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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. I have more of a motivation to hurt someone than kill them. I can't think of anyone that I would want to snuff out as it were. If they die then they can't remember how much you want to hurt them and change their ways neh?
  2. So what you're saying is that it is a bad film but you like it because it has stuff in common with your life? That's fine but I think trying to suggest that the characters in the film aren't retarded morons is stretching it a bit... I find it hard to enjoy a film that is essentially an overdeveloped fart joke anyway.
  3. Oh Vicar I'm sorry I sounded so mean... forgot that you're coming from a different country. I'd suggest going to CEX if you can find it as it has lots of Retro gaming stuff along with the place on Goodge street. They look a bit small and dingy but there's lots inside and at a good price. Almost all of the games and stuff that you find in Zavvi, HMV or GAME are probably easier and cheaper to buy off the internet anyway.
  4. Reworking the entire graphical side of the game just isn't worth the money and would damge the brand as it would look SO unbelievably cack. Also spending money on new IP adds to the value of a company. You can't tell me that making ZnW wasn't a good investment. Spending the SAME amount of money on an original title would be a much better option.
  5. Try looking ON Oxford Street There's a GAME,2 HMVs, sodding massive Virgin Megastore (ok... sorry Zavvi). Off OS: On Rathbone Place you have CEX, which is brilliant and there is another shop (can't remember it's name) on Goodge Street just off Tottenham Court Road.
  6. Stop fighting Oxigen, they just have a different opinion to you that comes from different life experiences. I haven't seen Superbad and I don't like American Pie but these guys are free to like whatever horrible films they want. But Marie should still come back :p
  7. You seriously think that Resi5 could be done on Wii? Errrm, not going to happen. At Capcom Office: Studio Head: So what we were thinking is that we could port Res5. Exec Producer: Ok, so what's that going to take? Let's talk money, time etc. here... Studio Head: Well first we'll need to totally rewrite the texturing system, drop the poly count on everything, take off most of the lighting effects, rewrite the renderer, redo all of the textures to cope with all of these changes visually and maybe a bit, or maybe a lot more. Might have to look at dropping some of the sound too. The in game cut sequences are likely to need redoing too. Exec Producer: Sounds like a big job, anything else I should know about? Studio Head: Ahhh yes of course, we'll need to implement the controll system but that's all old code already so it's in the bag. Exec Producer: So what you're telling me is that you want to rework a game to port it to the Wii, costing almost as much as it did for us to MAKE a new game for the system? A port which will lose around half of it's next gen graphical features? I'll tell you what, why don't you go make us a new IP.
  8. Maybe...maybe :p TBH though, I think that I did hype myself a bit for it so I was always going to be slightly disappointed maybe.
  9. Now y'see I didn't think that the drama worked that well in the 3rd and definitely think it didn't work in the 2nd all that well (we are talking comparatively here). I found myself not feeling that much for Jason at parts and his chemistry with the girl in Ultimatum seemed a bit poor and honestly contrived.
  10. Also you might find this a long stretch. Cheap hotel in london? Hmmmm... Also expect them to royal rape you financially in any drinking establishment. Good old London... the place where a Coke will cost you £2.
  11. So nothing for me to buy until probably June then... great.
  12. Not too fussed about this. I'd rather play MK:DS.
  13. Really? Why did you like the third so much? I preferred the first out of all of them... his gf was such a good character and I preferred the direction style of the first. I didn't feel like the 2nd and 3rd gave you enough time to really identify with the characters. Fantastic performance by Clive Owen as well. Gotta love that guy.
  14. Errr guys, how many know London at all? It's not gonna be a practical idea for you to meet up in central and try and find somewhere to go paintballing cos I pretty definite that there won't be one in central. Try and keep it simple.
  15. It's all about the oil!
  16. I thought that the whole thing was a bit of a laugh. Not really scary at all. Tell you was though: Yeah that's right, Hemel Hempstead oil refinery blowing up. Jesus, I thought that there had been a bomb raid or something. Expected to find houses on my road missing, that kind of thing.
  17. Ahhh look at little Haden's face! He's so happy to be in a field! *stops eating sugar encrusted serial*
  18. Yep definitely felt it up in Middlesbrough... (tosh Mr. BBC that's at leat 1/2 a mile more away from the epicentre than Darlington AND you got a sodding radio center there!) Seemed pretty cool to me but I had to calm Bluey down. She was almost as bad as a dog on fireworks night :p
  19. They are indeed the best tits in Christendom, however... I'm now being accused of stirring. Tis OK Haden, you're a UCL person... alumni don't die. Well not instantly.
  20. Wha-wha-wha-whaaat?! Arab, where have you been? And don't say Egypt... Ahh that's an awesome pic! Your little girl looks like shes doing an impression of the queen!
  21. *slaps Rez, HARD (and not in a good way)* I meant a cold shower for demz f00l :p
  22. Shorty is the man. Well done matey-mous.
  23. *Gets out the cold hose* Sorry boys... that would be stealing.
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