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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Errrrm... So when someone gets lynched then their identity gets revealed but if the get killed in the night then it doesnt? Or do we play it slightly differently?
  2. Errrm can we have some kind of thread about mafia games in general? I wanna find out more about them and its a bit hard to see how it all works from just the rules...
  3. I don't understand. Do you find what they are doing disgusting or that this has been published in an inflamatory way to cause a response and exposing the soldier himself? I think that it's pretty obvious that its a fake. Especially how the pup is taken out of shot and that the soldiers seem to be doing it so "on purpose" that it can't been seen as anything but silly. I would say that the troops need to be careful about making this kind of stuff though. I know that theyre bored but still.
  4. Welcome Navarre! True that's the best entrance ever here and it's made even funnier by the fact that we have quite a lot of relationshippy/unrequited (sp?) love threads. I started the reading thinking "Here we go again..."
  5. I have too many dreams (and from what I'm reading here, the travelling one is the only decent one that I would encourage out of the rest). I have the major problem of being a dreamer though. It's very handy when it comes to making motivational speeches but I find it hard to focus on the actualy getting stuff done part. I have 2 modes, the doing things mode and the thinking about it mode. I seem to be constantly stuck in the second trying to get into the first. So screw dreaming, hows about getting there people!
  6. Oh I wasn't suggesting that they should post, just that there may be a lot of people who fit into that category and are being scared off by the things that you've just mentioned.
  7. Here's your jacket, the door is that way
  8. Call them liars, to their face, in front of your whole class and ask them to show you the proof for their claims, which you can say that you know doesn't exist because every official meeting surrounding the subject has stated that all of the evidence is inconclusive. Also that is why no discreet action has been made concerning the subject. Fucking hate people like that. Brain washing, repeat-what-i-hear-on-the-news Nazis. And from a Sociology teacher? Fucking hell...
  9. I know one person for definite who does post who doesn't wanna go. Maybe I should rephrase: I would how many people who come on this forum regularly have looked at this thread and said, "Yes I could but no thankyou".
  10. I quite like the idea of the burning floatilla thing. I like the idea of quitely leaving the shore and peacefully leaving everyone behind.
  11. 100% agree. Oxigen maybe you just need to start thinking about food a little more?
  12. Hmmm... I wonder where you get to know the history of all female on male rape cases ever. Personally, I think that this thread is in fucking poor taste, I mean c'mon some of these kids were 13. If it were a list of guys then the tone would be completely different.
  13. I found that RE4 worked perfectly with the pad and the Wii-mote didnt make it better to the extent of outdoing such extensive grapical quality. In short I disagree.
  14. So how long shall I wait before i tell oxigen that im jewish?
  15. All textures (including normal maps and so on) have been made specifically with the lighting and rendering of the RE5 engine in mind. You take away the filters, atmospherics and lighting effect and all of the other mass load of things that you would lose and you're looking at a very poor edition of the game comparatively. This is what I mean by damaging the franchise (and also the Wii) because you will build a public image of a visually inferior edition.
  16. Well ST works for me but Robocop doesn't (but then again that's probably because it works off the back of most of what he did in Robocop). Haha! I'm kidding! But talking less in absolutes would be welcomed.
  17. Didn't realise that there was a difference in the model, this would have large ramafications for tecturing (super time consuming due to mapping coords). Anyway, you are most likely right, a PC version would be harder to make (not even sure why they do anyway).
  18. Really? A PC could run Resi5 quite easily I'd think. I wouldn't see the need to change any of the models or textures at all, it would be in the compiling of the data wouldn't it? Also, anyone else think that Capcom are starting to flog the franchise?
  19. I'll give you STs but Robocop?! Naaaah... it's 80s action movie testicles that tries to put across something like a 3yr olds painting. Especially the BBC edit should be destroyed: "Once, I even called him airhead"
  20. Just thought I could help decide whether it was worth getting your people to the more interesting shops. With that in mind I made you a little map: 1 - Random but great shop I can't remember the name of 2 - CEX - fantastic place! 3 - Zavvi 4 - HMV They're all very cloe to each other so...
  21. Haha! Your people? What kind of stuff are you trying to find?
  22. Yeah I guess if we are talking comparatively then thats fine for you. But "human story"? Again, stretching it. I think you can write the story in about 3 lines and not lose any detail. It's like saying that Robocop, although a brilliantly rubbish film, still at it's core is a very masterful piece of cinema.
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