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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Jamba


    I've missed you Aimless Good words of wisdom. I have to contest what was said above about men holding the reins of power. How do you know that that has anything to do with sexual discrimination? I think that you'll find that the natural anthropological history of the female sex looking after their children has probably more to answer to in that department.
  2. High five! I wonder though, if this was marketed right that it could exceed expectations. Graphically it is high end for the Wii but on par for video games generally. I would suggest pushing it as being a coop experience unlike anything else on the market. They really need to sell the setting. Push the epic-ness (westerners love it) and for GOD'S SAKE don't cutesey it up.
  3. Jamba


    Have to agree with Rok there.... scientific definitions of sex are just that. Scientific. They aren't personal, spiritual or anything that actual deals with what makes us human. They are simply physical (EDIT: Only genetic in some cases - Look up Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome). It has no way of encompassing how a person perceives or feels about themselves. Inelegant, draconian and not really applicable to a connversation with Rok. But yeah he is just baiting you... seriously, you don't know this by now?
  4. Jamba


    I think what you're talking about there is the Japanese tendancy for gender disassociation which comes from a long history of sexual repression. And Nintendo are the last people to really be doing this kind of thing... Square Enix hello? Anime in general hello? Not so sure about this. I'm all up for diversity. And to me, smooshing both sexes into 1 box rather than 2 doesn't seem to be much of a decent solution. It suggests that if you have someone who is a real sterotypical manly man or a womenly woman that somehow they are worse off than someone who's a bit of a grey area person. Like convergence is somehow the way forward. It's not, all you get is homogeny. Personally, I'm kind of tired of seeing people that you can't tell whether they are a boy or a girl. It's like the photographer / director / whatever is trying to be clever and somehow say something about sexes by saying nothing at all. As I said, diversity is key. Having a good spectrum of personalities and people types makes the world a better place, creates more interesting fashion (could someone pls do something about men's fashion pls?), culture, media, conversation and so on... Sure if there is genuine discrimination then that should be quelled but I really don't see much of that in the UK particularly. To me gender representation is another issue all together. If people want to use characters or celebrities as role models then they can. But few people use them in very bad ways. Again, it's all about having a diversity from which people can chose. Most people actually base their mental image of archetypes for others and themselves on actual real people. That's because that's the medium in which you meet other people... you know... in real life. So really this is only going to be a problem for the chumps that just sit at home and stay inside. They blatantly have worse problems.
  5. It's ok man.... You post quite a lot of info and it is only sales figures. It kinda gets tiring going "Yay! Nintendo aren't at the bottom of the pile anymore!"
  6. Wow, that reminds me. I wanted to go camping this summer. At least now I know where to buy bright and conspicuous tents.
  7. Me being caught by my friend with his uber camera that makes him look really good at photography.... bastard.
  8. Absolutely my feelings on the matter. Also Daft, Hamas started firing those rockets in response to Israel holding Palestinian prisoners. Firing rockets as a response to that isn't diplomatic, it was a terrorist act on civilians also. And lets not forget that rockets were fired from the north recently also, which affected civilians heavily (and I'm willing to bet that these rockets are from the same supply). If the Palestinians wanted peace then they should have voted in a non-terrorist party. Hamas are also responsible for much of the Palestinian sufferring as they have been using the countries minimal resources to buy weaponry and mistreating the public.
  9. Oh Eeeehm Geeee there was already a thread like this: http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20654&highlight=pokemon If you all want to save wasting a lot of time rewriting whats already been said/discussed then please read this. Serebii always has to sit here justifying reality to you dreamers and it gets tiring.
  10. Again cash sorts a lot of that. Both of those companies have VERY good relationship with their publisher and there's a lot of trust there. Treyarch also make more than 1 game at a time (spiderman which bought in a shit load of money) so they actually have some money. FR gambled pretty much their entire company on Haze, thinking about the level of HD in there. Combining these huge game budgets of early HD era games with the economic climate is going to see even more casualties I recon. Fuck knows how Atari are still around...
  11. I think that you learn a lot about what/who you want. I think that you gain a very unbalanced taste for what you DON'T like at first but that evens out with some perspective. You feel the need for big change so your life can get better and at first a relationship is the same thing that you have just been doing. So you're trying to get away from that.... But each person you go out with, you will fall in love with completely seperately. There's no way of explaining how that is going to feel or how that could possibly happen again but that's one of the reasons why it is so great.
