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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Firstly I'd like to thank Louis Le Prince, eventhough he was blatantly knocked off by the American government.
  2. Jamba

    Dark Void

    I'm looking forward to this quite a lot. It's not very often that there are games around that are likely to have a different feel and I'd much rather be picking this up rather than another over rated FPS. Who's expecting to fly around like a bugget for the first hour of the game?
  3. Has someone mind-wiped the boat section from HL2 from your memory? Easily the worst bit of the game by far as it just goes on and on and on. And yeah you can get out if you want to but there's practically nothing to find apart from the areas where you HAVE to go to anyway. Grrr... wish I could talk about this game but I obviously can't.
  4. Hey guys, For those of us who actually get down to fiddling with a level editor I thought that I'd make a new thread. Feel free to post any question regarding to level design or using an editor and we can all try our best to sort it out. I'm working on learning Hammer and the general Source engine right now. Must admit that I've already come across a major problem just trying to run my first map (it''s the one from the tutorial!) During compiling I get the following error: Source has been around for a long time and the SDK Wiki is not helping. Any ideas?
  5. Let's shed this double vowel system for a while and mix things up a bit!
  6. Sure, sure but games have been more flash in the pan than any of those until recently.
  7. I think having more good examples of slow burn games is a good thing. Everything in the games industry (especially in japan) sells by the bucket load in the first month and then sells hardly at all after that. The slow burn (what Nintendo call Evergreen) games are really healthy for the industry and give it some stability which most other media markets do. Movies have the second wave (and similar to Evergreen) that is the DVD release. There is so much risk involved in selling something in a very short space of time.
  8. Ooooh Transformers: War Within omnibous is coming out soon... I've been waiting a while to read that damn comic and now I have to wait until I get paid in April. *sulks*
  9. There are 25 posts per page, so we will hit post 25000 on the last post of this page. It's all because the first page is page 1 not page 0.
  10. Well it kinda did... I mean isn't that when the guy from Top Gun died? Or was it when George Clooney left :p
  11. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest shadow... surely ppl should know by now that the control using the Wii is a make or break point of a game now?
  12. It's fine for you not to care. You stated an opinion about the project being a waste of money and therefore meaningless and I was just disagreeing with you wholeheartedly. The football was just a point of comparison on a great deal more money being spent on something far less productive.
  13. Yes, yes, of course this discovery will in no way effect or contribute to comparative genetics/anatomy, the general theories behind evolution or anything to do with behavioural genetics. Maybe they should have all become footballers so that they can be paid millions and millions of pounds to kick a ball around a piece of grass just to amuse an entire army of people insistant on superimposing the teams trials and tribulations onto their own live in an attempt to ignore their own excuses for ones. Oh wow, look I can generalise about shit I don't understand or care about too. [On topic] Interesting subject for those who are into this kind of thing. It's nice to see some new evidence in this particular area as (as far as I'm aware) there has been nothing to contribute to the several evolutionary questions surrounding it. It could point to there being several independant emergences of feathers across all dinosaurs but there being some form of feathers earlier on is far more likely. Title of the topic is misleading though. The article isn't stating that feathers were the norm, just more common than we thought before (which I'm pretty sure amount to less than 10).-
  14. I think that you're missunderstanding what I'm saying... A testers job is to find bugs with the game, actual functional and graphical problems rather than giving opinions on the quality of the game. Frequently whether a game is good or not is down to the design and implementation rather than if it is buggy. Sure there are ways that we can bug that kind of stuff but it's not a testers place to question the majority of the design or garner for large changes. For instance, say I was working on a 3rd person actiony adventure type game and the camera system was shocking because it was in the place that showed the action but made it difficult ot play the game, that would be almost impossible to bug. No matter how crap and fundementally flawed the design is, changing that would likely cause too many problems game-wide and frankly, the dev has already made the decision. That answer your question?
  15. This is the first time that I've really looked at this game and I can't say that I recon I'd put my money on the line for this one. The artwork just seems like a collection of anime cliches. I'm tired of shounen and although I haven't looked into the gameplay very much, I don't see that much holding my attention. I'm out...
  16. Get past? What do you mean? A game has to come out some time and they aren't going to go back to the drawing board with the controls if they're bad rather than broken. If a game is designed badly then an army of testers isn't going to help that. Also you'd be surprised at how much ends up in a game even though the testers find it.
  17. Minish Cap - Items with more that one use TP was almost entirely runined for me by the relatively poor design for the weapons. Sure they were varied in their shapes, size and nature but very few of them could be used in more than one way. This lead to quite a dull play mechanic. Now in MC the Wind Jar was legendary. There were loads of things that you could use this with and you didn't get told straight away, you had to investigate and experiment. Must admit that there's a long list of things that I don't want to see in the next Zelda but I'll hush up about that.
  18. Ok so you have a personal definition of what those terms mean rather than acknowledging the more widely defined definition used by publishers, marketing and retail not to mention people on this forum. You just seemed to be pissed because the terms mean one thing to you and another to someone else. These terms aren't useless because they were one of the foundations of defining the audience for the original Playstation and PS2. Understanding the audience was completely vital in their success, so stop trying to fob them off. You're far too focused on how people are saying things rather than what they actually say. No wonder you spark arguements because people just think that you're nit-picking all the time and don't really have a point or an opinion.
  19. Awwww... i was getting excited too! I thought you knew something awesome!
  20. I haven't seen it that much. If anything, i see it used by people who like games with a challenge. That's nothing to get annoyed about. If anything, getting annoyed about it jmakes it seem like you have a bit of an inferiority complex, especially when you state to be so goddamn hardcore yourself. You really shouldn't care what other people are like on here. You're not going to be able to change it.
  21. Not me... RedShell. It's on the first page, hence confusion.
  22. And already you've made it personal. Why can't you just leave it alone? Hardcore, casual, entry level, non-gamer are all terms used (yes by publishers and retailers) to describe the audience a game is marketted at. Fair enough that you don't think that games should let themselves fall easily into those pigeon holes but getting angry at people for using them for ease of expression is seems quite snobbish. The fact that people use the terms so frequently should show you that they have some use.
  23. Has no one seen how many Sega games there are on the VC? From what I can tell, Sega are supporting the VC better than Nintendo are!
  24. AH mesa sees now Ani! Cheers mate... damn this is gonna be a long list. Gonna have to find the bestest stuffs....
  25. Sorry dj but could you elaborate a bit as to what this thread is about? I've just read your post and I have no idea what you mean!
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