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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. OK I think I may have some reasoning here... in America! Beggilax said that he/she was silence "last night"... in America! Which means that he was actually silenced during Day 2 so this must have happened to him on Night 1 meaning that he could be one of 3 characters... in America! So: Blob, Guy who got beaten up or the person that got kidnapped... in America! He would have said if he was kidnapped which only leaves the other 2... in America!
  2. Did you totally forget that there's a 90% chance that there's a deathnote going around?... in America!
  3. Nice Moogle, fancy just shooting him yourslef?... in America!
  4. Oh god Ell, I'm sorry... in America! Everyone, Ell is broken and can't do anything but try and kill Dom... in America! Change Vote: No Lynch... in America!
  5. NO!..in America! This is getting stupid, I just spent most of a page explaining that he's not evil... in America! In light of the fact that Ellmeister was so eager to lynch Dom (without any real proof) then I think Ellmeister is evil... in America!
  6. Ah thankyou eenuh... in America! Now can we get back to the overly lynch-happy Ellmeister?...in America!
  7. Maybe you should all look at my earlier posts... in America! I am not Bandit Keith... in America! I don't have investigator powers, I just figured out who TC is because I know the character... in America!
  8. I would say but the chances of there being a Deathnote around make things a little difficult... in America! But trust me, I know who the character is and they aren't evil... in America! If I give too much away then it might be too obvious and i don't wanna get Dom killed by that person... in America!
  9. Most of these are my favourites, especially Scewball Scramble (i found it so hard!) One of my other lost loves is Ghost House (i think that was it...) You walked around the board and you used to drop this evil looking skull down a chimney and it used to trigger loads of traps. Impressively crafted games, also had a paralysed state, where you put a little petrified mask on your character. Pure genius. I don't think enough people play scrabble though... or jigsaws for the matter. Jigsaw fucking rule!
  10. Ok so he's TC, but I really don't think that that character is evil, like REEEEEAAALLY don't think so... in America! Also I'm suspicious of Ellmeister, he just jumped the gun very quickly with very little evidence and as I'm pretty damn sure TC is ok, it would suggest that he's trying to kill non-evils... in America! Vote: Ellmeister... in America!
  11. Can you give us a bit more details Fish? Or are you worried about getting baseball batted. I mean, anything can happen... in America!
  12. Yeah, that's pretyt much my thought on the matter.
  13. Ah ok... that sounds more like it! Thanks Eenuh. Change Vote: Nintendonut
  14. Hang on Eenuh, how do you know this? You said earlier that you think it's Nintendonut because he has been viewing the thread and not saying anything but that could be any of the 4 silenced players. Do you have new information? Change Vote: No Lynch (Sorry Jonnas)
  15. Glad that the real debate has started (after about 10 comments of "I'd do Tanya Byron). Because of the position that we are in having grown up with games and being well versed in the gaming culture, we do know all of this information already. But this review publishes it as hard fact. The House of Commons has to acknowledge that the industry has taken steps to illustrate games that are appropriate and that parents are totally uninformed due to a generation gap. I like her ideas about putting warnings on the cover of the games like they do on cigarettes, I think that would have a bigger impact on parents. And to all of those people winging about it being the parents fault, Byron does call for efforts to be made to help inform parents more. This whole report was about how to solve the problem not so much about what the problem is (although that obviously has ot make up a part of it).
  16. Ahhh whoops. Missed that bit. KK, I'm for it. Vote: Nintendonut
  17. I don't get it. How does that make N-nut not the guy who got beaten up? And then there's the kidnapped person! We actually have 4 people who are effectively silence. :S
  18. Ok everyone, it has been a long time coming but the review that was funded by the Government to research violence in new media and its effect on children (along with suggested steps to help the situation) was published today. For those of you who fancy a read: http://www.dfes.gov.uk/byronreview/
  19. I like Cats but ehy are too ferral for me. I like dogs because you can communicate with them more directly. Cats are cool and all and I'm sure that being allergic to them (so not getting to hang out with them much) means that I understand them less but dogs are just more what I'd want out of a pet. But now that Sloths are on the table...
  20. Welcome Cat! Yeah I understand what you mean. Unfortunately by "speaking their language" you only make the violence more acceptable which I think is part of the problem in the first place. But yeah, I can't really argue with people that were physically bullied at school now can I? :p
  21. Really looking forward to this, its the kind of game that i got my 360 for.
  22. Yay for beards. My is longish due to laziness atm pics soon.
  23. Yes but that punitive action should be carried out by an impartial thrid party and does not necessarily require violence. What was being suggested earlier is revenge and that is never controlled. Batman Begins can probably explain the justice vs. revenge things better than I can.
  24. Something In the Way by Nirvana... good mention OG.
  25. How do you know that any other animal feels pain the way we do? We feel pain because damage to our body generates a nerve impulse to our brain. This instructs our brain to perceive pain. How do we know that that impulse causes the same thing in animals? In dogs and chimps it probably does but these are very highly developed animals. What about the animals that we actually eat? Just to note here, I am not suggesting that animals definitely don't feel pain but that there is a possibility that they don't feel it in the same way we do, maybe even not at all. Similarly I am trying to suggest that there is a chance that plants feel pain (albeit in a very different way to us) but again, this is something that you can't prove either way. I'm trying to show that the arguement isn't as simple as "but animals have feelings". But if you are like LazyBoy and you just believe that they do then I should probably stop talking. These kind of beliefs are absolute and you can't really have a discussion about them. I eat meat, totally in the understanding that it dies. I also eat plants with the same thinking in mind because it is a living thing as well. Maybe the reason why I'm talking so much here is because to be a vegetarian, you have to discriminate. You have to say that it is more ok to eat one thing than another and to me that just seems wrong. Plants have just as much right to life as animals, maybe even more so.
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