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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Ok, wait a sec. A lot of what we are discussing is all very debateable due to the nature of screenshots. A lot of the effects and dynamics (both atmospheric and texturing) that you are quoting about the Wii being able to do are all good and fine until stuff starts moving and it looks like crap. Yes dynamic fog is in RE4 and it looked great but dynamic fog combined with several points of dynamic lighting i see as being very edge of the envelope for the Wii and as we have all stated, what are the chances of Tecmo actually managing that? Dont understand how you think that the frills around the collar could be that smooth. From the angle they are at they look like a folded single plane with an opacity map on it. The curves of the fold again are too smooth for it to be low poly. Also I think that you need to take a look at the poly count for the chars in Res4. Not as high as i think you remember them to be.
  2. Think that you are amazingly underestimating the 360s range. Go pick up Fight Night 3. But anyway, this thread's about the Wii...
  3. I see what you mean but I really have to disagree with what you say about picture 2. The profile of her back and the necklace, the folds and profile of the frills on her shirt, just indicators of a hi-poly model. Also think that there are too many atmospheric effects going on in pic 3 for the Wii to be able to do it. Personally I doubt these things automatically, because if they are all fmv then i wont be disappointed and if they're not then ill be very happy. Tell you what though, if they are in game then the texture artists need the highest award for texture artists in the world.
  4. From what you are all suggesting then we are looking at quite a depressing line of sequels. Mario Tennis and Animal Crossing are the only ones that will really benefit by being on the Wii compared to its predecessor. This is why I want new IP. They given us the staples, now its time to mix it up. But as DCK says, there are a lot of studios who are working on "something" we just dont know what it is yet.
  5. All FMV. That level of texture rez or poly count could not be done with the Wii. Don't know much about the series so until there's some more info or real screens then it's all matter of fact stuff.
  6. Problem is that there's a disturbing chance of these being Mario spin-off games. I'm expecting Mario Tennis and Mario Party fairly soon, certainly the latter. Can't wait until some of expos to come up.
  7. On the other hand can I just point out that bar Smash Bros, I've been very unexcited by Wii news recently. Yep No More Heores has finally come to fruition, Zak n Wiki is great, we get Master System titles (was going to happen cos Sega need the money) but apart from that very little seems to be happening. Maybe I'm just uninspired by whats on offer but when the only thread worth really looking at is the Smash Bros one then I'm a bit lacklustre. Surely something bigish must be coming right?
  8. Great I'm glad to see that this thread inspired thought provoking debate.
  9. Didn't really think of it as a problem. Was just musing over the transistion so I'll just leave it. Thanks for understanding what I'm getting at btw.
  10. Really? I would have thought that the scientific meaning came first. Only on the grounds that I've never seen the word used in any context out of the scientific before the 60s ish. Worth more investigation methinks.
  11. Is he possibly holding the terrible web cam :p Good to see ya man!
  12. Well maybe that's what I'm getting at. When/where did this other use of the word come from? Sex as a word has only been used to describe sexual acts, as we know them now, relatively recently. Just find it weird that the word started being used that way without some grosse misunderstanding (of the type of level that only a tabloid could be capable of!)
  13. its not the intercourse that i was enquiring about so much, it was the nature of how the word sexual is used and its given context. As i undesrtand it, this term would have been used a biology and genetics context and so refers to mixing of genes. But if that was the case then any sex using contaceptives wouldnt count either. So the only valid candidate would be baby making sex (or the intention of it). Hmm.... *ponders looking into the heavens*
  14. Philosophically I'd say that any game created with "no budget" in mind is destined to be crap.
  15. Not that I'm saying that the gay community shouldn't post here but I'm just interested in the technicality: Gay sex technically isnt sexual intercourse is it?
  16. whooops, late on that ones!
  17. #5: Dannyboy the dane? Provides support..... nope. got nothin'
  18. Ah ok. Was gonna ask when the deadline was. Was I not on the entries list because I hadn't submitted my 5 yet?
  19. Bah looking at the title of this thread nearly sent me into a rage. BMI is such a pile of crap. Means absolutely nothing.
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