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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. I've heard about changes to RRPs for them but whether they will actually change will be up to the retailers I think.
  2. OK, so there's quite a lot of nifty information about this game that other might not have grasped yet. For instance, there is a heavy accent on multiplayer throughout as not only is there a very large multiplayer section but also single player is drop-in-drop-out co-op at all times. The title is running on Unreal so in short, getting this for the PS3 is likely to be a mistake although they may have improved the optimisation by now. Here are the more important vids (left out the story line spoiler one though!) Big Dev Interview Al the details that you need to know. Very exciting stuff :-) Multiplayer - Game Modes Multiplayer - Character classes and customisation Designing Cybertron - Meet Hasbro guy too! I'll answer a few questions from people in the thread: Trypticon - RAAAAAAR!!!!!! Really quit stupid but amazingly powerful. Very much the "Tidal Wave" of the original series but he could also transform into a city like Metroplex. He's very Zoidzilla if you were into Zoids..... Vehicle Forms From what I've seen in the trailers, the vehicles aren't really earth-type designs but are very much related to them. I mean, Devastator is a big ass tank of sorts but he's a hover tank. Essentially a vehicle with high armour and high fire power. So that would end up looking like a tank. To me all of the vehicles look quite proto-form to their respective earth vehicles and as you can see in the trailer, some of them hover just like in the first G1 episodes.
  3. I hope for some of the Virtual boy games to get a re-release somehow. There are a couple of absolute gems on that system (Wario Land particularly) and it would be nice for people to get these without... you know.... dying.
  4. Very interested to see both what the real graphical capabilities of this are and the general angle for the whole system. Are we going to see a whole new feel to games based on 3d? Hope that E3 has a very good software set for this... but then again the DS release was a bit wet.
  5. I like how they have said how fast paced the game is with the vehicle modes included... but yeah I will post the vids tomorrow. Too many things coming out near my bday heheh....
  6. All good thanks chuck! B n me are still in Ealing and I start my teacher training in September so I have to get in all my gaming now I take not much has happened in the past year ish?
  7. Oh dude and you touched the phone... MISTAKE
  8. Now personally... being someone who doesn't HAVE a Wii anymore (seriously... you can touch me) I think that this needs to be a VERY big software year for Nintendo. And not just 1st party. They need to get some major backing or they can look forward to another quiet 10 months where only the handful of 1st party games make ANY noise for the platform at all. Can't believe how much more I've been playing my other consoles at the moment and that's just because there is a wide selection of pretty good games available.
  9. *Cough* This game is coming out this MONTH everyone. I shall hype you all shortly with the nice load of media that GT has. But not right now. Anyone else getting this? LOVING the jets by the way and I'm glad that you can nail people with trucks and cars and should always be done. This looks like a good successor to Transformers PS2... the only good transformers game i've played!
  10. Played some Perfect Dark XBLA, did some tax forms to get me back the hundreds of pounds I'm owed and generally dossed around getting very VERY excited about the new Transformers game. Oh yeah and started posting on a long lost forum.... How are things people?
  11. So nobody looking forward to the announcement of a spell-casting gesture based game for Natal then? :p I'm actually very excited about what Natal and Wave (is that what its called?) but unfortunately you know that devs and pubs are not going to put the TripA budget or development into anything that isn't a hardcore title. You know.... unless it's made by Sony London or Rare
  12. Yes... of course... you saying thank you like a belligerent child makes it all better. No wonder you don't have any friends, as you happily declared to us like you deserved a medal. Note to everyone else: Don't ever let this "man" stay at your house.
  13. My pleasure! So sorry everything was really expensive. For some reason I felt really responsible when we went to get lunch and it was all stupidly high prices... Did you guys manage to find any of the places that I was talking about? I realised that I didn't write you any directions down
  14. I'm sorry man but you are the most ungrateful and miserable guest that I or Becky have ever had. Entertaining you was like bleeding a rock and I think most people expect more than single syllable answers during conversation. I mean shiiiiit.... who else here wouldn't LOVE someone who made them a bacon sandwich when staying over at their house.
  15. Nah it's an rv125 aka a Van Van.... sweet first bike. Absolutely cracking.
  16. Becky you're a fucking genius, a bitch and I loves ya
  17. Ahhh I am vehicleless for the moment However until recently I did have my little 125 run around that I'm never going to forget:
  18. But what's wrong with that? Plenty of people enjoyed the EyeToy on the PS2 but the one on the PS3 has been almost abandoned. MS are looking at using this to interact with the 360 across the board, front end and all, just to make it more accessible to non-gamers. And by advanced EyeToy, you me one with facial recognition, body tracking and voice recognition. That's some pretty heavy software just from the get go.
  19. But to me these are the last type of game that should be using it. Gears is fine how it is and I don't think that transposing it onto Natal entirely would work at all. But a possibility that most people are missing is that the voice recognition could be used in conjunction with a lot of classic style games to give commands, change weapon type or even interact with a computer. Even asking an elevator to take me to a certain floor by voice would make me shiver.
  20. Weybush Morgan's Patcher says that the Natal could be between $50 and $100. Really doesn't think that it's going to be very expansive.
  21. Oh yeah sure, my point was more that this could lead to more of an expansion compared to the PS3 motion controller which is likely to simply make more games like the Wii ones. As you said, time will tell. I'd love to play a point and click adventure with this. I can also see it having games where they don't really tell you how to do stuff, you just have to figure it out.
  22. The more I think about this the more I want it. Sony's controller seems like such a me too device and gives me no real impetus to get it as nothing new is going to come out of it. But this could really push boundaries.... Especially with Patcher from Webush Morgan claiming that it's likely to cost $50-$100. That's fracking awesome.
  23. Actually, I take back what I said Blue, she is the sword, or spirit of it or whatever. Her cape makes up the crossbar bit of the Master Sword and then there's the gem in the middle. Her neck looks fairly grip like and her head looks like the butt of the MS too. Well there goes the mystery....
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