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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. I think that you're missing my point. It's fine for PapMario to look like cardboard cut outs but I'm not sure every sprite based game will want that; Castlevania certainly wouldn't. I'm not denying the ability to show depth with a 2D game, just that it would actually impair the illusion of 3D by making the sprites more obviously flat.
  2. Doesn't anyone see that this requires Sony to work closely with Google? I'd say this is a flat no. Although it is a reasonable suggestion as to where the PSP might go from here. Also, I don't see the next PSP being graphically inferior to the PSP. That is not going to sell to most of the people who bought the PSP, they will think it's an expensive waste.
  3. Guilty Gear Dust Strikers... In fact just chalk up any game for the DS that uses the platform title as an fucking anagram. STUPID idea.... Almost as bad as calling everything the "Super" version of the previous game when the SNES came out.
  4. Well take Pokemon for instance. I would think that if you put a z value on each of the layers then initially the game would be quite enticing and would have a very similar effect to the Virtual Boy (you know without the brain tumours). But then I can see that everything will look like flat cardboard models in the fore or background. And to me that would kill the illusion. Might as well be the original Doom. Maybe if someone could dev a nice depth of field effect.... 3DS could do that I recon.
  5. What do you guys think to about 2D parallax graphics being done on the 3DS. Do you think it would work or just make the layers seem more fake? The DS has still been a bastion of 2D games and I would hate to see those go. Maybe the 3DS graphical effects such as volumetric smoke could just be in 3D, they certainly look good in the cinema. I'd like to see what the Castlevania team would do with that.
  6. Been playing this today and yesterday. It's damn cool and the bosses are pretty good from what i've seen. The script is pretty good and they subtly put some depth into the relationships between them. There are lots of bugs to do with collision but hey it's pretty ignorable. The multiplayer is hectic as well, even more so than the demo. Player with the other 2 classes as well makes for some great dynamics. Hope to see some people online.
  7. I can't get on most of the time recently. That's with FireFox on a MAC with virgin...:-(
  8. I dunno... the first bunch (bar the crazy Beyonce bint) seem alright. Guess we'll see :-) OMG I think they just elected a munk!
  9. I'd leave it. You're about to move and leaving things on a bad note with a friend feels crap. Put it this way: if you do keep seeing her, you're really just putting getting your end away over your friendship which in my book is a wrong-un.
  10. Well even with a source, I'll take this a believe when seen. I still can't see how they can do that without the z-depth information.
  11. I hope that if that exists that it's just a tech demo. If not it would mean that AC has turned into another franchise like Pokemon, where relatively little changes but it sells well to a new generation.
  12. Upscale into 3D? Are you sure about that? I've never heard of it before and I'm not sure how a 2D image could be "faked" into 3D....
  13. Um.... I'm so glad I don't work there any more.
  14. Capcom has hopes that the 3DS is a digital distribution service as can be seen in the following GI.biz article: I don't think that it will be purely download only like the PSPGo but I think it will be halfway there. I'm very interested to see what they actually show.
  15. Apparently there won't be one... I think that they have been a bit pushed for time :-(
  16. Demo is out tomorrow (10/06/10) for X360!!!! I'm gonna gonna shoot some people right in their turbo charger
  17. Fair point. Problem with that is though that that leads to the entire section of the boards just being jammed into the two threads. Thats actually the reason why I don't/didn't go into them very often because I couldn't follow what everyone was jibbering about!
  18. Sexy new trailer for E3! Stars a tasty new Tryticon as well!
  19. What? You've gone from bad typing to typing too little!
  20. Oh that's a given Sam. I mean cmoooon... the Wave needs a game or 2 right? :wink: On a side note, are we abandoning the E3 speculation thread then?
  21. Given the state of MGM, the general conundrum about the license and more, here is my response to a possible "remake": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDnXkFVEQ0Y
  22. Haven't you learnt yet man? Having serious conversations on here where we use logic and information to try and consort with the already convinced is a massive and . And by here I mean the internet.
  23. Ah the red and black really wasn't that bad and it would give games a KILLER retro look now as well. But really... if you can find a way to play Wario Land VB, do it. Like it more than NSMB DS and I'm not exaggerating.
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