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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Already finished 2 games this summer. I'm trying to polish stuff off so that I can seel off things. I have no room to keep everything anymore and I need some moneytos. I'm waving good bye to a lot of very good games *am cry*
  2. Same life-long conundrum as everyone else. You should also stop trying, it will happen in it's own time. Facilitate meeting them rather than going after them.
  3. That's not a fair comparison to make though. You don't need to get extremely technical about how the EU works to inform people of what is in the Lisbon Treaty. The populations opinion may also have to be developed through education as well, which I don't think is a big ask considering (yes I'm going to say this again) that it's such a very important decision. People know what they want, know if they want the EU to affect the way that their own country runs. What I want to know is: why are people so scared to have referendums? If people vote something in then they will be happier and more confident in it. Surely thats a good thing.
  4. This is one of the most important decisions that any European countries have had to and probably will have to face ardount this time. It's a one off decision not the day-to-day running of the country or the long term implementation of "roadmaps" drawn up as a result of an election. I don't understand how you can suggest that the majority of people are stupid. They are totally uninformed and that is entirely the Governments fault. The democratic thing to do would be to hold an informed referrendum. I don't know particularly much at all about the Treaty itself. I find it taxing enough to get through the disturbing mess that is UK politics but I'm still horrified as to the fact that our refferendum has been taken away from us quite purposefully.
  5. Murray, Something in the Way has pretty good lyrics. Have a gander at In Utero in general some nice little bits in that but I guess its all about what you like really though isn't it? And to add to the flames, I'm anti-Courtney. On top of her horrendousness both while Cobain was alive and afterwards, she constantly fucked Dave Grohl around about the Nirvana right so they couldn't release any other stuff. Nobody heard Stacked Dead Actors then?
  6. They're organised!
  7. Love the first one. Possibly one of the best PS1 games that I've played and for the time it was sickeningly good. I haven't played the later ones but I think that as long as they try and keep some fresh game and level design in there, then it could be very good. Ninja stars with Wii-mote control ftw!
  8. Just like everything that has button bashing in it is a God of War clone. Didn't you know... Shenmue and the Dreamcast never existed! Duh!
  9. Ah MURRAY you win so hard. But yeah... go play Condemned2 then vote. That's one fucking scary ass bear. Also, not that it really backs my point up but I was thinking more of the blue Gloomy Bear (one that used to be in Bluey's sig and now belongs to moi muhaha!) which seems a lot less scary than the pink one. Dunno why. Plus, thats a rubbish real bear pick! Cmon:
  10. Well, doesn't Shino being good kind of show that chair's powers do work then? I'm confused....
  11. Jamba


    OK, I havent watched the trailer yet but I'm being completely honest when I say that I could knock those up in a week. The airship might be pushing it a bit but the rest definitely not joking at all. I still have no idea why anyone would show a game in such a state, graphically.
  12. Jamba


    Why do devs release shots so early on? If it's THIS shit (which it is) then how does it do the game any good at all? These textures don't need polish, they need a complete work-over. Some of them are 128x128 pixel tiles or less which is totally unacceptable! The modelling is worrryingly low poly (well, it shows that it's low poly which is more to the point) and the characters looks shockingly bad. I wouldn't mind if the art style put more accent on resources in certain places but that is all just rubbish looking. Like, all over bad. Need I mention, no lighting effects at all or any rendering effects by the look of it.
  13. Jamba


    Ouch... like OUCH. That's awful. I could easily make better stuff than that. I could put together better stuff than those level shots in less than a week probably. Jesus guys.... what the hell is going on?
  14. Hey Llama, good work matey. Are you going to animate this? I can see some serious problems coming up around the crotch/ass area if you are because the edge loops will hardly allow you any natural deforming. Actually looking closer, you could do with looking at all of your joints concerning this. Are you meant to be replicating this guy? I could give further crit but I just want to know that first. Most of what I will talk about though will be based on animation though.
  15. Beyond Good & Evil: Complete (as in design, rather than completed by playing) Dreamcast: Sold Kid Icarus: Hybrid American McGee's Alice (sp?): Spellbinding Suda51: Tarantino And finally, Ubisoft: Busted
  16. Woo! I see potential for nice cloth animations, looking at that character design. Might actually be more fun that watching the new trilogy
  17. Yep watch the MotoGP Dohnut. It's very different.
  18. Ohhhh Moto GP again. Keep on missing it lately but I enjoy it much more than F1. So much more viceral and you can really see things happening. People can place switch very quickly and I just find it far more exciting to watch.
  19. You've got to understand the company though. The money goes to the "artisitic visionaries" like Ancel and Ubi Montreal who want to make visually stunning games. It's totally elitist because its the little dev departments that make them a lot of their money. @Dante: I can only think of 3 good games series tha Ubi do well anymore atm. 2 of which are long established franshises. I've never undesrtood why anyone thinks that anything they will make will be any good unless it has a stupidly big budget and is being made by the entire Ubi Montreal team.
  20. Yo guys, I'm totally out of whack with this game right now cos I've had lots of work on. I'll catch-up soon I pwomissss I've probably already posted saying that once already but I have been mega busy :S Should be up to speed by sunday at the latest.
  21. Oh and you suddenly became an expert on what all kids want to play? Especially girls who don't play games at them moment because there aren't any games that interest them? It's hard to make games for people that don't play games. It's hard to design and you do need to think outside the box, just not in the way that you usually hear people talking about. And please stop making all of my comments sound absolute when they are not. You were taking the piss out of the "experts" earlier. You're just as bad.
  22. I meant that the game appeals to people from the wider audience. Sorry for the confusssssssssiaaaaahn : peace: Well you never know. This kind of stuff is new ground and I'm not going to bash it on the basis of theory alone. If people find it fun then thats cool by me.
  23. Right then why don't we have a Ubisoft sucks thread then? @Dante: Yep read that quote the first time. That can be looked at in several different ways, including him suggesting things such as that they need to be appealing to the wider audience better.
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