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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Ah ok, how about a trip into the countryside? I have a very large soft spot for a particular part of South Wales called The Gower. It's got some of the best beaches in Britain and 3 Cliffs Bay was voted the most beautiful place in the country recently. It's still pretty unpopulated and the tourists dont maul the place so you can actually really enjoy yourselves. Here's a link to the website for a particular town you might like (got a good campsite) but you can find out more about the area from the site too. Also it's very near Swansea so you can go get supplies or go out for a bit if oyu fancy. http://www.the-gower.com/beaches/porteynon/porteynon.htm
  2. Absoute tosh! Don't believe a word of it *sticks fingers in ears* La La La La La!
  3. Hehe... nah i didn't. I was good You're just making me want to play more games that i dont have time for! But yeah, finish SR, its good but be warned it does end very abruptly.
  4. They pick their moments don't they? If it helps, my brother is the most arguementative person I know (cos in a convoluted way, having staunch opinions makes him feel more secure) and my sister used to be so selfish that one time she had a go at me for making intellectualy conversation, and in doing so made her feel stupid. Seriously... some times i wonder.
  5. Dammit, I've only played Sould Reaver 1... damn good game actually, eventhough it was half finished. Grrrrr... stoppit DJ!
  6. So true... can people get banned from the main page? I'm surprised he hasn't yet but I'm guessing that he makes it interesting. Damn fruit loop. And Commander SP? Ringing some kind of bell in the back of my head...
  7. Ah cools. Actually I feel the same way with the be all and end all thing. Bluey and I were talking about that a while back. Basically, your not even an individual if you go into a relationship thinking that way. It's a shame becuase there a lots of people who know it's stupid but still feel that way. I recon more so than in recent past history...
  8. Not saying that you don't take the compliment well, I was more interested as to whether you actually believed what you hear when someone tells you that they're happy to be with you. That's why i suggeted that you see it as a platitude. Seems like you simply don't care enough about anyone to be in a relationship, which is fine. Not saying that everyone should be running to the Chapel to get married or anything, was more pointing out that it's a human instinct to want companionship and affection. Where you are right now means that you're too busy to concern yourself with it, it has no room in your life. I was generalising really, sorry if it seems that I'm tarring you with an inappropriate brush.
  9. Wow, sounds like you've got enough damge on your plate for the both of us Somme! Sorry that you feel that way but if it helps I've been hurt probably more than I have been made to feel happy concerning both going out with and wanting to go out with people. But hey, human kind has found monogamy to be a sensible option in multiple isolated culture across the world. I would say there are reasons for that, as for me, it just seems like the best deal really as I like intimacy, trust and to have someone who helps you show you who you really are. I'm taking it that when someone you are with gives you a compliment, you just see it as a baseless platitude right?
  10. Ah I was going to ask about that. Have they found anything out, like anything conclusive? You holding up alright?
  11. Been listening to Sahara Hotnights a Swedish girl punk band. It's a very 90s kind of thing but its a bit of fun and I'm not very "seriously" into music atm. Takes too much effort for me... that's why i have you guys!
  12. I had this on DVD and watched it with two a group of my friends. The two girl in the bunch cried so hard and so consistantly through the movie that I actually thought that i'd traumatised them. Seriously thought I'd permenantly messed them up. Love it though. Really puts into perspective the value of things in life and the beauty that can be found in adversity. Shame someone "borrowed" my DVD of it. Fuck you Karen...
  13. Gotta say that sotry lines in games are still pretty poor. Dialogue and general writing has got better with some honourable mentions but the market thrives on archetypes. This makes all things a bit difficult. Only one that I thought was particularly well written was Eternal Darkness, I've heard very good things about Call of Cthulu as well but I've only played a bit of it.
  14. I think that's a pretty fair comment. But they still need to understand that they will be part of that picture.
  15. After MK I'd quite like a quality MotoGP game... (can you hear me BlackRock Studios?)
  16. They will be available in the Bluey Shop sometime soon I would think.
  17. Haha! Dude, you should have asked one of us!
  18. I love the "fuck you" defiance of that pic! There's something strangely Jamiroquia (sp?) about it too.
  19. Sorry, the FFS was a bit OTT. But on a serious note, making models with a low poly count makes up a very large part of the reason you do anything as a modeller. Many of the techniques used in any kind are often derived for this reason and to fully understand them, you will need to bear that in mind. A poly limit is something that can quickly get out of control and I think DarkCloud may have said this already but everything end ups getting converted into triangles when it gets rendered. You need to be able to control that.
  20. And lol at both deaths, Flink must have fell real awkward like. And now Dom's ghost is going to haunt the game, not unlike Harribo.
  21. Wooo! Game on... Vote: No Lynch
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