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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. If LucasArts released their SCUMM engine games on VC with Wiimote functionality added then they would make far more money than IJ:SoK ever will. But just in case, Nathan are you SURE those are the shots for the Wii version not the PSP one?
  2. Which of you FREAKS voted for Fish n CHips? Are you cereal?! They taste like off fish even though they smell all yummy. They lure you in and then bam! Almost vomitous! Chilli n Choc were totally unremarkable. They tasted dull and not really chocolatey at all and had now punch from the chilli. Builders breakfast are a slightly modified version of bacon flavour crisps so they're out. Haven't tried Duck yet (damn flatmates!) but Bahji and Squirel are definitely the winners for me right now. Squirel has it by a nose though (LOL!)
  3. Can't figure out whether that's meant to be sarcastic! I think you'll find that a women are a lot less offended about this kind of thing than you'd think. And the women in this forum were participating in this discussion on page 1 if you hadn't noticed...
  4. True words Mr. X-C. To be honest as well, if you do get the porn star reaction then she's usually faking it.
  5. RACIST! Are you saying they'd be chocolate?!
  6. Exactly! (cries another dead player) But hey, if you guys want a do over I'm not gonna complain either, cos I wouldn't mind playing again. Hey Cube, why don't you resurrect some of us to play the other characters if killing of the non-PMers will screw the game?
  7. I can kinda see it but only in a "if i turn it upside down and look through the bottom of a jam jar" kinda way.
  8. But Obama.... seriously? That's C.R.E.E.P.Y.
  9. Haha! Letty that pic looks like it inferred that you did it with the fork! Looking good but doesn't a surface piercing there rub against your wrist bones?
  10. Well maybe that's becuae Ann Summers is using the Obama as an excuse to have a special sale on Rampant Rabbits! It's just a bit sinister and creepy 's'all. It's like they're actually trying to market it for ppl who get off on Obama... which again is creepy!
  11. Monster Hunter 3 is the only one getting me really stirred right now. Got plenty left to play on multiple systems.
  12. Jamba


    Oh with the personal attacks for me having an opinion again... sorry that I'm not on the same hype train as you, I just prefer to only get excited about a GAME not the potential of a game. Assassin's Creed wasn't the best game in the world but I'm excited to see where that IP will go because I actually got my hands on it, for instance. I'm behind games like Mirror's Edge, Portal, Madworld and Fragile. Games that are trying something a bit different, visually and gameplay wise, rather than just taping together old genre stylisms, liked fixed cameras and the dull point and click puzzles. I just have higher expectations than you guys about what I want to spend my money on. And apparently that offends a couple of you...
  13. Jamba


    Hey I'm not bashing you guys for liking it. Just cos I don't think that it's anything special doesn't mean that you guys have to get all defensive about it. And Noku sarcasm isn't exactly a good way of proving your point. I really don't think that comparing this with the Conduit is fair though. The Conduit handles well and feels tight and from what I know, that was the case from the get go. It just gets prettier each iteration. It's also potential middleware for the Wii which is good as FPSs are underexploited on the Wii. It's also a multiplayer game which has several perks from a publishers point of view (especially on the Wii). Winter by comparison is a single player game with Wiimote functionality bolted on top of the classic Survival Horror. Sorry if I'm not getting excited about that just because there's a game that might be on the Wii that doesn't share the texture quality with a PS2.
  14. Preview is up on Eurogamer and I didn't see anyone post it here and it definitely answers a few of the questions people have been asking. Good read: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/monster-hunter-3-hands-on
  15. Jamba


    Lol wtf man? Few weeks work my ass, they had a fully working engine there and that takes a lot more than a few weeks. And I said that the animation and the gameplay design looked like crap and it does so get off my back cos I said other parts of looked good. I don't wanna play a game where I'm gonna have to use the Wii remote open every single fucking draw and cupboard.
  16. Jamba


    Got cancelled for a reason. None of these types of games that Nintendo were showing off in the early days made it to market, just like HAMMER. They will stay in the can but hey, at least they could use that engine somewhere else. Lighting and texture budget was pretty good but game design looks ropey though. And you seriously think that a petition is going to get this game out of the can? When will people here realise that Nintendo only care about your money, not your opinion? Glad to see that the n-Space people responsible for animation haven't got much better....l
  17. How did the engine look though? Cos if they could modify that then at least they could use it to make some other games. It would be a matter of content and design.
  18. Looks like a damn good laugh. Really liking the Wind Waker smoke effects too. Go graphical style!
  19. Monster Hunter PSP was / is huge in Japan. Really big. For instance when Bluey was in Japan adn you saw someone holding a PSP, they were playing Monster Hunter. Don't forget that the sales figures don't take piracy into account which is rife on the PSP. Yep, publishing this game in the west would an issue but hey. They will if they will. I'm sure that if they let Nintendo publish it then they would care less about losses in Europe. They did with Phoenix Wright.
  20. Their entire business strategy is super high risk. They have made 3 games in the past 12 years (that accounts development time too). Frankly that's just scary. Now the next games they are going to be releasing are going to be the other 2 parts of the trilogy to a game which did not get recieved well. I'd say that SK have some serious peddling to do.
  21. I call bullshit. If anything the thing that SK adn F5 have in common is that they are likely to go bust too. Long and costly development times which are very high risk. These guys need to find a way to make themselves some money right now.
  22. It's an online game, which shines due to it's coop play and no one is going to be able to enjoy that much unless quite a few ppl buy it. There needs to be a bit of a hype machine built up around this to give it some momentum.
  23. Ah congrats Franklin! You guys look super happy Wanna see pictures! Oh and dude, there's gonna be a bachelor party right? RIGHT?!
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