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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. fdcd, just to let you know that that might be a bit late for bluey. She's in japan so it will be well into night time there.
  2. I think most of us agree with you in the fact that RE5 isn't racist and that all arguement that the games is should realy be disregarded. However, your tone in the way you write makes you sound far too aggressive and when you combine that with using the word "Blacks" (rather than "black people") does make you sound a little racist. You don't need to reply to my post cos you don't need to justify yourself. We do agree with you, you just need to learn how to say it a bit more calmly
  3. Happy Birthday Jordanerous! Have a good evening mate.
  4. As many of you have seen, I have been getting a little frustrated with our beloved gaming gods as of late. And it led me to thinking about what it is about Nintendo that attracts me to their platforms and games. I realised that my love begins in the SNES era and although I due really like some of the NES classics, 16-bit is definitely where it was at for me. Nintendo made some flourishing franchises and spectacular individual games, backed up by cracking content from the 3rd parties. Then came the N64 days and again some really, really great games from Nintendo and honourable mentions to 3rd parties (Rare in particular). Huge innovation in gameplay due to 3D and some fantastic design going around. But things started to get a bit thin on the floor with fewer games and the start of 3rd party distrust. Gamecube era: Big trouble time for the N. Practically no 3rd party interest for most of it's lifespan so they started to heavily rely on their franchises. Mario was rinced to death and the company started to really work the machine to bring out new versions of beloved series, with mixed success. Masterpieces we born in the re-invention of the Metroid series and Zelda got an impressive rendition but also half baked games (most of which had Mario in the title). With the Wii generation, Nintendo seem to again be leaning on these franchises far too much, making new franchises for the masses alone. I love the old franchises I do but now we are getting 3rd or 4th renditions of games that have not necessarily been similar or samey but after having played them collectively, leave me uninspired to play another game from that franchise. It's not that the new MK or Zelda are not individually good games, its that I've been playing many of Nintendo's series for OVER 10 years now. I'm finding very little challenge or new experiences to be had. I love you Nintendo I really do but you have changed. You have become too scared to invest heavily in new franchises and for me, your "sequel credits" have run out. Why should I play another Pokemon game, cloned from the original, when variety is rife elsewhere?
  5. Im not complaining about it potentially being a bad game. I'm sure it will be great and lots of fun. But I've played too many MK games that are so similar already. I've got better places to put my money that's all and frankly, I'm surprised more people don't.
  6. Theologically, 12 is a very significant number and pops up all over the place in human history. This is for several reasons but one of them being that it is divisible by both 3 and 4, both of which are the most common symbollic numbers. Most notably in the series, you can see the how the 12 zodiac signs make up the colonies. But the other most famous 12 in human history is that of the disciples of Jesus, which I would think is the foundation for the 12 cylon models. They are preaching the one true god. What we should be asking ourselves is: There are 13 colonies, maybe there is a 13th model? (Or will that be human-cylon hybrids?)
  7. Aha! Someone who actually might believe in my theory... Considering how pre-destined everything feels, do you recon that there's a chance that the whole thing is a cycle? Over and over again, in which the human races splits itself in half (spiritually) and then combines together again on earth?
  8. What do people think the outcome is going to be in the story in general though? Peace or complete devastation on one side?
  9. Well here is my philosophy on the whole thing. I recon that they haven't decided who they want it to be. Dramatically, it will either be Odama or Baltar. I recon that they'll keep us guessing right up until the very last minute, sending Baltar deeper into the "human hell" that he has created by lifting up Odama. Then we will be left with a Satan or God decision of who it could, which will in turn reflect entirely on what the Cylon race is really like.
  10. Men being stupid leads to men getting hurt. Women being stupid leads to men getting hurt (obviously not all the time). Great.
  11. Sounds like something out of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Classic.
  12. For shame Tellyn... for shame
  13. WipEout is a great example of a skill driven racer that gives you goose bumps just racing. WipEout Pure is a masterful incarnation and highly deserves an HD version, with features that will actually change the experience. That sounds like a good prospect to me. But to people who already own the PSP game, they might not be that bothered. I own every MK game there is, I'm not that bothered. Get it? MK:Wii is knee-jerk reaction, quick release, watered down edition (with mandatory, superficial updates) marketed at the thousands of people that have never played MK before. I'm not one of those.
  14. Ah Flink I'm sorry. I was wondering about this when you first started semi-dating her because my friend has just had a fairly similar situation happen to him. She is a woman who doesn't understand boundaries, let alone appreciate that other people have them. She will take what affection you give her because it is convenient and give practically nothing in return. She isn't committed to you but gets to enjoy the perks. I'm sorry that you had to have a friend who is like that mate. All I can suggest is that in the future, don't make the success of relationship so important you. I know it sounds heartless but people who are meant to be together will be, because they naturally fall together. If it's not working then let it go... there'll be another around the corner, you're a solid guy.
