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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Same here. And as nintendo like being so tight fisted when it comes to letting 3rd parties do anything then the likelyhood of us getting some really good online games anytime soon is worryingly bad. All that we are going to get is AC and even that will be sparesely better than the DS one.
  2. Jamba

    Wii FPS

    Ahhh BIGTAC! I forgot about him. Bless... that felt like a long time ago. Oh wait. It was.
  3. But we need ot keep this on the front page I'm looking forward to finally playing in my first game soon. Come on Jonnas, I'm trusting you to be nice and evil :p
  4. I'm of the Pay-it-Forward philosophy but in the little things way. I don't mind being the one who starts the wave but I would like to think that in some way I can make some of those little steps that get people to feel like then can ask for help from each other.
  5. Ahhh Dan, that's definitely my favourite line too. He's so lame but so awesome all at the same time. Fantastic.
  6. Do I even need to quote one of your favourite catchphrases Rez?
  7. Don't worry matey, I thought so too. All of the other pics that Nightwolf posted of herself before suggested the same. But hey, we was robbed... er I mean wrong.
  8. Should, yeah... I really don't like Nintendo form a business point of view though now. Ever since I found out about publlishing games for the DS I can't fathom why anyone does any business with them at all half of the time.
  9. Haha... Jay you should so cosplay as Nero. Be so easy.... you can pull of being all wingy and stuff right?
  10. Cheers for the comments guys, muchly apreatiated! I should be going over to Tokyo in Dec though so it should be cool. Summer is definitely going to be the hardest though, cos I'll have far too much time on my hands.
  11. Sorry, maybe I should be more specific. It's good for WiiWare if Nintendo will let you do it. From what I have been told you need to go to them with a finished game if you want to have a chance. So small devs with very little resources to risk and no previous business dealings with Nintendo get cut out. I seem to remember him telling me about something about Nintendo still be very tight lipped about the process as well, making it impossible for him to make any kind of costings at all but that I might be wrong about. Sorry the "it isn't worth it" comment was more aimed at Microsoft. Person I know is one of the creators of 3rd Dimension Creations, he's one of my tutors. They do collaboration stuff with people like Blitz but they are only 2 years old and are building from the gorund up so they haven't really got the wears to pull out a really big project yet.
  12. Well developers I know think it's a pile of crap. And they're pissed. From the horses mouth not the internet.
  13. Wow, Rok. I didn't think that they still did Cabbage Patch Dolls! :p
  14. I don't really understand what you are suggesting because you have typed horribly there Dazzy but in short, nobody has a sodding clue about WiiWare yet because Nintendo are being bastards about it. Microsoft have just hiked the price of getting a game onto XBLA as well so tbh, there's no realy benefit in making anything for any DLC service atm, as far as I know.
  15. Haha! After today, are you sure you wanna be making bets like that? It's one thing to get whoop-assed by a girl but think about it man. YOUR FACE?! :shakehead
  16. Doesn't everyone love how Nintendo have told everyone to go fuck themselves until E3? Watched the Gametrailers interview with Reggie and he was just an asshole. "Nope. Nope. Nope. Wait until E3... we'll be at E3..."
  17. All we need is Black Fox here and we could have our own N-E Lylat wars. By the size of his mits I think that Dan Dare should be Andross. Dunno why but something makes me wanna turn Coolnees into Slippy...
  18. Hehe... he's also trying to change the subject and bulk up the posts so Wolf won't see what he's said :p
  19. Recently seen Be Kind Rewind and liked it. Not a groundbreaking movie but it had lots of charm. Unfortunately you do get to see far too much in the trailer but there is a lot of stuff about community and spirit that make the movie. Probably a bit overly fuzzy. 6/10
  20. Wouldn't it just makes sense for them to just employ like 5 guys to sell all of it on eBay? They really are fucking stupid, especially as Retro was one of reasons Gamestation was founded on. I'd suggest that all of you start going to your local CEX and Chips stores now.
  21. Jamba is a sad Panda... but only a little one. Seeing Bluey off at the platform yesterday was really hard. I phoned a little bit after she left to inform her that I had finally been affected by her going away only to get rudely cut-off just when I was getting a bit upset! Damn networks! Anyway, I'm good now. I'm glad that she's going cos she needs to do this. Just bear with us for the next month or so cos we migh both be a little off.
  22. Interesting points in here and I agree with a people like Aimless and J7 (you guys quite often share my views funily enough) and I can also understand a lot of peoples views. On the subject of American patriotism: I think that it is frequently blind and personally I find it very uncomfortable. In contrast however, I went to NY 1 month after 9/11 for the NY Marathon (my Dad was running not me) and was really amazed at how humble and subtley patriotic they were. You know that advert that shows a black out in NY? It was more like that. But lets not get ahead of ourselves, NY has a very twisted sense of herritage and patriotism (American Irish for eg.) but it also a much more comsmopolitan area. Other states from what I know are a stark contrast. On British patriotism: I agree that this is much more subtle than the American form, which is great. We are not so much patriotic but confident in our identity and so don't need to shout about it. This also contrasts wonderfully with what someone was saying about Australia. We do have major problems though. For me, sharing an identity such as a nationality with people requires an amount of trust and that is something that is grossely lacking in this country. This is fully understandable though because lets face it people are bastards. But it all needs to start on a small level. I like to be able to walk down the street of the town where I live and say "Morning" or "Hello" to everyone I pass by. To me, this is a very small step towards gaining common ground with the people in your local area and getting to know them, even if that just means recognising their faces. Specifically about the Queen: I feel no loyalty to her what so ever. The only facts that I know are that although she and her family spend a lot of money (a lot of it oncharities I might add) they bring more in through tourism than they spend. Personally, I find the kind of overt patriotism towards the royals very unsettling, as they are just people. Many people act as if they actually know them. And patriotism in sports? That can plain fuck off. Football - Players are overpayed (try putting that into the club's local community, patriotism works both ways). Fans frequently feel that loyalty is an excuse for discrimination, demonisation and violence towards their opposing team's fans leading to people dying. And where's the UK team? Bit hard to feel like part of the UK team isn't it? (same could be said for Rugby but due to the fact that we can make 4 pretty damn good teams is pretty amazing itself, also the only respectfully patriotic sport that I know). Athletics - This mostly refers to the Olympics. Fantastic groups of competitions which should be celebrated as the purest form of sporting competition. It will bring a lot of money into the country in 2012 but the comission are botching the job horrendously. The Olympic village will be built almost entirely on London tax payers money and once the show is over most of the facilities will be disbanded or destroyed, leaving a huge scar across London. I can almost guarantee that this area will not be put to any good use afterwards. The logo was a huge diservice to the country as a whole, we all know that. On top of this, why can't the newspapers start balancing the benefit of the games with the cost? This should be a huge opportunity for national pride but I very much doubt that it will happen. The public will get screwed and reap very little reward.
  23. I'm with Ramar... Middlesbrough gets disturbing on a Friday/Saturday night and St. Patrick's day is somehow that but worse combined with some kind of vomit inducing apocalypse that everyone seems to need to pray to. Last year, I was walking back to my house to find literally 40 people up and down my the main road in Middlesbrough pissing, throwing up or publicly groping each other. Fucking disturbed.
  24. One of these days Jordan, you're gonna make me fall off my chair laughing and make me break my neck. I will blame you! Changed my Avatar to fit the subject too.
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