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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Eeenuh is silenced. Problem is though that we don't really have any hard evidence to suggest which one is which do we? But then on second thoughts, that might keep them safe.
  2. Ah good point. Btw, what makes you think that Fish was there? The castle is starting to seem a little crowded
  3. Wow... sounds like the online has actually been done really well. Shame some people seem to be struggling with the wheel.
  4. I wasn't there... for the second time. And Dyson seems to be Lupin from Castle of Cagliostra (miyazaki movie) and that would make him a good guy. Who said that it's not the owner of the castle who killed her?
  5. Threats aren't very necessary. We're all completely confused by this castle business and on top of that, don't make threats that you can't carry out without help.
  6. Well, thinking about castles, there are only a few animations that I can link with them particularly. Castle of Cagliostro and Howl's Moving Castle. Also why does it seem like only a handful of us are really playing this game?
  7. I'm confused... I shouldn't have even been in the castle, I didn't do anything to go there Love how everyone is targetting me, ain't I popular! Dyson are you by any chance Lupin III from Castle of Cagliostro?
  8. Yeah, again eenuh is silenced. She's still looking at the thread.
  9. Ah ok. Now I'm confused... is it 4 including the owner or not?
  10. Yeah, I'm not the kind of person who's afraid of say kicking people out when they are going mental. If you had boothes and rooms then it wouldn't be hard ot keep track of who is playing where. I'd need to bolt the controller to the wall though, which would be a damn shame. Registration in the cafe would be a good idea though too. (Can totally see me and Bluey doing this :p)
  11. Dom I wasn't there. You must think that I'm someone else.
  12. Ah ok... didn't think that a driver's license would be so easy to fake I see the gaming cafe as a real community kind of thing that can cater for lots of different types of experiences. I'd have a seperate room or time for big multiplayer sessions so that people can quitely sit and enjoy a quick, quiet game or say for the older folks, then can enjoy the coffee and maybe get some interest out of simply watching.
  13. Sorry about my last post. Completely mis-read the Kero Show section. So 2 people apart from you guys and I'm guessing that includes the owner right? I just saw Ine on here, I'm guessing that she's silenced. If you're not girl, post away.
  14. Thanks for the ideas guys. Yeah the gaming cafe is a great idea, would love to do something like that but I don't have the resources to invest and will likely never have until I pay off the debts. I think that the console renting idea could work on a relatively local scale. I would think that renting a console for say 2 weeks, then you could definitely charge around £20 maybe even a little more (thinking PS3 and 360). That would come with one game free and any extra accessories or games would be additional. Practically, I don't think that delivery would be an option and also as far as theft and damage go, there would likely be a deposit of some kind as well as registration of details (so they can't hide!)
  15. Dom, was the castle Maase's? And can you give any info on who was there? I'd suggest that people who were there should speak up, you might help us pin down who the killer was.
  16. Now I don't know about you but sometimes, I wish that I could just give some of the other consoles a try. There are a few games here and there that I'd just love to take a shot at (Uncharted *drooool*) but I don't have many friends that would let me play on their consoles. Same goes for handhelds too. So would you think that a business that rents consoles (and games) could actually be profitable?
  17. Envy envy envy.... I was seriously thinking about getting the 600 but tbh I can't really afford to have anything but a second hand bike with a reasonable premium. Wanna take my test this summer, could be expensive though :/
  18. Most people call that breaking someone's trust Practical jokes are fun and all but far too many cheap out go for the bigger joke rather than the better joke (one that takes time, thinking and skill) and end up going over board doing something stupid. Like Volcom for instance.
  19. Oh is that how we do it in Belgium? :p To be honest, as long as you have half a brain, you can get lots of fairly ok jobs that would tide you over. Where are you going to Uni? You are going to do illustration right?
  20. Oh crap, this was a surprise. Shame you can't really see anything from the scans. I agree with you Pedro, where the hell is that FF game that you had in the works?!
  21. I emailed Atlus about publishing games in Europe and I being kind of angry at them. They replied by basically telling me that they don't publish in Europe, they leave it to NoE If that's the case with this then you can guess how long it's gonna take.
  22. Well guys, ask Bluey, she might just do a good importing service for you all. She never misses an opportunity to hit Akiba
  23. Hmmm... looks really interesting this. Design is indeed very nice and I'd like to see it in action (for real not just vids). But I must agree with Maiky, can't we start getting games that couldn't be done on PS2 please...
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