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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Yes and now that the system is the same price, practically, they will go buy that. Casuals care even less about the gaming industry politics so why would they care? Yeah, ok the Wiimote is burnt into everyone's brains (especially the casual) but they won't see a 360 version of it being anything more than a successor.
  2. Not sure what to think of this title now. But if they are going to put the same amount of effort in as they did for SA1 then it actually has a chance of not being a complete pile of cock.
  3. But this is my point. Just do it and people will catch on in a very natural way that won't put you on the spot, like you would be if you told someone. Just be yourself and act the way you want to, that is the best way of telling your friends who you really are 100% Ouch. You think of it as a problem? That's a little unhealthy. Or are you trying to say that you can share that experience and knowledge with people? Straight people feel that way too though, you're not really any different to anyone who like two people.
  4. Will try that one but I'm not sure that I can do it to the point where the bar is looking directly at me. Do you understand that I'm more complaining about the fact that we shouldn't have to think about this kind of stuff so much, that it should just work?
  5. Ok that's good to hear, sorry if I was being a bit mean btw I think I just misunderstood what you meant by the way your were saying it (you see if you'd told me that in real life, I would have got it straight away. Damn typing and the intermenets!) But I still don't see why you need to tell even your closest friends. Do you really think that somehow they will know you better? Sorry if I'm hammering this point across I just genuinely don't understand your motivations.
  6. If you read my first post clearly, you would see that my main complaint is the depth perception with the remote, I actually find the twisting thing completely fine. You talk about it as if I'm just waggling and hoping for it to work. I'm fine with having to make sure that I wave the remote in the right rythmn or twist it gently but I'm fucked if I have to do it at the right pitch as well, especially as there is NOTHING to infer that I should be doing so. Please stay on topic of the depth perception though beacause this is my real complaint.
  7. You do know that you don't have to tell people right? This is what I don't get about people who aren't straight, most of them get irritated by the fact that everyone makes a big deal about them being gay or bi but to be honest they are the people who start it. You shouldn't feel that you have to tell your friends cos as you have already said, you're Josh and that is just part of who you are. By telling your friends, you are trying to redefine who you are to them or you would just let it be and not care. Being Bi, you're in the perfect position to not tell anyone and let your actions speak for you. I understand that obviously telling people helps you accept yourself but seriously, feeling the need to tell people that you're Bi is one step away from the doing my most detested modern faux-pas; introducing yourself like this (literally): Hi I'm Josh and I'm Bi.
  8. Ah no, sounds like there's too much shooting! Not having a gun made you feel so exposed and it really made the combat more visceral and immersive. Bad ju ju
  9. Think of this as an LCD monitor with a really bad viewing angle. Sure, if some people sit in the right place then they can see it perfectly (like you and Hellfire), people sitting slightly off will have minor problems but the rest off us who sit at more of an angle (a few of us) will have noticeable effects. To me, that counts as a design flaw (notice that I'm not saying a production flaw). People have already said that for me to do the pushy back and forth thing for MP3 that I have to have the Wii mote level. Why? Just because I sit in a slightly different place in comparison to my monitor, shouldn't change my experience. I am having to compromise the thing that Nintendo are trying to deliver (an intuitive control system) to play the game. Suggestions of me "not doing it right" shouldn't even have to come up.
  10. I'd like to see what the unit sales per console is (rather than number of games from the top 500 that they have). That would be a lot more representative and show how Nintendo really are selling so many more units than the other systems. Just looking at the top 200 should tell you that the amount of units that either the Wii or DS sold craps all over the PS2 game unit sales. PS2 games are just taking up the bottom half of the chart.
  11. Oh cmon, it's a single player experience really. Did you get MP2 for the multiplayer?
  12. Yeah, I agree with j and Moogle on this. Hold off paying up cos it does sound like he's trying to extort you. But I would get to the bottom of the cigarette issue fairly quickly if I were you.
  13. Holy crap, Rez is that guy dressed up as Beast David O'Hara? Holy shit man we knows the same peoples...
  14. The forensics gameplay and combat have been greatly developed from the last game and there seems to be a lot more of those "waking dream" sections. It seems to get quite metaphysical infact (fighting the characters alcoholism demon?! ) but it is again sinking deep into the belly of the nasty side of human nature. Games like this and Eternal Darkness should be made more often. Plus Monolith deserve about 1 billion awards for the games that they've developed.
  15. Point well made. Underhanded tactics have never stopped the money rolling in. People care about getting the best gaming experience, not the developer, publisher or platform manufacturer's feelings. The industry constantly screws the consumer yet we still lap it up. It's our fault.
  16. Surely if the experience varies person to person then it is a Wiimote problem? I do the action that they show me on the screen and it doesn't work as well as someone else... surely that's a design floor to some extent?
  17. Is that all photo ref'd Colin? Also good to see you posting again mate. I've got some animations to put up soon.
  18. So the sequel to one of the most atmospheric games I have ever played has finally come out and I've yet to gather the money or time to play it. It got a pretty luke warm review over at Gametrailers but my flatmates have been thoroughly enjoying it. Anyone else had the pleasure?
  19. Batter them to death first? Why Demuwan, you are a man of such practicality
  20. Two player sims were fantastic. I think I still have nightmare about fighting the 2 Elvis guys. I find that animation gives a lot of life to old games as no matter how low poly the character of how badly they are textured, if they are animated well then they feel alive. OOT is the best example I think of this. But hell I go hit back on old PC FPS that I used to love and I still prefer them in many ways to modern ones. AVP2 single player and Quake multiplayer are some of the best FPS shooter experiences that I've ever had and they are ancient now. Then there's one of my favourite games for pop up and slow down. Starfox. That game is still the best of the series and game just flings sodding everything in the world at you at the same time. Fantastic game.
  21. Either your hitting on A_F (you hussy!) or you're talking about the actual girl wearing the red top underneath something dark. So you like them dazed and confused looking right? :p
  22. I think that the whole set up with your tv and the way you sit dramatically changes how this control system handles. It would explain the mixed response here. Oh and in Red Steel, it was aiming your weapons. My Wii didnt seem to think that I was pushing quite close enough to the screen all the time even when I was at arms length and practically falling out of my chair. :/
  23. True, commercialism is a fucker but then some people wanna make a lot of money. The bastards...
  24. Yeah cos even though there a lots of us who have a relatively good understanding of biology (some even an advanced knowledge like SuperG) and can give the advice that yellow skin = bad, knowing that you can come onto a forum to get platitudes from complete strangers great. And we were supporting him by agreeing with his worries (which why may have assumed on slightly). Personally I would find that more valuable than the "there, there... it's all gonna be ok" approach.
  25. Sorry, Dante, I was going to ask how you were holding up but I honestly thought supporting you in thinking that your Dad needed help was what you wanted. I'm sorry if we sound like we are being harsh. I guess that a lot of us are concerned for you and him, knowing how serious Jaundice can be.
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