  12. I'm seeing a distinct lack of a Terardrome and Mousers. Could be good. Environments are looking highly detailed yet fairly uninspiring.
  13. Wow, impressive. Bet people don't hate Ubi so much now eh?
  14. A blow for British games yes but I think that there's a lot to learn from this. I don't really think that the company has been very lucrative from the impressions that I have got. Their games ranged from pretty successful (TS1 and 2) to pretty mediocre (Haze) and all of their projects have always been very high budget. I don't see them getting a massive return on their work and it is a risky way of doing business. Also companies can go bust on bad management alone. I have been seeing this more and more from inside and it's very scary how easily stuff slides. Bad development organisation is rife in the industry and it takes companies down.
  15. That's also likely but very few companies have truly understood what Nintendo is trying to do. Look at what MS and Sony have tried to do this gen so far. MS: Fuck off avatars. They are a complete clone with none of the charm. Nothing about the service on the 360 has changed at all apart from the front end. Games are still the same so the system and the customers are still the same. Sony: Singstar = good idea but aside from that, what else is there? LBP ans that's about it. Also Home? What average person actually wants to spend their time hanging out with people in Second Life Lite? Real ppl go down the pub and talk to real fucking ppl. Both attempts are rediculous and no real effort has been made at all to reach out to those markets. Next gen I see them making better efforts but Nintendo will outpace them by far by tapping into the open market harder, faster and smarter. If anything, Nintendo's success will make them more resolute in broadening the market.
  16. I tend to agree with this. Everything is in the right place just wish they had sorted the bloody D-pad. I find that both control methods have their pros and cons and at the end of the day they just tend to give games a different feel. Unfortunately I find playing with the Wiimote more panicky but responsive, whereas dual sticks are a little less responsive but I don't feel like I have to pay attention to stop my cursor floating off the screen when I start to relax like playing the Wii. And yes, MP3 was a bit of a grind eventhough I liked it.
  17. I completely disagree. Nintendo has a completely different userbase and customer. The games developed for the other consoles go straight in to the hands of people that want them and that's why they are developed there. That's why the HD machines are high powered, because that is what their customer wants from their games. If the Wii was more powerful then WiiFit would just look prettier. I very much doubt that the game selection would be any different. It's entirely against everything that they are trying to achieve in their business model. Not going to happen. The Wii is cheap and that was part of its original appeal. Making its successor the same price as the other 2 is not an inclusive strategy as it would alienate new gamers. This would therefore cut-off the market that Nintendo actually has success withmaking it directly competing again which is something that they have been working hard to avoid. Is it really so hard for people to understand that it is likely that the market will diverge next gen not converge? If that is the case then I don't see the Wii's successor having any appeal for me.
  18. If next generation Wii2 is as (of not more) casual than the Wii, which is likely, and x720 and PS4 do reasonable implementation of motion controls then I don't see Wii2 having much appeal for me at all. So I don't see a 2 world situation occurring. I love the Nintendo franchises but honestly, I don't see myself paying for a system that isn't going to have the content that I'm after.
  19. Are you serious? Both worlds? From a developer point of view, especially western devs, if you had a choice between making an FPS on Wii2 or X720 which would you pick? I know it wouldn't be Wii2...
  20. Marmite and Branston Pickle... these are engrained into the English consciousness so heavily that they will always be full of win. Oh and one of my more favourites: Durex.
  21. Dude, I didn't hear anything about this at all! Was I away at the time? And I get the whole moving thing. Went to boarding school as well and I don't really know what "home" feels like because I haven't lived in 1 place for more than 12 months since I was 12 years old. But yeah relationships... You've all gathered that stuff went bad with bluey recently but hey... :yay: We got back togther so I'm not gonna let all:yay: :yay: : peace: : peace: : peace: you lots' grumbling get me down!: peace: : peace: : peace:
  22. Turtles had some really good arcade games. Would be awesome if this had a kind of retro arcade feel to it.
  23. I'm guessing that might have been Beggilax using his water pistol. There was a drenched mouse in one of the other write ups
  24. Yeah I'm not convinced that that thing in the write up is Jonnas. He's been described as a blob in the write up so i'm gonna need more to prove that he's bad.
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