  15. Who says the online wont suck balls this time too? And what "expanded features"? Fun? Lets talk about fun shall we... how about the fact that I can still have PLENTY of fun with all of the other MK games that I own. Also the other game franchises you mentioned. Mario: The gravity, pointer, motion controls, new characters, fantastic fresh design, new major character, brilliant new power-ups and an ass load of new gameplay mechanics did make a huge difference. In SMS, FLUDD was the first example of Nintendo dropping the ball with a major franchise (pretty much well, ever) but one game of repetition you can get away with. Zelda: OoT added in a hell of a lot of features and gameplay due to the intro of 3D and the creation of the 3rd person targetting system. MM used some of these mechanics again but each of the masks added a lot of new stuff to the game, not to mention the fantastic of event based gameplay, allowing them to CRAM Termina with content and personality. Lets not forget that although graphically similar, it had entirely it's own feel and mood. WW was a very good move, graphically completely different; Link had quite a new personality, new fighting mechanics, boat was interesting, some really good dungeons but the personality of the universe just shone. Starting to get a bit repetative with the weapons already though. Then comes TP. Massively overhyped and had very little new in the way of features and personally I felt it was quite empty compared to most Zelda games. Almost all the same weapons with a few worthy mentions but the mechanics were EXACTLY the same as all of the other games. NO new puzzles and MEDIOCRE dungeons, the crux of what Zelda is about! And the wolf? Definition of 1 trick pony. I could criticise the Metroid franchise similarly but even with similar weapons they still manage to pull fresh puzzles and gorgeous environments out of the bag EVERY time. So what are you saying Shadow? That MK is stale but not as stale as all of Nintendo's other, completely stale series?
  16. I've got to say that I'm with Dwarf on this. Bikes make sod all difference really as they are almost entirely superficial and as he said, the courses don't look that great. Motion controls, cool (if nothing defining), online with 11 others (online done already on DS) but still there is nothing that actually makes it stand out. Each SMK game has had fairly large changes, handling, gameplay or aesthetic. Apart from maybe SMK:DD, which was starting to get a little on the "clone" side. The next SMK game is even worse for this! Anyone who owns another 3D SMK game (especially either DS or DD) are getting very little new at all. I'd like to see how Shadow thinks that the actual playing of this game will be very different.
  17. Watched! Very good but tbh I get a bit pissed with the lack of diplomacy. With the Cylons that they have in captivity and freely roaming aboard they should have already started to reason with them more. I know that that is what this whole season is going to be about but dammit. Anyone notice that we still don't know who 1 of the cylons is yet? Guius would be so happy if he knew...
  18. Ah thanks Shorty, muchly appreciated. I'm guessing mods (and maybe staff?) could do it when required? I'll test the water to see if we can get the game designed with input from some of the other mafia players but it isn't something im looking at doing anytime soon. Need time to work out the balancing and so on. Cheers again.
  19. I'd say be careful mate, unless you've done something like this before and you know what you're getting yourself into. I met a lass in a pub who gave me a massage before we left and I could have blatantly got a shag out of it but I was just getting lots of warning signs. But this sounds a bit better. Also she might be trying to bait you... fucking women.
  20. What dyu think concpet of running a game like that? Possible or too much hassle? Also, I'd be willing to be a guinea pig to test how the system works. As long as you can unban me, just pick a thread and ban me from it, then ill give you feedback. Make it a fairly old, low key one just to be safe.
  21. What is the "subscribe to thread" function? Also is there anyway that we can have specific threads that can only be accessed by certain users? I have an idea for a new forum game that could be based on using a similar function. Essentially, it would be two teams working on 2 different threads and essentially a variant of mafia but could be a lot faster paced. That or (based on a multiple-thread, exclusive access system) a game could be designed which works around trench warfare. Just an idea, but if that functionality is possible then please let me know.
  22. I'd love to do that. Need to graduate to getting my full bike license though soon. That would be VERY nice to have. Looking forward to the day when I can actually use my bike for real travelling which is impossible on my 125cc right now (not that I don't live the little thing). It's not fair though, I had a look at a GSX-R600 for a laugh and when I sat on it, it just felt so right. I'm a really short guy though so I can only ride japanese bikes really but I'm stopping myself wanting one of these. Must... be... strong!
  23. Keep plenty hydrated as well people. It is key in metabolising fat and keeping your water level stable will stop you seeing false results as the way you look will fluctaute as adapose tissue is can retain water.
  24. My sentiments exactly. In fact, Nintendo have in the past been the masters of continuing a series, sequel upon sequel, while still maintaining a fresh quality to them but now they have lost this skill. Most of the newest versions of their games have very little new to them (and for me that TP gets far too close to being in that category). They don't deserve my cash atm. I'd rather give it to Capcom.
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