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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. This is gonna sound weird but does Ashley have a slight "Jonathan Ross" type speach impediment?
  2. What? I don't understand! You have a job and a girlfriend yet you manage to do all this? Do you not SLEEP or are you indeed what we have all suspected for many years... ... a Timelord!?
  3. Well my sister runs this place: http://veritasse.co.uk/Meller-gallery.html So there are potentials out there but you miiiight need to get off Shetland first
  4. Would have to be Vet Medicine. I hope that you don't like your social life because to do well, you are going to have give it up, especially once the course starts.
  5. Only thing that I can say that I'd really love from Nintendo right now would be a new 2D Metroid on the DS. Preferably one that doesn't have an excuse of a storyline to jam it into the Metroid universe. I just want new stuff mostly.
  6. WHoooo! Count me in ym aquatic friend. Need more Mafia...
  7. I agree with you actually. The game should be about survival and I know that alternative goals make the game more interesting but "win by death" just goes to far against the grain.
  8. Well, Tellyn just won the Animafia...
  9. Well, either way, I'm not rushing to vote today. Too much sheep-voting going on for my liking and if I start voting for someone then I can't guarantee that others will examine the facts.
  10. Hope this will refresh a few memories.
  11. Oh yeah, Hellfire is isn't he... whoops, forgot. Ah well, Chairdriver all the same. Through deductions based on you being silenced during the first night and infromation from L you could very easily be the blob but then again so could Beggilax. I had reason to think that it wasn't Beggilax but looking at the evidence right now, I can't remember what it was. Maybe someone else can help me out? No, the blob had it's own personality and abilities that are very un-Shredder like.
  12. He could be Icognito or the irish Preist I guess, would certainly fit all of his sneaking around and conviction. Personally, I'm more curious about Chairdriver. He's a long time mafia player and hasn't posted much in this game at all. I'd also expect Hellfire to be more vocal.
  13. He is just another logical thinker and helps keep the game moving forward, just like you and Dom.
  14. Fair point actually, he did get mis-directed onto the Godfather at the beginning didnt he. Where's Mundi when we need him...
  15. Well, it's Mr-Paul, fairly obviously... it can't be anyone else now cos we lynched Coolness, our only other option. But as I said before, will lynching a neutral really help us at this point? Personally, I wanna find Mr. Hairy. He's the nasty card left in the pack.
  16. I would say the same. Alucard works for human only because he has to and as long as it serves his own interest. When the status quo changes, so does his alleigance. For gods sake, is there really no more info? Come on someone... Eenuh? Anything?
  17. My sentiments exactly, especially as I feel responsible. This is getting really annoying. I'm sure that there is a lot of information floating around now, its day 5 for god's sake! People are holding cards too close and we are just stewing the pot. I'm gonna sit on my heels until someone gives me something good to chew on. (Note to Jonnas, you need to edit the stuff about last night. You've said Day 4 instead of Day 5)
  18. That's exactly what I thought. We both came up with good ideas for his win condition from the information about his character and he has likely picked the one that is a lie. Dom can you give us some clues as to who you think he is?
  19. The group thing seems to be completely made up Shino. I don't know anything more than anyone else unfortunately but I have just realised one thing. Don't kill Tellyn. I would bet money on the fact that that's his win condition.
  20. As sneaky and cunning as it was Tellyn, I've never thought of mind games as a way of proving someone trustworthy, quite the opposite in fact. I'm quite curious about some people who don't seem to post very often yet I know are regular forum go-ers. But yes, with such little info going on it's all just speculation really.
  21. Hey kids! Looks like I stirred up some trouble by leaving myself logged on while I went to the shops :p Well, I think that we've deduced who the blob is now (after the poor departure of the loveable Coolness Bears) but most importantly should we act on that info? We have the potential to start hunting down mafia and although killing neutrals will stop them winning, it condenses the pool, making targets easier for both mafia and townie. And forget that message that Tellyn got. There's likely to be VERY little that we can do about it unless we come across some evidence so there's no point in panicking. And yes... I have no info.
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