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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Time man! Time! I need to write a GOOD covering letter to apply for a testing job with Disney Int. and try and come up with some designs for this guys logo before I leave for work at 4:30. And I gotta eat sometime too... I'll get back to it. Promise
  2. Only read the first paragraph or so but this is a common problem with all creative industries. The games industry is just particularly bad!
  3. I've seen a flash game about a sushi restaurant that looks very similar to this. But hey if it's a budget title then I don't mind. And it's being published by Ubi and developed by Ludia so don't bash them for wanting to make money (cos that's all that publishers do). I recon I could have fun with this title, I don't know how long that fun would last but you also get a load of real recipes and have Gordon scream at you (if you get off on that sort of thing then it's definitely a plus ) so I don't want to slag it into a grave. I remember that Tetris didn't seem like it would have any lasting appeal when I first played it. But yeah, not exactly the big hitter title that we all want is it?
  4. Yeah it depends on a lot of things. But you're right, EA would be a god publisher. I wouldn't trust Ubi and that doesn't leave many other publishers in the FP race. Maybe GameCock will do their crazy wild card shit again and publish. I think that this will be the talk of the 3rd party Wii camp. I wouldn't be surprised if IGN hype it so much that it holds up against some of the Nintendo stuff. (Sidenote about Epic: Helps devs make games if the editor and general engine actually works. Working on PS3 would have been good....)
  5. Dog is she in your area? As in is she your direct competition? If not would it be so bad if she took it as a template and modified it quite a bit like martinist is suggesting?
  6. Publisher, yeah I think they would be good. I just get the feeling that they would squander the engine when it could be licensed to other devs who don't want to have to develop their own.
  7. I will good sir... but I may just steal a few That image of you just standing there dead still looking blankly at a very contrarily active, loud, attention seaking plastic manifestation in your hand just stuck in my head. *hugz for the d00dz*
  8. Related to the thing about taking compiments and the dances plant neh? *awaits pat on head with waggy tail*
  9. Hey happy birthday guys! Hope you and all of your persons, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, plural or singular all have a damn good time. Big up the NE corner for me, eh Haggis?
  10. Bought KOTOR recently, really looking forward to playing it as I never really had much time with any of the rest of the series. How does this particular one match up?
  11. It's a question of having to say that one illness/condition is more deserving of funding than the other. Personally I feel that we coming into (or are already in) an age of medicine where we are keeping people alive rather than dying. When this happens things need to be re-evaluated.
  12. Yeah, I think everyone feels that pain man. Actually, even with half decent controls supported by a good engine, I wonder if they would have done any better. Anyone willing to bet that as soon as this engine proves itself that EA will try and buy these guys lock and stock, taking the engine with them?
  13. I still feel like that lots but becuase I came to realise that it was mostly my body talking not my mind, then I could just let it go. When I get down now, I just remember that it's because I'm tired or run down, not because there's anything wrong. Chin up man, life's peachy usually.
  14. Managing the NHS is one of the hardest jobs in the world and the reason is because people rely on it veyr heavily. Why? Because it rocks the kazbaa. I must admit though, I don't know how far it should go really... we seem to spend a phenomenal amount of money on it and people seem to demand more from it which only makes the financial investment required rise and the complexity of the system increase too. I think that the foot needs to be put down somewhere but its difficult when the newest medicines are so expensive and people have been waiting for them. Where do the NHS responsibilities end?
  15. Smart guy who's always got something interesting to say. I can watch his avatar for hours and it reminds me of bluey... in a happy way.
  16. Just watched the vid. Very impressed. Really liking the camera, lovely sense of combat in the character's movements (the irridescent suit looks sexy as hell), some nice special effects in the gunfire department. Stick some atmospherics in there and that engine is one hot potato. I hope that Ubi use them as middleware because thats what Red Steel should have been like.
  17. Looking guuuuuud. Wanna see it in motion... hope they show at E3.
  18. I've felt much the same in my mid teens and I realised that it's all physical influences. Your blood sugar is usually low, you're ill or you're tired. Obviously being a bit depressed usually puts a bit more fangs on this but generally its nothing to worry about. Don't let it stress you just say: "pfffffft... silly mood, ill just chill and not let it bother me" If you start worrying about it then you'll just stress yourself out and you'll get all paranoid.
  19. I don't get lonely, I get bored! Boring people make me bored, no people makes me bored. Then I get sad or angry because I'm bored. I've just moved to the country in a place where I know no one and there's no one around here who is bothered about what I do. Still, I do ok. I'm not that bad. I just keep busy and chat to my friends online and maybe see someone I know every 2 weeks or so and I'm good!
  20. Bye Bard-face! Yes bluey, you go girlfriend! Still can't believe that you were so nice about it. Personally I would have attacked her with the business end of a claw hammer by now.
  21. Gah... haven't heard anything from the agency I've applied for my testing job through (which I'm not sure if I should be worried about) and been applying to others. Why is it that when you're not looking for a job they're everywhere (especially the particular kind that you're after) and then as soon as you start, there are NONE!? Zero, nada... finito.... Ahhhh well. Knew this was gonna be a long process anyway. They probably have to traul through a million applications per testing job anyway. Hope I can get one in at least 2 months or so or I'm gonna have to start thinking of some different options.
  22. Well that would make sense as reportedly this does involve a lot of Nintendo characters. It only makes sense that they publish it as they need the control to stop someone else wrecking their IP. LazyBoy pretty much well has my thoughts. I'm really surprised at Birdo, she looks totally horrendous and its not just the style before anyone pipes up, I can see polys everywhere. She looks UGLY as sin. The main character could be interesting but I'm getting the funny feeling that this is a bastard child of ZnW and VJ. Not optimistic about this.
  23. A lot of people seem to think that defending someone or breaking up a situation involves an aggressive response. Personally, I try and diffuse situations rather than physically defend one party. Its much harder for people to have a fight when they know that you're not on anybodies side. So stupid though, because if everyone else wasn't so damn apathetic about their own society then we wouldn't have to worry so much about going it alone to help others out. It's our joint responsibility to remind people that physical violence and bullying is totally unacceptable.
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