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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Please can we get this day over with, it's dragging really badly and we are getting no where. Surely the night will bring some info?
  2. I'm not sure that I could top mine... Bluey and I had some plans but then she went and left to go galavanting around de world.
  3. All began here... http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=381&page=218
  4. nahhh a_f and his pics of himself are never far away. You missed the entire "naked with hats" trend... good times.
  5. M-Z where have you been? This is one of the busiest threads on the forum.
  6. Why are people changing their votes now? This makes no sense at all... both thunderer and Maase are as suspicious as each other as we know nothing atm. And why, in this game where we have very little info, are we threatening to vote off people who don't participate as much? Surely someone being irritating is just as good a reason?
  7. Yep, see your point and I thought that I'd edited my earlier post when I blatantly hadn't! And cheers for the info about MK, I didn't know about that and hadn't noticed it while playing online myself.
  8. Pot calling kettle-black me-thinks? I'm sorry if I challenge your opinions or views but all I'm trying to do is compare our opinions on the same playing field instead of having a discussion that last ages and result in finding out nothing. I'm trying to ask you about your views on storylines as purely stories, not as the way they are presented, or in parts by looking at the characters individually and the like. Insulting me by claiming that I'm on my "high horse" is just a pathetic expression of your frustration about this conversation and so I'm just going to ignore it. If it's not and you actually have a problem with me then you don't have to reply to what I'm saying. I can have a decent discussion with Pedro, shame I can't with you.
  9. teppo holmqvist? or something like that? EDIT: Just checked his profile, no activity since last Christmas.
  10. Screw it. Maase you keep talking and talking and the more you do, the less I trust you. We have no info really (until we find out about chairdriver) and we need to lynch someone. Learn when to keep quiet. Vote: Maase.
  11. I'm off to bed. I'll vot for someone tomorrow but nothing for now... ...although this kinda stuff makes me want to now. Watch yourself. These kind of vague comments make you a target, you sound like some pathetic horoscope writer who's begging for people to believe them. You're the only suspicious person we have atm imo.
  12. We've got nothing else to go on. We should lynch someone though and who's to say that your not mafia? You seem awfully quick to suggest such an extreme measure as killing a townie just to check chair out.
  13. That's a rediculous idea. We have one chance a day to kill a mafia member by voting on a complete random and you want to go kill a good guy? That's 0% chance that we'll get a mafia. Shino could be a doctor or another cop and killing him isn't going to help anybody.
  14. Ahhhhh finally, info! Yeah, that logic does carry. Sooner we get the cops under protection then the quicker we can start to root out the mafia in safety.
  15. Hehe, yeah I understand that. I've watched some recently and I find it FAR less funny than I remember it being.
  16. *Sniff* Ash didn't quote me... he hates me now doesn't he? *sob*
  17. It's sad but true. I also wonder is the daughter has that condition where you fall in love with your captor? The idea of the kids seeing their mother being abused is going to carve a very deep groove into their minds.
  18. What the almost everyone follows some kind of reasoning bit? My psychology friends tell me thats pretty much the case but I may have understood them. But even schitzophrenic people do things because their dellusions mke them think that it's the best thing to do. I spose, I'm interested in whether this guy is actually what I'd consider evil.
  19. Damn that sucks. Guess you'll just have to spend the time actually outside getting fit the old fashioned way.
  20. Everyone has a train of thought and does things for reasons either known to them or in their subconscious. Very few people's brains are broken enough for that not to be true and out of that group of people, most are quite obvious, like Alzheimers.
  21. If you can wag your finger, cluck like a mother hen and blame the state of the world on it, then it's perfectly good news for the Daily Mail. Fucking hate that newspaper.
  22. I was thinking from a "role" point of view. He can't have acted like a father towards the daughter and how would he act towards her children? Ignore them, like they were nothing, treat them as his own children? And then there's the Mum, what kind of set up fits her? She could be as damaged as the Dad and knew full well what happened, she could have been being abused as well, she could be ambivalent and not see anything wrong at all. There are so many ways that they could have related to each other (and as I said, I know its a little macabre) but I'm interested in how this aspect facilitated the situation.
  23. Just because the series is popular and the majority of people are idiots doesn't make the fact that speculation = good. The fact that the story is told again and again confuses the audience so they try and look for a way to link them together into a chain, one after the other. Maybe one of the reasons they are doing this is because they love the game very deeply but they are making speculations due to the lack or story. Well that's fine but I'm trying to seperate the story from the game and look at that alone. You're not doing that and hence why we have differing opinions (which even if you did, we would probably still have).
  24. Bet I'll end up being Lois... damn stupad womun.
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