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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Wow, this thread is messy isn't it? By page 2 we had already established that being a pedophile might actually refer to the attraction rather than the act of child molestation but it took a whole other page for people to point out that others were getting confused. Honestly, I think that the definitions need to be modified. That people need to start pointing out that being attracted to children itself isn't something that people should be demonised for but helped with. If it wasn't for the fact that children are a group of society that are easily influenced, manipulated and in some senses emotionally fragile then nobody would have a problem with people being attracted to children. That's why I find it slightly amusing when the gay or bi community get defensive about homosexuality being compared with being attracted to children. It's no different. Both are biologically unsound in the logic of that attraction but carrying out your desires as a pedophile causes harm and that's why its a no-no. I can understand why the LGB community are a bit bristly though as many people tar any kind of sexual deviation with the same brush. Just cos you don't make you a pedo etc... and I don't think that anyone on these boards is stupid enough to have that view point so please unclench.
  2. Ha, it's sad, you're not even vaguely regretting it are you? You've totally justified it to yourself and there's no going back because you stick to your reasoning like some kind of pathetic martyr. You're just as bad as those people who judge you for the way you look. They stick to their opinion and don't look outside the box. You're doing exactly the same. Not surprised that people act like they judge you. It's obvious that you try and fob it off on being transgender rather than actually addressing the fact that you're just a bit of an prick.
  3. Boo fucking hoo. I think that maybe you've run out of violins by now. Stop using what other people have done as an excuse for actions you have taken. If you're scum, your the only one who has taken the actions to do that.
  4. Sorry, say what now? The man who coesn't want to have any balls is saying that he's not a coward... sounds like a contradiction.
  5. *cough* diversion *cough* *cough* cheap shot *cough* *cough* COWARD! *cough*
  6. What was that? Inny and out bits? A silly walk? YOU'RE LYYYYIIIIIIING!
  7. Yeah that's House of the Dead cos Kuju have renamed one of their sutios to Headstrong.
  8. Why are we talking about the other games? This is being developed by Kuju, a completely different company than the previous ones Sega are just publishing. To all intense and purposes this should be another fun arcadey shooter, like Time Crisis, while delving further into the realms of taking the piss out of itself just like HotD2. It's hammy, crass and badly written and that's why it's hilarious. It's quite a different game to any of the others that anyone has been mentioning (apart from Ghost Squad maybe). I'm really looking forward to some new bosses as well. That Sloth thing from HD3 was creepy as hell. Also I want more Magician!
  9. Dude, buddy, bud, man and certain people kiddo (always girls). Any of my friends that are being particularly silly or stupad get called "Dickhead". I have a passionate hate for people calling each other mate. Its just the perfect example of someone trying to sound friendly when they really don't like you at all.
  10. Nah I don't have any stuff and I have no idea what I'm going to be assigned to. But lets face it, looking at Sega's line up, it's gonna be AWESOME. I'm surprised that they are basically becoming Kuju's publisher too. Oh hey! I'm testing so I'm down at the Chiswick office. You?
  11. Yes I did Sega's line up is looking pretty damn good atm. I don't think that I could have chosen a better company to be testing for at this point in time. But yeah, I'm gonna be one extremely smug yet VERY broke fella for about 3 months.
  12. Just realised that there's a chance I could be testing this game. Hmmm... sucks to be you guys :p
  13. Yeah, day was cool yesterday. Bluey and I were in London and spent some of the morning at speakers corner enjoying some of the sunshine, coffee and general observing of people running and looking silly. Met up with some friends and had a really nice lunch (mmmmm risotto!) and then went on to see Dark Knight at the IMAX which rocked so much balls that we had to spend most of the rest of the day chilling out at the Southbank Centre drinking and enjoying the view (highly recommended but stupidly expensive!). Oh yeah and I got a job with Sega... but you all knew that right?
  14. "The Fat Controller's not here! What are we GONNA DOOO?!"
  15. Phantom Limb by The Shins... don't know why but it reflects the spectrum of a my personality and moods but in an audio way rather than through lyrics and meaning. It has a lovely serenity to it (as does most of that album) but a passion at the same time.
  16. HA! You're not wrong my friend :p Nah, you'll see us on here a plenty, posting pics of us being super couply just so we can make a synchronised vomit fest all over Europe
  17. Days has been pretty crap, spent most of it at work getting harassed by wanker customers who decided to take that "monday feeling" out on me even tho i was helping them. Complete tossers all of them. But who damn cares because: Bluey's coming Home!!!! :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy:
  18. So each of the platform manufacturers have a very different take on how they are using their brand this generation. Sony seem to be quite intent on riding the wave that they successfully created in the Playstation and PS2 days and have been relying on brand strength to push both the PSP and the PS3. This generation they are taking the cavalier apporach of just trying to convert their PS2 users into PS3 owners, rather than taking any extra steps to pull in new people. While I can understand this ethos, personally I see them as sitting on their lorrels and that they oblivious to the fact that their brand is only going to get them so far. They think for instance that if they manage to convert their PS2 audience then they will win this gen hands down. Microsoft started off this gen with a powerful and clear idea of what their machine was about. Carrying on from the brave foundation that they made in the last gen, they were set to expand on the original idea and make it a full reality of their original ambition. But now they seem confused... they seem to be trying to do things which don't suit their brand or the platforms personality. I can understand that they are trying to bolster the platform so that it has less weaknesses but this may harm it's strengths. And let's not mention Games for Windows and the muddying of the water that that causes. Nintendo have done a brilliant job with re-imagining their brand and making their name mean something new to a whole new generation of gamers. It's a tremendous achievement but they obviously will (as they have always done) risk the chance of not being taken seriously by the PS3/360 audience, who will see the Nintendo brand as meaning "casual" (it's the new kiddy dontya know!) I think that brand is a very important part of this generation and has really helped sell many units.
  19. I wonder if the WMP will help the depth perception on the Wiimote somehow. I'd really like that because it has the possibility to be a really strong feature but tbh right now it kinda sucks balls.
  20. I was just thinking about how you control the pitch of your car in Excite Truck as well... surely thats the same thing. (P.S. More ET pls Nintendo) Yeah sure, but that just shows that it can use either IR rotation or sensor based rotation.
  21. I was going to say that some of that looked a bit DS-ey... I'm kinda interested but its still looks (gameplay wise) so similar to SC2K. Has anyone played the newer ones?
  22. Say what now? I think you need to lay off the sugar and caffeine and troll juice ok dude?
  23. Exactly what I was thinking (happy bday btw mate ) There's nothing to go down in the history books (unless conduit really blossoms which could actually happen) so it doesn't seem reasonable for Nintendo to have done it as a strategy. Frankly the "their letting the 3rd parties have a shot" arguement sounds like a poor excuse from ppl who upset by: 1) Nintendo not giving them a new game they want to play until well into 2009 2) The fact that 3rd parties still aren't fully committed to putting out quality titles in comparison to their HD efforts.
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