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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. I'm of the opinion that if you as a couple don't want to end up in the same metaphorical place then you're not suited for each other in the long term. I'm not saying dump your other half if they don't want the same people carrier that you do in 5 years time but you get the idea. If it's something major like who you want to be, what kind of job that you want or if you should have children and your opinions differ then one of you is going to have to compromise or you will split up. I personally don't think that that level of compromise is healthy in a long term relationship. (And by long term I mean one that's measured in years not months)
  2. Can we just rename this thread to: "There's this guy and I think he's flirting with me but I don't know if he's gay or if he's just being nice. Help I don't know what to do! *gush gush gush*"
  3. Wow.... those look, ummmm. Yeah. Nuff said.
  4. It's ok dude. I think everyone here can sympathise a bit. Stuff will look up soon, you've just got a massive vacuum in your life atm and it's hard not to concentrate on it. Try and relax and fill it with good wholesome stuff!
  5. Yeah, of course! We really enjoy each other's company so we just hang out a lot together. And you know, having someone around who you can go all googley-eyes at is fun especially when they go all googley back. I think for both of us, we can just relax, be ourselves and just enjoy it all. Contrary to popular belief, relationships are not all about sacrifice and toil.
  6. Well bluey for one but isn't Nightwolf coming?
  7. Hey it's ok But yeah, if you do want somewhere to stay then just yell. Her place feels like a hotel most of the time anyway. I can't explain to you how often we come down stairs in the morning to find a random lying on the sofa. Did i mention that I'm coming?
  8. Red coins in the sky! Time to find out where they've hidden all of those winged caps.
  9. I would recommend Hotel bluey Eenuh. I'm sure she'd love to have you stay.
  10. For some reason I'm getting a weird feeling that this is Mario... jumps a lot, waers a hat, original (DK) game was on a single screen. Am I in the ball park?
  11. Coolness I didn't realise that you were into spying on guy-on-guy action
  12. Can someone link that video again... I was trying to find it. SOOOOoooo funny.
  13. Nope Nope! N-E had a youtube account for a while that they published material through... (although I can't seem to find it now) but this wasn't from N-E. It was from people who had been banned. WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN :yay::yay: "Don't cry Haggis"
  14. Nope (is it bad that I feel the need to point out that as much as he wanted to be people are never likely to think that he/she is actually female?) Nope (you bastard!) The KNEEEE-ERRR was actually a woman... in one particular N-E themed youtube vid.
  15. Will? (I'm hoping Will... the idea of some of your other flatmates having sex is terrifying!)
  16. Nah-uh... this is gonna be fun. If you don't kill me first
  17. Ah i see... But that's FAAAAAR too clever. There was crying involved (and before Jordan starts, I'm not talking about the 1-eye kind!)
  18. *Ih-uuuurrrrn* Is this too obscure? Do ppl need clues?
  19. Gah christ! I forgot that I have to think of someone now! Who is our very own KNEEEEE crying fräulein?
  20. Shino? Guessing as his gender is Jesus...
  21. I would talk only good as I'm at the end of the food chain and I like my job
  22. Tell me there's someone here called Mr/Mrs/Miss Glad-Rags!
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