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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Totally agree. Gaming should not be an outlet to feed this obssessive compulsive need as I swear that it suggests to devs that the majority of ppl want that kind of element in a game. People should sit down, chill out and have fun with a game not this pseudo-olympics for people who really should be socialising.
  2. I was pleasantly surprised by the use in Paper Mario actually and was very happy about using the pointer and the controller turned sideways. Really didn't enjoy the game all that much and traded it but it just kept everything simple and functional, just like a Wii game should be I think.
  3. For once mate, I totally agree with you 100% : peace: Anyone up for real tagging using the WMP?
  4. Riddle me this... There is Pulse and there is Pure. But which one do people prefer? I have a feeling that Pure got better scores because it was the first portable Wipeout but I want to hear what ppl think!! I want to buy one soon so what shall i get?
  5. Tell me about it. I hardly give a flying toss about Zelda right now and I'm not expecting another Mario announcement for at least 2 years (for the Wii anyway). I'm more worried that Nintendo hasn't really had any new core IPs. Anyone share that thought?
  6. The control scheme was very difficult to use and made playing a real chore. I actually would have found dual analogue easier to use than this. The entire gesture system of the sword play was very unpredictable and even though I was only playing early bits, I just felt that the whole thing had no pace and that I was being hindered the entire time. My biggest gripe was the zoom. It was a required piece of gameplay control and it was painfully difficult to use most of the time that it worked which was occasional. Multiplayer was good, I really enjoyed it and it had a real Goldeneye feel to it which I had missed. Come of the multiplayer levels sucked ballz tho and the telephone idea, while good was very badly executed i thought. Whole thing needs more pace and movement and needs to get rid of the sword confrontation. It needs to be within the gameplay. Lets face it, whoever directed the game must have been high. The presentation in general was high budget, low quality. Most things that people have mentioned already.
  7. If this gets implemented then its gonna be a fucking sham just like the TV License. How are they going to appropriate the revenues? What happens to those who dont want to opt for this option? They will force anyone with a computer and an internet connection to have to pay even when its not worth the money. I can't see this scheme being anything but a decrepid pipe-dream. EDIT: And lets not forget my favourite. One fee for music, one for music, one for tv.... and SO on. It's a joke.
  8. Chance being the opporative word. So far there's still nothing that I want to buy even 3rd party wise for the lineup to xmas. Maybe Nintendo could help devs shine by not screwing them over by not informing them about major hardware developments? I personally think that that would encourage good game making. So he'd good at PR. All that means is that you're good at lying! Nintendo's offering is a sham for the core gamer and a complete contradiction to what was suggested. The reason why the guy from GT even asked him about game announcements was because Nintendo had been quiet since just after xmas. There was no new titles announced until E3 and the GT guy was basically saying "wtf?" and Reggie said "well wait til E3, that's when we are bringing it all out". From Nintendo, the Euro lineup is done. You've seen it. Whatever was at E3, that's what you're getting because we will be lucky to have all of those game before xmas here. Maybe in Feb/March we might get teased with something being released in the stated but we will be left on our asses like usual.
  9. I don't think that everyone sees it as that bad but certainly people are pissed about the line up for the next 9 months. That Gametrailers vid is EXACLTY why I am angry at them. They actually think that AC is a core game that will keep us happy.
  10. Alright, I'm looking at the Codemasters website and they have sweet FA as far as testing goes by the look of it but they do have a customer service position available. Check it: http://www.codemasters.co.uk/corporate/careers/featured-jobs/ Now, a few questions. Do you really think that speaking another language is required and at the end there is stuff about travelling over seas. How often does that sound to anyone?
  11. Only to kids in UK thats for sure. I don't think that the West is ready for sexuality satire yet.
  12. Nah that's just the being embarassed in public thing. Don't forget how many people are watching and enjoying it at home. Note: Guy who plays Hard Gay ain't gay!
  13. Seriously, where are the mods? Considering both the mix of races on this forum and the large gay population, how is this thread going to end well? It will only inspire conflict not discussion as, quite frankly, both of thos attributes are totally unacceptable in modern society. LOCK NOW PLEASE.
  14. If you're referring to Maase's ill adviced thread in Gen Chat then I totally agree. People shouldn't be mean to you for pointing out that this game is camper than morris dancers waving perfume soaked hankies at G.A.Y. But seriously man, I don't understand how you got from Hard Gay to homophobic... that's like the total opposite of what i thought! :p
  15. Yeah it's ok man. Don't think that the girls on here need compliments from people like you anyways. How did he know? Also my voice box will need to be removed to stop the whole accent thing but hey, at least I get to sound like Ned from Southpark!
  16. Refurb or 2nd hand MacBook?
  17. Power difference is vastly different than the gap between the PS2 and the GCN and that's just for starters. Also have you actually read anything about DR Wii? It's quite a different game with less zombies, less features and quite frankly mediocre graphics. Not really the same game and all they seem to have improved is the aiming and the save system. If you want a RE5 that's transposed in that way then by all means.
  18. Ooooooh.... jayseven - pachow! With this many chemicals in his system and on this little sleep jay is so paranoid that he almost has a super human ability to sense zombie location Letty - because she's hard as nails and would scare them with her battle cryyy! Rokhed - With those skills with in handbag-fu, who wouldn't! And before you ask, I wouldn't take bluey. Why would I take my girl INTO the apocalypse? Plus, bless her, her skills are more in tea making and the creations of "Go Get 'Em!" style pep-rally banners than as a combat buddy. I mean cmon... she finds bits of Zelda too scary sometimes.
  19. Shouldn't have opened my mouth
  20. I was aiming my comment more at people on these boards who have persistently and blindly been pushing the issue.
  21. Now seriously, this is someone from Capcom telling you that it's a no-go. Can we just damn well leave this alone pls?
  22. I was just about to post this. It doesn't surprise me in the slightest, it's classic Nintendo behaviour that we have seen for the past decade (only thing I can think of which they didn't do this with was Tony Hawks going online with the DS). With new feature hardware like this, they NEED to have support from the 3rd parties to be able to exploit these features. The devs feel fucked over and frankly if I was them, it would put me off making games for the Wii. Nintendo always give themselves a handful of tricks to make their games the best on their system. I had already posted that I thought this was the case before gameinformer posted anything but I think their estimate of 6-9 months is optimistic. I recon we'd be lucky if Clone Wars has it cos lets face it, who's going to back track on their development of the control scheme to get this in? If a dev has spent time and money designing and implementing the control scheme and gameplay based on that into their game, changing that is hugely costly and would have to have a REALLY major improvement. Only games that are going to use this are ones that are only starting to be dev'd now. So I'd estimate at 18 months to 2 years.
  23. Can somone who can be arsed to read it post a summary pls.
  24. Yeah that only works for like 5 year olds or younger, you know like infants. Seriously, calling Iwata -chan is very disrespectful and suggests that you look down on him like an invalid.
  25. Wow, I didn't know that he was a girl :S TBH, I understood why they did what they did at the conference from the get go and I understand that they don't want to hype or show off games to early but goddamit, nothing for the rest of 2008?! I find it a little worrying that they seem to be blissfully unaware that 3rd parties aren't going to fill the gap very well and that a lot of people don't want to buy AC or WiiSports 2. I don't really understand how they think they can deliver announcements to the core audience anymore though. Have they really just taken a "well you're all on the net all the time anyway so we can just announce it in a card board box and you'll still hear about it" stance?
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