesting that I should sell ToS (insert shameless plug to the tradesboard *cough*) but I guess it will get me the money that I need for all of these expensive things that I want to be doing. Silly, going to Japan :/
  8. Guys have they really screwed Battle mode as much as the reports suggest?
  9. I would try and get hold of Runner mag tho. It helped my dad loads, especially with knowing lots of the little things to expect and what kind of regime you should be working up to before you actually do it.
  10. Supergrunch, does trying to rehydrate when you already have a hangover make your brain swell, making it worse? Cos plenty of times, I've got up feeling a bit dodgy and after trying to do all of the wise things to cure a hangover just in case, it always gets much worse.
  11. Thinking of trading or selling a whole bunch of stuff so maybe this will be on the cards. If I get rid off DD then I would need a replacement
  12. Yeah that's just a given, I'm just saying that I wouldn't set your goals as finishig the marathon in given time thats all.
  13. Yep, I find hangovers impossible to shift. It has lead me to thinking that my body doesnt process alcohol very well so I don't drink as much anymore. People get pissy with me when I do though because I've started to refuse to drink at anything faster than a comfortable pace, which for me is very slow. I don't drink to get hammered (apart from VERY rare occasions), I just like the taste of booze.
  14. I think that's setting your site a little high for your first one Moogle. Not trying to patronise you or anything but it is unlike any other run. You feel and experience things that you just can't possibly imagine by trying extrapolate the feeling of something shorter. Seriously, finishing it and running all the way is bar far a mammoth achievement in it's own right.
  15. Do you know anyone who has run a marathon before? If you don't then I seriously suggest you find one or hit the Runners World website.
  16. What kind of distances are you running at the moment?
  17. Well this is a multiplayer game with online and a very sociable one at that. It has vastly more potential play time than galaxy and honestly, i think that some people were put off by the gravity at a glance.
  18. Jamba

    Rock Band

    I wish that the gaming community and the games sellers would boycot this game. This price inflation is fucking rediculous.
  19. You see, I always feel inspired but never enough to change my life enough to make it a proper change. I exercise like people who diet. I do it for stints occasionally and then I fold. But then again, I think that my personality is more of the problem there. Kudo though Charlie, good on you for making a point to put in the effort.
  20. Jamba


    Ha. Not really. A lot of us just refused to get hyped about a game that constantly fails to see a release date. They tried to get people hyped to early and have massively failed to actually show anything off yet. Most people just ignore the cries of "And don't forget Sadness!" that Nibris regularly chuck at us.
  21. Just Mark and Dave really cos I tend to come in when it's relatively quiet. Mark went as Aquaman?! (ROFL... his outfit is orange.... ORANGE!)
  22. Ah sorry, again, it's the way you write it! I just misunderstand Well here is my response: The did invent the phrase "I'd hit that!" for a reason
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