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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Wow... still can't believe that we're info-less. Anyways.... Vote: Mcoy
  2. Hey guys, sorry been hard at uni work. I'll check over the thread quickly tomoz and then I'll see whats going on and vote and so on....
  3. Only 3D Castlevania I've played was the N64 one and I didn't think that it was that bad. Got lost in these underground tunnels and could be bothered to finish it but might dust it off over the summer. It's about time Konami gave another one of it's big franchises to the Wii I recon. Castlevania would make a lot of sense, would be especially cool if they put some kind of casting abilities in there as well. Funny though... I wouldn't think that Lego Indy would beat this to the first "Wii Whip" game!
  4. Ahh goody, the retrospectives are a fantastic project of GT. I've played the first MG for about 10 mins on... well it was not a ROM... and I got NOWHERE. Died so hard and so fast it was obscene. Just watched the Retrosp. It's pretty damn good, especially as I didn't realise that the franchise was constantly being ripped off Kojima. The "2nd" game looked like a joke. Btw, the first one is still really hard. Any tips for killing the tank at the beggining anyone?
  5. Jamba


    My first impressions of the game were that they were trying to shoot the moon, lots and lots of ideas in one pot. To me, it's a bad way to design a game as the importance of what it is trying to do usually gets confused. Their producer must be a complete n00b.
  6. Gameplay wise, this looks to be a really liberating and fun experience but I'm always suspicious that what these videos infer that you can do so much more in the game than is actually possible. I only have one criticism atm and it's about the camera movement while climbing around. I just seems a little on the clunky side and seems to detract from the immersion, a small chip in an altogether pretty perfect ming vase.
  7. Jamba


    I'm the same as Somme really. I've completely lost all hype for this game. I recon that they publicised it far too early and the delays haven't helped either. Wonder if it really will be the masterpiece that everyone hopes it to be.
  8. Happy birthday people! I hope it brings lots of Meow Mix!
  9. Hey MBAM, tis OK! I totally get that feeling when everyone in the pub or in a shop gets served before me just because I'm short. Feels so stupid when everyone else is leaning on the bar and it kind of feels like you are almost hanging off it Ya see, being small means that you have the same amount of energy, personality and general awesome in a smaller space, so you get a nice and high concentration (which usually makes us a bit mental ) We're not like everyone else, whose souls kick around kick around their insides like an empty house. I like being full to the brim with me-ness
  10. Look this is the last thing I'm going to post, because you've managed to take a reasonable question of mine and use it to half fill this thread with crap, mostly consisting of you failing to understand me. No, Hellfire, please read what I say carefully cos it's obviously difficult for you to understand by the way you're reacting (that wasn't a joke). I am asking people why they think it looks good to try and strike up a conversation about visual style and aesthetics. It's not about me needing it spelt out for me (by the way am I spelling everything out for you ok, here?) but an opportunity to get some depth out of the discussions on this board. I'm sorry that you feel that my question seems inappropriate and I can't actually believe that you've tried to have a discussion about whether it's worthy of answering. Don't like the question, then don't answer. Not hard to undestand that people like certain things at all, Hellfire, I'm interested in why because that says things about presentation and graphical representation. Just because something has a simple answer to you doesn't me it does to everyone else. And yes you have de-railed my question by over analysing it and being petty, something which you would understand if you considered what other people are trying to get out of the forums. Seriously, your actively spoiling the forums for me at the moment, which I would never do to anyone here. Stop being selfish. I don't feel like you are targetting me in anyway, the fact that you are sniping on all of my comments is just because I've been saying things that you don't agree with, which you pathologically can't help but contradict. Have fun, saying a lot of nothing dude, must be really fun : peace:
  11. Lets not forget that you don't actually make contact with anything when you get blocked. IMO a 1:1 game should never be done on the Wii, apart from maybe in the case where they make a game that's so realistic that you could actually slice your own legs/head off by accident.
  12. You see, that wasn't hard was it? You actually explained yourself, that's all I was asking for. You're the only person who's actually done it so far (and you had already made such a comment anyway... my original question wasn't actually aimed at you). Not at all. I just find it annoying when you try and de-rail me when I'm trying to start discussion going. If we just said that everything was everyone's opinion then this would be a damn dull place. If anything I'd say it was you who doesn't like me, you do seem to have a pattern for replying to almost anything I say with an inflamatory attitude.
  13. I'm pretty sure that he was referring to them having a game in which the wiimote for controlling a sword, which they had in development. Turned out to be Zelda
  14. Don't be asburd. We all know that Shenmue 3 is being held back for E3 when it will be revealed that the third part of the series will be released in the form of a cake. Yes, that's right. Cake. Video games are interactive but Sega are taking the Shenmue exeperience to the next level, baking all of that goodness into the mix. * Allergy Warning * - May contain bullshit
  15. I feel you pain Oxigen, I have to wait until Christmas. I have a funny feeling that I just might get myself "lost" in there so I can secretly live in the grounds living of food which I steal from tourists. EDIT: Damn! There attention to detail is crazy! The strawberries on the cake actually look like Totoros... that's just crazy! You're eating Totoros woman!
  16. Killer 7 unfortunately I got stuck in the carnival place cos they started sending bad guys at me which I couldn't seem to kill. I needed to use Mask de Smith to kill them apparently and after spending all of my blood moneys on getting him all his moves, still nothing seems to work. Although I did get that feeling that maybe I wasn't doing the moves quite right, there did seem to be an element of them not explaining how to do them very clearly. Gonna have to hit that again over the summer.
  17. Oh yeah obviously but there are reasons as to why you have those opinions. It wasn't a stupid question, I genuinely don't see anything to shout about in those shots at all yet the first page of this thread is full of people saying they do. They don't really say what they like about it, so I' just asking people to expand on that... What a waste of typing. Well at least maybe you can understand me now without having to make snide comments.
  18. D'oh... forgot to vote: Vote: Haggis
  19. Thats pretty worrying... the welfare system needs a serious check up and a sort out. And don't let Jaqui Smith anywhere fucking near it... she'll end up giving everyone's details away again. I don't think that I'd be against the benefit if it wasn't shit btw.
  20. But that would be a stupid thing to do if you were evil. Everyone would vote and find out that that person you condemned was good, then they'd kill you the next day for it. A pretty short-sighted strategy.
  21. But that's the problem. This is a Bare Bones Mafia. There is very little info to go on. Almost everyone in the game has no power at all so there are very few ways of getting info. This is all that we are likely to get.
  22. Yeah Haggis, it's harsh mate but they do have a point and I'm suspcious of Cube still but this is one of the quickest ways for townies to get some facts.
  23. Wooow... you sound like a really anxious person.
  24. I think that one could be really good is you just tweaked it a bit Emasher. Can you put the effect on the payer underneath Bowser? Would be a good idea to play with the levels on bowser as well because he's a bit too bright. Have a look at some images from the scans or the MP series (especially the MP3 intro menu with the xray video thing).
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